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Goodbye Jesus

Christians And Lack Of Credit To Talent


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One thing that's always really annoyed me about Christianity is how God gets credit for all good deeds, and man or Satan gets credit for all bad deeds. It seems most Christians believe than man has no thought or skill on his own, rather his mind and body are a war zone for good and evil, and we must try to have good win out.


I'm an artist, and I've put a lot of work into learning my skill ever since I was a young child. There was a brief period when I tried to use my art to create religious drawings and impress the people of the church. I found that when one does that you get the response of "Wow, God really gave you a precious gift. Praise the lord." or something like that. However, if I drew something "evil", it's because the devil is working through me and I need to repent... or something...


Speaking of art and religious craziness, my step father was really creeped out by cartoon eyes. My art is mostly cartoony, and he'd tell me my characters had "dead eyes"... yeah... my cartoon eyes weren't soulfull enough.... wow.

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This always is frustrating to creative people like yourself. No matter what you do as an xian, it is either a sin or God gets credit for it. That seems to me to be a calculated demoralizing factor that is a part of almost every church's dogma: You, as a human, are worthless, no matter how good or bad you are. Equally worthless.


Screw that. No one has ever gave me any real proof of God beyond beautiful sunsets and stuff like that. Any thing that can be explained by science isn't god. So, since we know Jehovah was invented by goat herders to decide on rules and power and is mostly awful --with some good philosophy to live by--, we need to be good to ourselves. Love yourself and know in your heart, you and you alone are now doing your art work. That is a freedom from xianity. Knowledge that you are alive right now and feel good about the work you do.


If you do really nice work, put your heart and soul into it, I believe it is an insult to say: 'God blessed you with talent.' No the goat herder's god did not. You practiced and worked at it until you were good, and all the credit goes to you and perhaps to the humans wo helped you trust yourself and learn how to be a artist.


Happy Trees:)



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I dont think Christians understand the gravity of their statement when they say "its all God."

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We mustn't abuse our God-given talents!

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I dont think Christians understand the gravity of their statement when they say "its all God."


Why did I just chuckle when I read this? Oh yeah....cause gravity is created by god so we don't fly off this rock. WendyDoh.gif

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Sounds like more of that "God works through people" bullshit. One of the stupidest and more dangerous beliefs due to the implications of it all.

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I agree. You can work your ass off and when you complete a major project or accomplishment, you get a "praise God" from fundy family members. My S-I-L is like this. She is educated but is not using her abilities/talents because of a conflicting set of values around what it means to be a wife. Whenever she accomplishes anything, she always says "God really helped me" and "praise God". Wendybanghead.gif

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I agree. You can work your ass off and when you complete a major project or accomplishment, you get a "praise God" from fundy family members. My S-I-L is like this. She is educated but is not using her abilities/talents because of a conflicting set of values around what it means to be a wife. Whenever she accomplishes anything, she always says "God really helped me" and "praise God". Wendybanghead.gif


Same as my sister. Struggled for 11 years to get a degree in mathematics and a dip. ed. so she could teach high school maths, all while first living with our abusive mother, getting married, and having a kid, and... She's not going to work, not even casually, because her husband says she doesn't have to. That's all good and well, but it freaks me the hell out that she's educated but lacks work experience. What if her husband leaves her? What if he dies tomorrow? What if he falls ill and is unable to work, or has an accident and is disabled and unable to work? What then? Who's going to keep up the mortgage repayments? Put food on the table? Clothe the kid?


I mean, she'd only have to be a subsitute like one day a week to keep herself relevant. I'm all for women having the choice to be working or at home and all, but, you know, a woman's got to be smart about shit, too! If you're popping out kids or have popped out kids, it's so much easier to get fucked over.

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I totally agree with this.... and to stretch it a little further, everything you do is supposed to done to the Glory of God. In my world, people could enter traditional occupations (nursing, construction, teacher) without question. But if anyone tried to do anything 'outside' the norm, it seemed like they always had to defend it by doing it 'for god'.... musicians and artists (as mentioned here) were stifled, forced to justify their chosen careers by making it about God.

Strangest example is my cousin's husband who discovered his talent in a gym... he's become a pretty good MMA fighter, but my cousin's family was really hard on him (how does fighting glorify God?) So now his personal webpage has a cross and says "Praise the Lord who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle" Psalm 144:1

I don't think he was a Christian before meeting my cousin, but I want to tell him, it's okay to just enjoy fighting and doing something you're good at. I don't get it, I don't want to do it... but be yourself! You don't need Jeebus to justify it.

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In my world, people could enter traditional occupations (nursing, construction, teacher) without question. But if anyone tried to do anything 'outside' the norm, it seemed like they always had to defend it by doing it 'for god'.... musicians and artists (as mentioned here) were stifled, forced to justify their chosen careers by making it about God.

I too have seen a stratification of education in fundagelicalism. Professions (nursing, medicine, even law) are definitely preferred (or homemaking, if you're female GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif ), but anything that makes one think too much (like sociology or women's studies) or that lacks immediate application to being a missionary (like arts in general) requires much justification.


You can't do what you actually like, that's for sure! I'm a walking testament to that! fun_84.gif

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I too have seen a stratification of education in fundagelicalism. Professions (nursing, medicine, even law) are definitely preferred (or homemaking, if you're female GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif ), but anything that makes one think too much (like sociology or women's studies) or that lacks immediate application to being a missionary (like arts in general) requires much justification.


Lol, how'd I forget housewife? I definitely let everyone down on that one! :)

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In my world, people could enter traditional occupations (nursing, construction, teacher) without question. But if anyone tried to do anything 'outside' the norm, it seemed like they always had to defend it by doing it 'for god'.... musicians and artists (as mentioned here) were stifled, forced to justify their chosen careers by making it about God.

I too have seen a stratification of education in fundagelicalism. Professions (nursing, medicine, even law) are definitely preferred (or homemaking, if you're female GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif ), but anything that makes one think too much (like sociology or women's studies) or that lacks immediate application to being a missionary (like arts in general) requires much justification.


You can't do what you actually like, that's for sure! I'm a walking testament to that! fun_84.gif


On one of the nuttier sites I went on, I was told that if I do something I like, I'm obviously not doing it for God, I'm doing it for myself, so it doesn't count. So apparently God doesn't want us to enjoy our life, he wants us to be miserable because it shows our devotion or some crap. It was theology like that which almost made me despair realizing that I could never do things fully for God because I would always have some selfish motivation (not to mention not knowing how to do things for God without God telling me). Yeah, that was extremist martyr thinking, but it does explain the self defeating mindset of Christians.


Fortunately, I now realize what a load of bull doing it "for the glory of God" is. Notice how God never speaks, it's people who speak for him (or finding some way to convince us that God is speaking to us). That's what made me realize how full of shit Christians are.

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First person to tell Me that their favourite god is the source of My musical ability gets a Habanero pepper juice-infused alto clarinet inserted up the rectum with Extreme Prejudice. Even if I have to go on Ebay to buy an alto clarinet especially for the occasion. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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Guest wester

This aspect of Christianity is pure nihilism to me.


Negation of self, negation of autonomy, with the accompanying abrogation of responsibility.

Kind of a way to infantilize and de-empower humans.


I would equate it on a certain level with the Buddhist transcendent concept of no-self. But in Christianity, it is a fully engaged person in the context of visible and active Newtonian physics who is denied access to their being through doctrine, philosophy and practice. The christian version is much more negative, dark and destructive.


For the life of me I cannot see how christians square the obvious circle of cognitive dissonance that is produced by this mental trick. My mom sends me an email ---- "Your experience and skill got you that job", but in the same breath : "prayers answered"


F&*# prayers. As if 20 years of busting my ass in the real world had nothing to do with what happens to me or how I deal with reality

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Isn't it wonderful that gawd gave him this incredible gift...lol

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A man did this.


Humans 1 - God 0.


he's squandering his god given gift on secular art. ;)

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Good topic SK. This has been something that has chapped my ass almost every day since deconverting. If everything good comes from god, what is the point of living? What's the point of trying? Why work hard for anything? God's just living my life for me. I may as well still have training wheels on my bicycle at age 33 and have my mom tuck me in every night. Do I ever get to fucking grow up and live my own life, make my own mistakes, and learn important lessons for myself??!! In terms of retarded religious concepts, this ranks right up there with Jesus being your best friend which I never fucking understood even at my own height of retardedness. Rant over.

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It's hateful that Xians credit biblegod with people's ability and hard work. "That CEO wouldn't be where he is today if Gawd hadn't given him his talent. He needs to give Gawd the glory." Because we all know god never does anything if it's not for his glory. Dang, I really despise that attitude.

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Christians say "to god be the glory" because they are expected too. I doubt a single one of them REALLY REALLY gives God the glory, they may fool themselves into thinking they do, but their just parroting whats expected.

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Guest ThereIsNoGod

They arrogantly preach a command of humility to others. Way to lead by example.


The fat, rich, arrogant cunts of the world are the ones that could do with a dose of humility. Not the poor buggers who come to church desperately seeking a salvation of some sort. That in itself takes some humility. Whats humble about standing up in front of a group of people and claiming that you personally know the Creator of the Universe, is what I'd like to know.

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They arrogantly preach a command of humility to others. Way to lead by example.


The fat, rich, arrogant cunts of the world are the ones that could do with a dose of humility. Not the poor buggers who come to church desperately seeking a salvation of some sort. That in itself takes some humility. Whats

humble about standing up in front of a group of people and claiming that

you personally know the Creator of the Universe, is what I'd like to know.


They only know Gawd Through His Grace which none of us scumbags deserves. So they're being humble by groveling.

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