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What Would You Do If You Saw Gay Parents Getting Bashed


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Yeah for Texas! The 3:30 to 4:30 section of this video is amazing. Donovan made me cry.


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"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr.

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I saw the New York one. I'm glad to see that more people came forward this time.

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Wow. That was powerful.


I think I was most surprised by the New Yorkers not standing up in defense of the family more. They're not usually known for being shy and reserved (but they do tend to take on a more "mind your own business" stance, as anyone who's ever ridden the subway could tell you).

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Wow. That was powerful.


I think I was most surprised by the New Yorkers not standing up in defense of the family more. They're not usually known for being shy and reserved (but they do tend to take on a more "mind your own business" stance, as anyone who's ever ridden the subway could tell you).


That surprised me too.

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Tell em to eat a bag o' dicks.

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That made me cry the whole way through. Even the first guy, pretty much as soon as she started, he was on his feet to defend the family.


I saw an episode of this show recently, where they had a lesbian in a wedding dress store and had the shopkeeper, upon finding out that the woman was gay, refusing to sell her the dress. The other shoppers in that store really got worked up about it, but the women who made me cry was the African American bride-to-be and her mum. They got so distressed about how the lesbian was being treated they started crying and getting up the shopkeeper, with the bride-to-be saying how there was a time when she wouldn't have been able to marry her husband-to-be, either. Those two had me bawling my eyes out.

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I doubt if I were in the situation in the video that I would have confronted the waitress directly, but I sure would have been talking to her boss in a hurry.

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I got weepy watching this video. I detest conflict and I tend to be a bit of a chicken when it comes to confrontations, but I would love to think that in the same position I would speak up for the family.

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I'd ask if they were going to finish their food.


Is that wrong?

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I'd like to think I'd be able to stand up and confront that waitress since I'm so gung-ho for gay rights and to me, even though I don't consider myself gay, it's an issue that means a lot to me for some reason.


This was really touching and it's nice to see that the south still has a little of that "southern hospitality" left. I can't say I'm surprised about New York. It's probably just the way they carry themselves about, but when I went north for a trip I generally got the impression that there are a lot of "mind your own business" douchebags up there...

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I can't say I'm surprised about New York. It's probably just the way they carry themselves about, but when I went north for a trip I generally got the impression that there are a lot of "mind your own business" douchebags up there...


...Gee, thanks! rolleyes.gif


Haha. Personally I think that kind of attitude is necessary to get by in bigger cities. With the sheer amount of people around a person would never get anything done if they didn't prioritize what's they're business and what's not. Sometimes people are just a little to liberal with that "shutting out".

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Being pansexual myself, this is something I always take personal. I'd have already dialed 911 and pushed the bitch outside for citizen's arrest. If someone tells you to stop and you keep at them, it's harassment.

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I can't say I'm surprised about New York. It's probably just the way they carry themselves about, but when I went north for a trip I generally got the impression that there are a lot of "mind your own business" douchebags up there...


...Gee, thanks! rolleyes.gif


I've only been to NY once. It was six weeks after 9-11. I did a 36 hour no sleep tour of Manhattan, jumping from cab to boat to cab, drinking Jack Daniels and smoking an entire box of cigars end to end (with two buddies doing the same thing). Everyone was amazingly nice, opening doors for us, offering us drinks, etc. We were totally shocked given what we had heard about NYers.


It was only at the very end of the 36 hours that we figured out the deal. When we first got off the Amtrak from DC at the start of the 36 hours, we bought FDNY caps from a charity booth to support the FD/911 effort. We of course proudly wore those hats the whole 36 hours. Turns out that people thought we were off duty fireman. Whoops! Once we figured it out, we removed the caps and put them in the suitcase.

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Watching that - it was beautiful - even when people don't agree, they still don't want to have cruelty to others.


Something as blatant as that, I'd be saying something. Not as directly as those wonderful young men, but I'd be one of the ones saying something to the waitress as she came up to me, or I'd be finding a manager, or stepping up finally if no one else did.

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Those Texans had a lot of guts as well as integrity.


I don't have TV and have never seen or heard of this show. Seems like a pretty dirty trick to play on people, but yeah, made me cry, too. Thanks for posting it.

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