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Goodbye Jesus

...and Still No Action Has Been Taken.


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This is a long crazy story I'm going to shorten and just hoping venting about this will help me to feel better.



A little background: I've lived in this apartment with my husband for 10 years now. In Western PA often times older and larger houses are remodel into apartments. Now my apartment is a remodel garage attached to what was once a side by side duplex (which was then created into one Very large and beautiful home.) My Land Lady lived in the bigger home and we lived in harmony for several years. My Land Lady was about my age. She was a beautiful single mother raising her son and taking care of her mother. Now my land lady was from another country brought to this country by her ex husband. She put herself through school became a nurse and owned the home. We got along very well and than about 6 years ago my land lady got hurt at work. Trying to force her back to work quickly workman's comp sent her to a doctor who made the situation worse. And during this time Hubby and I watched as this brilliant lovely and beautiful woman decended into a very bad situation. The injury was to the back. By the end of her life she was on so many medication she wasn't in her right mind. She accused us of spying on her and cut our phone wires. This was resolve when she realized it was our phone line she was messing with and not her own. She ended her suffering on a January evening. Feeling her family would be in too much danger she took them with her. I don't defend her actions I will only say I know her situation and understand how her mind would come to this choice.


Let me explain our apartment - Bedroom Living room Kitchen and off the kitchen is a powder room sink and toilet we have a large basement where our shower is as well as washer and dryer. Due to us showering we get a lot of mold and mildew.


So after that event we were allowed to live in the apartment and pay rent to the estate. lawyer asked us 3 times to buy the house but we didn't have the ability at the time and there was too much to be fixed up. Also during that time I went into the hospital and nearly died. From Feburary until may basically I wasn't at my apartment. When I get back hubby and I notice the toliet in our bathroom. We offer to get a pummer into the house to fix it and just take it out of the rent. Lawyer said no it was the estate responiblity. So a guy comes down takes pictures start asking questions about the house and apartment.


Long story short the guy buys the place insists he wants to keep us as tennents since we had been there so long. He explained he needed to fix up the big house than he was going to expand our bathroom so that we had the bathroom all on one floor. So it takes him months to "Fix up" the big house which has been rented by a very nice couple who knows the land lord.


Long story short Land Lord has been promising for months to do certain things in our apartment. We had to complain to the lawyer's office (since we continue to pay the "Rent" there--he probably using our rent to buy the place) to get him to finally get the toilet fix. He had to rip out old toilet carpet and flooring because of mold--black mold. He put a ply wood floor in. Our basement is flooding when it rains hard causing milddew and mold to form--it stinks for days on end. Our furnance needed a new belt so he took the old one off that was breaking and hasn't put it on.


We keep getting told. I'll come this week or this day and he never shows up. Landlord says he owns 60 properties. Couple explained he doesn't only way they get things fixed and finished in their place is to hold the rent.


So Hubby and I so fustrated and me reduce to taking wash ups in the powder room because I can't go down to the shower because my lungs are so week--we are holding the rent. Told Lawyer's office on Friday finally got a hold of Landlord Monday afternoon who is annoyed with us but knows. He has yet to come and start the projects.

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That is Terrible. I don't know where you stand legally. I am not sure about these things but it doesn't sound right. Mold is dangerous and not good for health and you said your lungs are not good?

Sorry you are in this stressful situation and I hope it gets sorted out soon.

Maybe others here can offer advice.

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Sounds like it's time to move. I don't see this situation getting better any time soon. (and I could see lots of ways this could get a lot worse) That's just my opinion though.

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Sounds like this guy is a slumlord. If I were you I would definitely hold the rent until everything gets fixed properly. That black mold is definitely not good.. .that shit is toxic and can even make healthy people sick.

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Thank you all for the response. We are looking for something that will take our feline babies. Hubby also is too comfortable to pick up and really move. He is talking about it which is a step in the right direction. We are keeping the upper level as clean as possible I don't go downstairs unless I really need to and the smell isn't there. Iwill say the de humidifier does dry it out as quickly as possible.

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