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My Introduction To Religion Class This Summer


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As part of the general education requirements at our University, we are required to take one philosophy course at the lower level. I chose Introduction to Religion. We learned the history and basics of the following religions:













The course was fully online and we used an interactive DVD that was a pain in the ass because you have to sit at your computer for 2 hours straight and click from one module to the next. You could do it in shorter time frames I suppose, but I like to get my readings out of the way. Then, each week we had a quiz and those were all taken from quiz questions on the DVD. Pretty simple, really. Until my DVD started acting up. It was a constant headache the whole semester.


The instructor was an intellectual snob. She assumed that since I was having problems with my DVD that there must be something missing from my computer. You mean the $1600 iMac OS X Mountain Lion badass motherfucker I just bought? I don't think so. Then she assumed that I must not be "technically savvy" as she put it. I then had to explain to her that I used to work for Cox Communications in High Speed Internet as a Tier 2 Technical Support Agent. I taught myself HTML and coded by hand before Dreamweaver was on the market.


Anyway, it has left a really bad taste in my mouth. Religion is insane. Every last one of them. Especially Sikhism. I'll explain why later. Right now I have to stop myself from screaming. It will all be over August 10th. Then I get to take Biology next semester! Yay, SCIENCE!!!!

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I would find that very interesting. I've briefly read about other reiligions but nothing in depth.

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Interested to hear more of your thoughts on the subject.

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It was a very humbling experience. I thought I knew so much about other religions and it turns out I didn't know shit. I found Hinduism to be really interesting, especially learning that Krishna also had a "miraculous" birth.

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I was weary of taking that course, because I was afraid it might turn me into an atheist. I never took the course, but obviously even back then there were obvious chinks in my spiritual armor.

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I was weary of taking that course, because I was afraid it might turn me into an atheist. I never took the course, but obviously even back then there were obvious chinks in my spiritual armor.


That's exactly the problem with religion. "Truth" trumps lies. You shouldn't have to fear bad information. You should be able to prove it false. If everything contradicts what one holds to be true, then maybe it's not true.

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When I get a chance, I will post some actual conversations from our DISCUSSION boards. Should get some chuckles.

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Oh, please do.


I live in Arkansas, and am not exposed to enough christardedness as it is.




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That reminds me of my religious anthropology class I had to take. I thought I'd like it at first, teacher seemed nice, and I was familular enough with the subject. I actually did like it for the first couple of weeks, but it wasn't long before it became a frusturating bore.


-Tests were a huge pain in the ass. Multiple essay questions that took a page of paper to answer correctly. Very specific and in depth, but only 90 minutes of class time to complete and NO OPEN NOTES.


-Teacher was really old fashioned. Not just in her teaching style, but her attitude. She implied that the religious people of today are phoneys for not being as insanely devoted as they were back then.


-She would give the class guilt trips when they failed. This one time she gave us these study notes beforehand, she acted like it was this huge favor. She also gave the class grief for not scheduling time outside of class for group projects. Again, she acted like she was doing us a huge favor for giving us time to discuss our projects in class.


-I knew I wasn't the only one who had a problem because I enjoyed a good rant with my classmates the day she showed up late for class.


-Worst of all, I was expected to see some of the most frightening and dangerous beliefs in a positive light. Yeah, human sacrafice may have made sense in the context of the culture, BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA!! And don't get me started on Islam. They actually tried to defend Sharia law, claiming it was misrepresented and actually liberated women! After having my own experience with this "freedom in Christ" bullshit, I could not help rolling my eyes.


The thing is, I probably would have liked the class had I taken when I first started college, but at this point, I already had more than enough of religion and just wanted to move onto my major. But I could not do that because the stupid general education requirements demanded I take a religious studies class. Wendybanghead.gif

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I was weary of taking that course, because I was afraid it might turn me into an atheist. I never took the course, but obviously even back then there were obvious chinks in my spiritual armor.


Taking a college course on the history of the Bible and actually reading the damn thing objectively are what turned me into an atheist. Praise education!

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Oh, please do.


I live in Arkansas, and am not exposed to enough christardedness as it is.





It's an academic discussion board, not a Christian discussion board. We discuss each religion and answer questions posed by the instructor. Each week we did a different religion. We only focused 1 week on Christianity, so, sorry to inform you, but there were no christardness posts.


There were just funny responses to the questions posed, that's all.

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And don't get me started on Islam. They actually tried to defend Sharia law, claiming it was misrepresented and actually liberated women! After having my own experience with this "freedom in Christ" bullshit, I could not help rolling my eyes.




Yes! I know what you mean. Our teacher is doing the exact same thing this week (we are on Part 2 of Islam.) Her whole thing was, "We need to understand Islam...."

I know one thing, I don't like the terrorist organization organizations that practice Islam, therefore I don't want to learn a fucking thing about Islam. Seems like after 9/11 that would be obvious. But, she wants us to see it in a positive light.


Here is something our instructor (June Watkins) posted in response to a student, Kimberly Torrance, question.


Notice what she says about "women being revered" in her post.



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The thing is, I probably would have liked the class had I taken when I first started college, but at this point, I already had more than enough of religion and just wanted to move onto my major. But I could not do that because the stupid general education requirements demanded I take a religious studies class. Wendybanghead.gif


I wonder if FFRF would sue them on my behalf? I shouldn't be forced to take ANY sort of religion class. LOL

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Oh I hate that attitude. The student didn't mean feel in a literal sense, she meant that what she read didn't show women being as equals. Yeah, women are abused are treated worse, but at least the culture doesn't condone it as the middle east does.


And how women are "reveared" sounds similar to how Christian housewives are "reveared". Once she doesn't want to fit the traditional role, we'll see how "reveared" she will be. But of course any arguement you pose back will be met with "that's your cultural bias speaking!". Just like how fundies say that any arguement against their bullshit is "worldly influence".

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Oh, please do.


I live in Arkansas, and am not exposed to enough christardedness as it is.





It's an academic discussion board, not a Christian discussion board. We discuss each religion and answer questions posed by the instructor. Each week we did a different religion. We only focused 1 week on Christianity, so, sorry to inform you, but there were no christardness posts.


There were just funny responses to the questions posed, that's all.


I was just joking. I'd actually be interested to see what was said.

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