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Goodbye Jesus

Mars Rover - About To Touch Down


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Humanity's curiosity about Mars has led to an exciting event: the dramatic landing of an SUV-sized rover, set for 1:31 a.m. ET Monday.

NASA's $2.6 billion rover, Curiosity, will make its dramatic entrance into Martian territory in a spectacle popularly known as the "seven minutes of terror." This jaw-dropping landing process, involving a sky crane and the world's largest supersonic parachute, allows the spacecraft carrying Curiosity to target the landing area that scientists have meticulously chosen.



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About an hour to go until touchdown, plus some 30 to 45 minutes or so for the signals to travel back from Mars to Earth; I hope to be able to follow it live here in Germany. We'll see.

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Touchdown and first images. Woot!


One of the tasks for this mission is to establish if there used to be life on Mars.

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I wonder just what an orgy of denial we'll all see if Curiosity does find clear evidence of past life there... :fdevil:

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I wonder just what an orgy of denial we'll all see if Curiosity does find clear evidence of past life there... firedevil.gif

Jesus died for the Mars bacteria too.

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I wonder what I'd do if aliens visited earth preaching Jesus.....

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I wonder what I'd do if aliens visited earth preaching Jesus.....

Or Quxamochi. If you believe that Quxamochi died by being thrown into a black hole and then was resurrected on the 5th moon of Zuanthar, you will be saved from the anger from Ydthromar, the Creator of the Eternal Time and Infinite Galaxies. We've all angered Ydthromar by being born in pain. All birth is pain. And pain upsets him. So we must be tortured for eternity in the parallel universe Solzamar. But only by believing in Quxamochi's sacrifice, can we be saved! Oh Heil Quxamochi!!!

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I wonder what I'd do if aliens visited earth preaching Jesus.....

Or Quxamochi. If you believe that Quxamochi died by being thrown into a black hole and then was resurrected on the 5th moon of Zuanthar, you will be saved from the anger from Ydthromar, the Creator of the Eternal Time and Infinite Galaxies. We've all angered Ydthromar by being born in pain. All birth is pain. And pain upsets him. So we must be tortured for eternity in the parallel universe Solzamar. But only by believing in Quxamochi's sacrifice, can we be saved! Oh Heil Quxamochi!!!



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I wonder what I'd do if aliens visited earth preaching Jesus.....

Or Quxamochi. If you believe that Quxamochi died by being thrown into a black hole and then was resurrected on the 5th moon of Zuanthar, you will be saved from the anger from Ydthromar, the Creator of the Eternal Time and Infinite Galaxies. We've all angered Ydthromar by being born in pain. All birth is pain. And pain upsets him. So we must be tortured for eternity in the parallel universe Solzamar. But only by believing in Quxamochi's sacrifice, can we be saved! Oh Heil Quxamochi!!!



The bad part is that if you don't accept Quxamochi, they have the right to sacrifice you to the Szlorg, the giant lizard demon, as food.

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I wonder just what an orgy of denial we'll all see if Curiosity does find clear evidence of past life there... firedevil.gif


Personally, I don't believe our leadership would allow that kind of info to get to us unfiltered.

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I love the fact we are still reaching for the stars, but I have to admit I was like, 'why is everyone acting like we haven't sent a Mars lander before?' I also wondered if we should be spending 2.6 billion on this stuff considering all the domestic and financial issues we're dealing with at the moment, then my wife reminded me that if the government decided to re-issue that money back to taxpayers, it would be about $6 each and the experiments they have on this current lander is unprecedented and could very well lead to the establishing prospects of future colonization. Okay, concern quelled at the source. I'm down for our future generations being Martians some day. Yeah NASA and great job JPL!!! Whoo hoo!!!

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Guest Babylonian Dream

I'm so excited. Wonder what we'll find?


*NASA finds alien life forms*


*Men in Black confiscate all the evidence*

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My uncle Paul helped design the rover.

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I wonder what I'd do if aliens visited earth preaching Jesus.....


Carpenter's "Prince of Darkness" anyone? :fdevil:


I love the fact we are still reaching for the stars, but I have to admit I was like, 'why is everyone acting like we haven't sent a Mars lander before?' I also wondered if we should be spending 2.6 billion on this stuff considering all the domestic and financial issues we're dealing with at the moment...


To be fair, it is an important task for humanity as a whole to establish a viable foothold somewhere beyond Earth in case something happens. You know, stuff like Yellowstone deciding it has slept for long enough, or another really huge pebble slamming down to Earth from space like that one 65 million years ago.


Doesn't absolve those in power from their responsibility though to care for the currently-living people too. All of them, not just the fucking millionaires. :Hmm:

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I didn't realize it cost 2.6 billion dollars, I thought it would be more than that. In the grand scheme of an economy the size of the US, it is a drop in the bucket but could yield unimaginable benefits down the track. Money well spent.


Not to mention frickin' cool shit.

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I wonder just what an orgy of denial we'll all see if Curiosity does find clear evidence of past life there... firedevil.gif

Jesus died for the Mars bacteria too.


How do they keep the rover from cross contamination, anyone know?

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Interesting question. Sadly I have no idea.

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I love the fact we are still reaching for the stars, but I have to admit I was like, 'why is everyone acting like we haven't sent a Mars lander before?'

Because it's the largest unmanned automated lab that has been sent to another planet. It's far more advanced than the previous ones.


I also wondered if we should be spending 2.6 billion on this stuff considering all the domestic and financial issues we're dealing with at the moment,

Yes, we should. http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/03/neil-degrasse-tyson-how-space-exploration-can-make-america-great-again/253989/


then my wife reminded me that if the government decided to re-issue that money back to taxpayers, it would be about $6 each and the experiments they have on this current lander is unprecedented and could very well lead to the establishing prospects of future colonization. Okay, concern quelled at the source. I'm down for our future generations being Martians some day. Yeah NASA and great job JPL!!! Whoo hoo!!!

At this moment, there are several technologies in your house that came from trom the space program. It's about progress and advancement of our technology and industry. New stuff and inventions will bring new jobs.

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I'd much sooner spend $2 billion on this than a handful of state of the art fighter jets.

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...How the fuck did I miss all of this?!

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How on earth did I manage to miss this? Oh well, here's my late-to-the-party gift:



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At this moment, there are several technologies in your house that came from trom the space program. It's about progress and advancement of our technology and industry. New stuff and inventions will bring new jobs.


Hey, I thought all those technologies came from the alien spacecraft that crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico back in the late 40s. Was I misinformed?


All kidding aside, I have always been a big fan of NASA and JPL so I didn't want my previous remarks to indicated otherwise. I think it's just a knee jerk reaction to being told our military spending is out of control, but I read reports NASA did this amazing thing after having 40% of their budget reduced. I think that adds to what amazing a job they did with this latest endeavor. And yeah, I really do hope this leads to some incredible discovers in the coming year that very well could have a profound effect on our world.

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I wonder what I'd do if aliens visited earth preaching Jesus.....


certainly they would have the technology to prove it so that would make a compelling case.....unless its future christians who deny that other universes exist and the rest of the world is moving forward and they are still trying to spread the gospel to more primitive people who dont have the technology to validate jesus' existence.


I wonder just what an orgy of denial we'll all see if Curiosity does find clear evidence of past life there... firedevil.gif

Jesus died for the Mars bacteria too.


LOL! Im using this comment in real life. I'll give you credit for it when i do.

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We won't find shit. They'll find all kinds of shit and we'll never know about it.

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