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Proof That God Exists


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I'm sure you've seen this before. How do you debate this kind of tactic?

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What's to debate? The lame gimmick at the beginning?


The website asserts there is such a thing as Absolute Truth and they have it. Not a unique claim.

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There's nothing to refute. Even if you agree with all the "absolutes" it still doesn't mean there's a God. It's drivel and word games.

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The website was built by somebody who doesn't understand logic. If I built endless loops that ran you around a maze until you agreed that unicorns are real it wouldn't make my argument valid and it wouldn't make unicorns real.

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I don't think that molesting little kids for fun is always absolutely wrong. If you were forced to do that, or molest them then kill their parents in front of their eyes, then make them watch the 700 club, that would be far worse. So "wrong" is only by comparison.

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Btw, that was one of their little logic traps they try to get you on. That didn't just come from nowhere, justsoyouknow

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Guest Valk0010

They sort of do a either/or fallacy at the end. Just because something isn't transcendent, doesn't automatically make something material. It could be concepts formed due to understanding the material world. Different material world, different concepts.

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He uses fallacies all the way through. Don't know if absolute truths exist? Well he will equivocate and ask if your lack of knowledge is absolutely true. It's silly nonsense. He is just patting himself on the back for helping out his imaginary friend.

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Whatever we want to call that site or say about the tricks it uses.. one thing is clear : its not a proof.

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If they're using the concept of Absolutes to prove God, then they are making a falacious argument, they are assuming God is the procurator of absolutes when there could be an infinite number of such things.

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i try to get past absolute truth does not exist and they will not let me,,,


WHAT THE FISH, they don't understand the difference of absolute truth and absolutely true,,,


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I've seen this kind of argument before. I ran through it really quick by giving it the "correct" answers and came to the main problem toward the end. (I'm going to ignore the other issues like 'does a transcendent absolute morality exist?' for now).


Problem 1. " Universal, immaterial, unchanging laws cannot be accounted for if the universe was random or only material in nature."

This is an assertion and has no reason or evidence to back it up. Though, I think, what they are trying to get at is that if we live in a materialistic universe, then non-material things cannot exist. I typically see this argument say that because these laws are non-physical, they must be conceptual and the only mind for conceiving them must be god. The problem with this though is that something can be non-physical and non-conceptual. A rock on Mars is still a rock even if no minds ever observed the rock or existed to conceive of the laws of logic.


Problem 2. "The God of Christianity is the necessary starting point to make sense of universal, abstract, invariant laws by the impossibility of the contrary."

I've heard at least a few Christians assert that God is the only explanation for the existence of the laws of logic. While we don't know why the laws of logic exist, they are essentially a property of any universe like ours to even exist. The usually Christian response to this is that simply asserting the laws of logic exist as a property of the universe isn't good enough. The problem is that their solution doesn't solve their problem. Simply saying a god created the laws of logic is as good of an answer as the FSM creating them or that they really are an inherent property of our universe.


I also love (read:hate) how they go from "I do not believe a god exists" to "I believe god does not exist." Of course, if we were expecting intellectual honesty, this wouldn't be an apologetics site.

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Is this site really serious? It might be a troll attempt.

The button "I don't care if absolute truth exists" links to the Disney website.

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It's reall. The guy who created it isn't shy about evangelizing about it.

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Imagine god as the greatest thing which could exist. The idea of god exists in the mind. Something which exists in reality is greater than something which only exists in the mind. Therefore god exists!

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This guy was on the thinking atheist pod cast a while ago.


He was a total dick. He refused to debate or talk about anything unless someone said absolute truth exists.

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I clicked on "Absolute Truth Exists" only to be lead to a screen where they quote scripture to support their claims.


A book proves nothing.

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This guy was on the thinking atheist pod cast a while ago.


He was a total dick. He refused to debate or talk about anything unless someone said absolute truth exists.

I listened to that podcast. He was a dick. The host was way too nice to him.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Their example of morality is a silly one. Just because I agree child molestation is wrong doesn't mean that morals are absolute. I could give other examples where there would be a conflict of morals, or of culture. As I said in my "testimony," I was in ministry (until very recently). My background and training was in missions. One of my classes in college involved going through various case studies that directly confronted our Western Evangelical notion of universal morality. We would read the case studies and have group discussions (debates, really) about what was the right course of action. It was often impossible to come to a complete agreement, even when someone in the group would try to play the "Well, the Bible says..." card. We had theological and hermeneutical training, too. We knew that was a cop out, and an "argument" that could be twisted almost any which way to suit as needed.


Maybe the guy who created this website just needs more ministry training? ;-) *wry smile*

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