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Do You Think Dreams Mean Anything Important?


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I don't know if this is the right forum for this question, but I'd like to know what you all think about dreams. Do you think dreams have meaning or any significance? Do you believe that they're trying to tell you something or that maybe they're trying to "show" you something or lead you in a certain direction? Or do you think it's nothing more than the mind running wild while you're sleeping?


Sometimes I think that dreams are trying to lead us in a certain direction or give us a sign, but other times I have dreams that are so damn stupid and bizarre I write them off as just the mind running wild. Lately though I've been having dreams about someone I don't ever really think about while I'm awake, but the person acts differently in each dream, so it's not like I'm getting some clear message about what it means.


What do you all think?Wendyshrug.gif

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Dreams described in psychology is your brain maintaining activity while it recoporates itself in sleep. The brain NEEDS stimulation, this can be observed when you place someone in a completely black chamber the brain will begin to create its own reality. I think precognition is the only dream activity that has meaning, and i only think this happens due to a natural cause that we cant yet understand pertaining to time and the fabric of space.

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There was a time in my life when I would write my dreams in a journal, and describe everything I saw with as much detail as possible. It didn't take long before I started noticing something.


My dream shows me how I perceive things sub-consciously. So they are important only as much as I am interested in knowing how I see things deep down. Knowing how I perceive things is useful if I want to change my perception.


I'll give you a personal example.


When I was young I would often have nightmares about a T-rex dinosaur chasing me around, trying to catch me, to eat me. I kept having this same dream every once in awhile until I was in my twenties, the time I was writing my dreams in a journal. I wrote down how I felt in the dream, I described the dinosaur and the setting. As I wrote, I quickly noticed that I was describing exactly how I felt toward my father when I was a child. To me it was a revelation. I realized that I was perceiving my father as a T-rex. This was my description of the T-rex: big, strong, bad, angry beast with a very small brain. I knew instantly that my perception was wrong. My dad is the same size as me, he's not that strong any more, he's not bad, not angry with me, and his brain is the same size as mine. From that moment, my perception of my father changed and I stopped having this dream. My relationship with him improved because of this.

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Lately though I've been having dreams about someone I don't ever really think about while I'm awake, but the person acts differently in each dream, so it's not like I'm getting some clear message about what it means.


What do you all think?


As for YOUR dream, I would simply say this: It's not the person in the dream that is important, but your description of the person. If you take a piece of paper and jot down this person's characteristics, it will probably point you to something occupying your current thoughts that you might want go give more attention to.

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Dreams described in psychology is your brain maintaining activity while it recoporates itself in sleep. The brain NEEDS stimulation, this can be observed when you place someone in a completely black chamber the brain will begin to create its own reality. I think precognition is the only dream activity that has meaning, and i only think this happens due to a natural cause that we cant yet understand pertaining to time and the fabric of space.




Before I embark on this anecdote I will stress that along with binning all religion I tossed out other superstition and all its friends.

The only time a dream had any sort of weird reverb in the waking world was last year. My Dad's culture puts quite a lot of emphasis on dreams, and their importance. Imagery is also a key theme, for example, dreaming of losing a tooth = death of someone you know, the bigger the tooth, the closer the relationship. I had a vivid dream of losing a big tooth while at work, my brother in law for some reason rushed in to take me to the dentist. The next morning I woke to a phone call that my brother in law's dad had died. It was quite a mindfvck :/ Of course, I choose to view it as a sad and bizarre coincidence, nothing more. For the rest of my irrationally superstitious family, it "proved" that dream interpretation.

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I saw a documentary (I think an episode of Nova) on recent discoveries which indicated that during sleep the brain receives random signals from the spine. The scientists concluded that dreams are just the cognitive parts of the brain trying to make sense of the noise.

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I think they do have meaning and have pondered several of mine that seemed somehow significant.


The last one was Monday morning. I could swear someone was trying to drag me out of bed. I swear to you guys, I could FEEL the hands on my arm and the bedspread being pulled off me! Then the alarm clock radio came on and no one was there. The cat was sitting on the bed like nothing was happening. Obviously it was a dream, but it was incredibly real and the tactile sensation was amazing.

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All of your responses so far are interesting because I can see everyone's point of view being possibly true. And I'm still left not sure what exactly I believe.tongue.png

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I've never really had any meaningful dreams. They're all a bunch of absurd fantasies. I do seem to dream more vividly when my mind is distressed, but that's all I've really gathered from my dreams.

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Although typically my dreams are just my brain recounting the day and processing things sometimes they do mean something.

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I hope dreams don't actually mean anything, because some of mine would get me sent to a mental institution.


My brain even makes up jokes while I'm asleep sometimes. Here's the one that I remember most clearly:


I was backstage at the David Letterman Show. This is strange enough, considering I was never really a big fan of the show. He was getting ready for the "stupid pet tricks" portion of the show, and he was planning on having a dog perform that could recite lines from Shakespeare. However, he actually declined to have the dog perform. Why? Because he said that the lines that the dog could recite weren't from Shakespeare's better plays. Think about that for a minute.

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