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Goodbye Jesus

"mawage, That Bwessed Awangment, That Dweam Wifin A Dweam..."


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In all seriousness, I've been thinking a lot about how to avoid having a xian wedding. I want a wedding which is not in a church, not "blessed" under the name of any deity, or officiated by a priest/pastor/rabbi/reverend. Anyone know a creative way to get around this?


Sidenote: I think my boo would absolutely love this


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Goodbye Jesus

The first time I got married by a judge. No religion was involved. My family attended a simple service. It's one way to go but maybe you want more.

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I was thinking the same thing. I guess use a justice of the peace or maybe a Unitarian minister. I just don't want my ceremony reeking of xtianity.

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I have a pretty big family and he has a boatload of friends. I was thinking something along the lines of doing the legal stuff in front of a judge and having a ceremony for the hell of it, something fun, something outdoors, something simple but fun.

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If your going to do the legal stuff with and have a ceremony for fun, why not do it yourself and basically say "We're getting married because we want to be married, not because God or some some guy who gets paid to wear a suit and yell at people once a week says it's okay". If that won't work, having a Unitarian minister officiate it is a great idea too.

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If your going to do the legal stuff with and have a ceremony for fun, why not do it yourself and basically say "We're getting married because we want to be married, not because God or some some guy who gets paid to wear a suit and yell at people once a week says it's okay". If that won't work, having a Unitarian minister officiate it is a great idea too.

silverpenny013Hmmm.gifOne of our friends is a self-declared FSM pastor....

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You might want to look up Humanist weddings.

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Throw a Rock 'n Roll themed BBQ, invite all your friends and family, and spring the wedding on them. Get married with an Elvis impersonator officiating. Pledge yourselves to love each other and good music, forsaking all others. Then eat and start dancing. There. Wedding done, no seating arrangements to worry about, no thank-you notes to take care of, cheap and easy. If people make a big deal about not bringing presents, tell them they can send a cheque later to contribute to your honeymoon.

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Throw a Rock 'n Roll themed BBQ, invite all your friends and family, and spring the wedding on them. Get married with an Elvis impersonator officiating. Pledge yourselves to love each other and good music, forsaking all others. Then eat and start dancing. There. Wedding done, no seating arrangements to worry about, no thank-you notes to take care of, cheap and easy. If people make a big deal about not bringing presents, tell them they can send a cheque later to contribute to your honeymoon.


In a nutshell that's pretty much what my marriage was like too - music and mead and some marriage oaths :)

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My oldest son got married today, or actually yesterday at time of writing, and it was not religious in any way, shape, or form. It can be done.

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Throw a Rock 'n Roll themed BBQ, invite all your friends and family, and spring the wedding on them. Get married with an Elvis impersonator officiating. Pledge yourselves to love each other and good music, forsaking all others. Then eat and start dancing. There. Wedding done, no seating arrangements to worry about, no thank-you notes to take care of, cheap and easy. If people make a big deal about not bringing presents, tell them they can send a cheque later to contribute to your honeymoon.

FANTASTIC! Would you be my wedding planner?? Hahaha. this would definitely be cool; I've suffered through many a boring wedding ceremony before, so it'd be nice to do something that can be enjoyable for the guests too. Billy Idol's song "White Wedding" would be the perfect song to pop a surprise wedding out with! But no Elvis impersonators; that might give my grandma the hot flashes, lol

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My oldest son got married today, or actually yesterday at time of writing, and it was not religious in any way, shape, or form. It can be done.


Awwwe, that's great, congrats to your son! Glad to hear it can be done. Best wishes to them bothyellow.gif

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Throw a Rock 'n Roll themed BBQ, invite all your friends and family, and spring the wedding on them. Get married with an Elvis impersonator officiating. Pledge yourselves to love each other and good music, forsaking all others. Then eat and start dancing. There. Wedding done, no seating arrangements to worry about, no thank-you notes to take care of, cheap and easy. If people make a big deal about not bringing presents, tell them they can send a cheque later to contribute to your honeymoon.

FANTASTIC! Would you be my wedding planner?? Hahaha. this would definitely be cool; I've suffered through many a boring wedding ceremony before, so it'd be nice to do something that can be enjoyable for the guests too. Billy Idol's song "White Wedding" would be the perfect song to pop a surprise wedding out with! But no Elvis impersonators; that might give my grandma the hot flashes, lol


I can't take credit for the idea, one of my dad's friends did it. They had an awesome time, and there was none of the usual fuss and drama associated with weddings and wedding planning that usually occurs. I just thought you might like it, because I remember you saying you like doing things your own way. I think they told everyone it was a combined birthday party and sprung the wedding on them. And yeah, that would be an awesome song to get everyone in the mood.


When I was engaged to my now-ex, I told my dad that I didn't want to be given away by him or anyone else, because I wasn't comfortable with that whole concept to begin with. I am a person, not a piece of property, and no-one owns me. Dad was cool with that, because he'd never been all that comfortable with the concept to begin with, either.


If you could get a Billy Idol impersonator to sing and then perform the ceremony, that would be just classic lol. Don't mind me, I'm just stuck on impersonators tonight :P

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My oldest son got married today, or actually yesterday at time of writing, and it was not religious in any way, shape, or form. It can be done.


Congrats, Ouro. Does that make you feel old?

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