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Discovery Channel Has Joel Olsteen On Sunday Mornings?


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WTF? I realize reality TV has cheapened History, Discovery, TLC, etc, but since when has Discovery had church on? It's bad enough they play "documentaries" about mermaids, but CHURCH?!?!?!? This is just wrong on many levels...I think I am going to write a letter to the programming department. They are supposed to be a science channel...

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Marty: all these channels that use to be great (discovery, history, the learning channel, national geographic) have downgraded to total bullshit. I want to see something about mayan history, earths formation, some tribe in the south pacific but now I get fat fucks in vegas buying rare items, state troppers in alaska, fisherman, etc. It is all fucked up and shows how dumb our country is becoming.

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I'm betting the cable company rented out a spot on Discovery, not that Discovery aired it. I've seen that before.

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I use to be really into those channels and occasionally the military channel. Here is all I know: thursday evening on oxygen is House MD, multiple episodes. Except for that I want to learn something. I am sick of pawn stars, aliigator wrestling, state troopers, etc etc etc. I am not into guns, and there a bunch of guns shows on those channels also. I do not think I have watched the learning channel in years.


Food network, they went from real chefs to touchy feely bullshit also.


Animal planet: every show is river monsters


Travel channel: getting sick of adam richman eating 4 pound burgers


Joel Osteen: pimp

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IRONY! logged on to the forums page this morning and these are the first two headings I saw:



WTF is Olsteen doing on Discovery? Please don't tell me he's talking about the bible - I don't think he's read it all the way through yet...


If you're annoyed with American TV and haven't seen the Gift Shop Sketch yet, I recommend watching it. I cannot guarantee it will make you any less annoyed with TV shows today tho

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TV sucks so much nowadays for any good documentary stuff. The Science channel is pretty solid, but you have to pay extra to get it. Military channel is also good. But like you said I used to love watching (legitimate) documentaries on Native Americans, European history, Mayans etc...and now it's just a bunch of mindless bullshit. I used to spend hours, as a kid, watching Discovery, History etc...and now it's sad to see it go the route of MTV.

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I'm betting the cable company rented out a spot on Discovery, not that Discovery aired it. I've seen that before.


Looks like.


I get a municipal service and according to my TV Guide app we got Hour of Power this morning from 6-6:30 followed by "paid programming" until 9, FWIW.

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TV sucks so much nowadays for any good documentary stuff. The Science channel is pretty solid, but you have to pay extra to get it. Military channel is also good. But like you said I used to love watching (legitimate) documentaries on Native Americans, European history, Mayans etc...and now it's just a bunch of mindless bullshit. I used to spend hours, as a kid, watching Discovery, History etc...and now it's sad to see it go the route of MTV.


I get science and the military channel amnd they are still not bad as well as history international. All the others are how you so excellentally described it: MTV

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Actually it is the same thing that Discovery does every day at the same time. It is called "Paid Programing", just that it is informercials other days of the week. I also think that "Hour of Power" is also on Discovery Channel Sunday mornings.

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Every time Olsteen or the 700 Club comes on I cannot find the damn remote fast enough.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

I used to think I was alone, very alone when I thought this. Then my grandpa said the same thing about the history channel. Now I see lots of people agree, these channels that were great are just watered down now by garbage that is meant to reach "a broad unspecified general audience" and not the people who used to love these channels for their rich documentaries.

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Guest Valk0010

I like man vs food and pawn stars personally but having hundred different verisons of that is like being stuff with donuts. Its gets disgusting after awhile.

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Pawn Stars I can't take anymore. I wouldn't mind seeing it once a week, but it's on just about every night with 5 re-runs back to back, and when it's not on there's 3 other pawn shows to take it's place (or the 10 different variants of storage auction shows!).


And the networks keep bitching about how much audience they are losing to the internet Wendywhatever.gif

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TV needs more aliens. Can't get enough of those cute little bastards.

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TV needs more aliens. Can't get enough of those cute little bastards.


be careful what you wish for Florduh, you might just get it.

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H2 has some stuff on it sometimes, but i really miss the documentaries on actual history. At least the universe is on History sometimes, i always record them.

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There was a channel called GREEN and I noticed the programming changed. Then I noticed the cable company changes and substitutes channels. This channel has 12 (or more) hours a day of something called BBQ pitmasters and on national geographic there is a new show (I will not watch it) called chasing UFOs.

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One good thing about being in Poland is that I cannot understand the awful Polish television nor the dubbed to death American and British rubbish showed here either.


I agree, why is Joel "Pimp my Bible" Olsteen on the Discovery channel, or any other channel come to think of it?

joel's surname sounds like Olsztyn, a city in Mazuria, Eastern Poland, does he have Polish roots I wonder.


Thankfully, there are lots of good documentaries available on Youtube. I have recently watched an excellent series on the Spanish Civil War ( made in the 1970s) and I am now watching an equally good series on British history.

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I used to think I was alone, very alone when I thought this. Then my grandpa said the same thing about the history channel. Now I see lots of people agree, these channels that were great are just watered down now by garbage that is meant to reach "a broad unspecified general audience" and not the people who used to love these channels for their rich documentaries.


No, you are definitely not alone! I love the WWII documentaries and other historical type programs. But this other BS like "Swamp People" or "Axemen", I mean WTF over?! Why can't they come up with a nostalgic channel that only has old movies and TV shows from back in the day for us older farts?

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I used to think I was alone, very alone when I thought this. Then my grandpa said the same thing about the history channel. Now I see lots of people agree, these channels that were great are just watered down now by garbage that is meant to reach "a broad unspecified general audience" and not the people who used to love these channels for their rich documentaries.


No, you are definitely not alone! I love the WWII documentaries and other historical type programs. But this other BS like "Swamp People" or "Axemen", I mean WTF over?! Why can't they come up with a nostalgic channel that only has old movies and TV shows from back in the day for us older farts?


They had cartoon network which originally was good, then they brought all sorts of crap to it. I forgot about all that other junk: ax men, sons of guns, swamp loggers etc. America has been dumbed down. History had a great documentary on the mayans a yr ago but now it is as a poster said: pawn stars back to back and now cajun pawn stars. Not mention all those networks are haveing specials on zombies now.

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I'm betting the cable company rented out a spot on Discovery, not that Discovery aired it. I've seen that before.


Looks like.


I get a municipal service and according to my TV Guide app we got Hour of Power this morning from 6-6:30 followed by "paid programming" until 9, FWIW.


Wait the Hour of Power is only 30 minutes. And I thought 60mins clocking in at 42 was rip off. Christians screwing christian all over again.


Oh you wanted an hour. Here's 30 minutes and an ad from the shamwow! guy.

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Not mention all those networks are haveing specials on zombies now.


Zombies are the new hit monster because our society, in general, has become zombified.

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Travel channel: getting sick of adam richman eating 4 pound burgers



I swear, that guy's intestines are going to explode someday.


But yeah, cable has sucked ass for a long time now, even on the "second tier" channels that don't get included in the basic package. There is literally nothing to watch. I used to be able to watch what I wanted on Hulu, but even that's even fucked up now. (nearly everything good is Hulu+ or tends to disappear without warning)

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