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Goodbye Jesus

A Muslim View On The Resurrection Of Jesus.

Guest Valk0010

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Its like watching two children slapping one another over a lego...


But in all seriousness this is interesting, and i find it most interesting that Islamic theology upholds Jesus to such an exalted status.

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Guest Valk0010

Its like watching two children slapping one another over a lego...


But in all seriousness this is interesting, and i find it most interesting that Islamic theology upholds Jesus to such an exalted status.

Well I am found it interesting, because after about ten minutes of what amounted to throat clearing for me. The way he went at it was really dare I say interesting. He was weak on the empty tomb argument but his second one made the empty tomb arguement stronger by implication.


Though alot of fundies distrust if they know what it is, the idea of the Q gospel. I have no idea how to treat that can of worms personally.

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I knew a bit about the Q gospel toward the tail end of my fundie days. It was definitely not an easy thing to address. I was already wavering in my faith, so learning how seriously historians take the idea of Q didn't help at all. It's not hard to imagine why churches don't stress biblical scholarship beyond reading and memorizing the Kodak-moment verses.

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