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Goodbye Jesus

Merry Christmas????


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THAT, is the reason for the season.


Nope, you're wrong, this is the reason for the season:






Sorry, I had to do that.


:ugh: No matter where I go the wretched bee-suits seem to follow....


What would happen if this happened?

*Courtesy of King Diamond*


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I've been wanting respond "Happy Solstice" to anyone who says "Merry Christmas"..but no one has said it to me yet.. :HaHa:


I wanted some winter decorations for work..I found a few snowmen and "Let it Snow" things..and a banner thingy, with snowmen spelling out "Merry Christmas"..but, I can't use the last one, unless I come up with some for Hanakuh and Kwanzaa..its hard to find decorations without "Christmas", "Santa" and "Rudolph"..though I don't see how Santa and Rudolph could be interpreted as "Christian."


Oh well..I'll put up my snowmen and find some snowflakes..maybe. Its only for a few weeks anyway.


Angel..if its any consolation..the second and third Christmas's get easier. My first was kinda hard too.


Its odd..growing up, my family was not religious at all, yet my mother's favorite Christmas song was "O Holy Night"..before xtianity, I never gave it much thought. During xtianity, I thought it was "cool..my mother did believe." (yeah..right..) First year out, I found it annoying. Now, I accept it for what it was..tradition handed down for years.

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