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Aaaaugh! Sometimes I Just Wanna Strangle Him!


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*sigh* My partner is being an idiot. We do voice chat every night, and there has been a constant issue with the chat being dropped and a whole fuckton of line noise/feedback. (Line noise and feedback from his dial-up connection.)


I have been through two computers, and two different 'net setups (all with known-good components).


He continues to claim that it's not his connection, when logic dictates that, when all other possibilities are eliminated, whatever remains is the answer.


His 56k DIAL-UP is the ONLY constant during all of this. And he continually denies that it could have anything to do with these issues!


Any tech geeks around here with advice?

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stop chatting with him till he gets his damn shit fixed

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Digital voice chat will work on dial-up, but the quality is dependent on the bandwidth. Found an article that discusses some common problems: http://voip.about.com/od/voipbasics/a/factorsquality.htm

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Dial up?? what year is this thread from?? I'm willing to bet it's the dial up connection.

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Some people still have dial-up?


Even my grandparents have broadband now, and NZ internet is notoriously rubbish because it's powered by copper wire and a hamster on a wheel.


I think Dhampir has the answer: give him the online silent treatment until he stops being a cheap-ass and buys a real internet connection.

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IKR? Who still uses dial-up? But it's better than no internet at all, and he's happy with it, even if I'm not. It's been an ongoing argument -- I found him a deal for broadband @ $10/month, specifically for low-income people (like us, on SS Disability), and he was like, "But they want $50 for it!" Yeah, okay, a one-time set up fee, that's normal, that doesn't mean it's gonna be $50/month. *rolleyes*

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You are attracted to this man, I presume?

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Not sure if it's available in your area, but I get 3Mb speed for $25/month through Charter, and that's not an introductory price. Good deals can be had.

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You are attracted to this man, I presume?


Yes... even though he's driving me crazy.

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Low-grade shitty DSL is affordable even if you're damn near broke. IIRC most new computers don't even come with 56K modems anymore.


I'd use dial up in a pinch if it was free and there was nothing else available, but there's no way in hell I'd pay anything for it in this day and age. Even leeching wifi from an open access point is a far better option.

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Smoke signals. :P

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Guest wester

Voice over IP is way too big for dialup. Way Way Way too big.

His claim that "it's not the connection" is past ridiculous.


Go to the library or wherever and double check your chat conditions with a higher bandwidth connection and then compare to 56k.


Good Luck

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Speaking as someone who used to do phone and computer tech support, "what wester said."

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What kind of cheapskate won't pony up a one-time fee of $50 for better internet?! Stick to IM until he gets his act together. There's no point in talking to him over VOIP if you can't stay connected long enough to have a conversation.


If it comes down to it, offer to pay the $50 setup fee as a gift for his birthday or Winter Solstice or something.

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unless i missed somethig why not just call if he has a phone service...

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We have it half-way fixed. He had his connection set to 28 instead of 56. There's still some line noise and droppage, but it's at least bearable now.

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Oh, and I don't use the phone because all I have is a cell, and it co$t$ to call a land-line.

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Hi, I noticed you're from Bellingham and I've done a bit of shopping for internet plans around here. The companies I know people have gone with are Clear (which is 4g wireless), Comcast (which is what I've got), and CenturyLink/Qwest (which I used to have). I've also heard of Wave but have no firsthand knowledge of them. From what I remember, the slowest internet-only plans seem to start about $30, so the deal you found would probably be better. Also, I've heard that if you go into Best Buy, they have a list of all the internet providers in the area as well as any deals they may be offering at the time. Might be worth a trip there :)

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VOIP by telephone line is SHIT! The best way to talk VOIP is by cable internet. Even VOIP via satellite internet is crappy and a lot of static. I got so pissed even at VOIP on cable I took it off and won't use it. I tell people to call me by phone and my preferred method is texting cuz I hate talking on the phone.

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Why not just tell him to send a message in a bottle!

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