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Goodbye Jesus

Sign Of The Antichrist


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Sitting here in my office as the IT Director next to a person who handles the employee's direct deposit of paychecks. We recently went to a "mandatory" no paper check policy.


Yup, Don't you know one of the christian employees just came in and lamented that it is a sign of the anti-christ, blah, blah, blah.


NO it is simply no one else wanted paper checks and we didn't want to deal with the old things!


I wonder if I could file some kind of harassment case because I had to over-hear that religious garbage in a work place. hhmm. Does that mean we are "agents" of the anti-christ?

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yes, and satan has deceived you. LOL. Or maybe that could be considered defamation of your character since you are an aid to the cause of all the sin in the world.

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yes, and satan has deceived you. LOL. Or maybe that could be considered defamation of your character since you are an aid to the cause of all the sin in the world.

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It all leads to the theory that one day, all people will be required to be implanted with chips to do business and those chips are the "mark of the beast". So the more money become "electronic" the more scared they get.

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It all leads to the theory that one day, all people will be required to be implanted with chips to do business and those chips are the "mark of the beast". So the more money become "electronic" the more scared they get.


Yes - Exactly. Specifically Revelation 13:15-18


The 2 fellow employees involved don't know I have deconverted. They only know me as a strong Christian. It is killing me to not just laugh my head off at all of this. It is all I can do to keep it to a low giggle. Now the Director of HR is looking up whether people who are Christians now get taken up to heaven BEFORE all this happens. I said, holding back laughter, not according to the book "Left Behind". Not to mention the movie of course! Well - I did chuckle a bit. They may be wondering about me now.


This is a BIG company. I can't believe we are talking about this seriously!

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Sitting here in my office as the IT Director next to a person who handles the employee's direct deposit of paychecks. We recently went to a "mandatory" no paper check policy.


Yup, Don't you know one of the christian employees just came in and lamented that it is a sign of the anti-christ, blah, blah, blah.


NO it is simply no one else wanted paper checks and we didn't want to deal with the old things!


I wonder if I could file some kind of harassment case because I had to over-hear that religious garbage in a work place. hhmm. Does that mean we are "agents" of the anti-christ?


As an xian I never understood why xians would be upset over something like this. In my case it was hearing people talk about the bar-code that had 6-6-6 in it. Xians are always talking about how wonderful it will be in heaven....yet...appear to be afraid of the end of the world which will propel them to it. Seems contradictory. Wouldn't an xian be excited! Bring on that end of the world, bitches!! I wants to go to heaven!!!!


I think any significant technological innovation is accompanied by biblical apocalyptic fears just because people don't like change.

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Yeah, same fears came up over atm and credit cards.

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It all leads to the theory that one day, all people will be required to be implanted with chips to do business and those chips are the "mark of the beast". So the more money become "electronic" the more scared they get.


Yes - Exactly. Specifically Revelation 13:15-18


The 2 fellow employees involved don't know I have deconverted. They only know me as a strong Christian. It is killing me to not just laugh my head off at all of this. It is all I can do to keep it to a low giggle. Now the Director of HR is looking up whether people who are Christians now get taken up to heaven BEFORE all this happens. I said, holding back laughter, not according to the book "Left Behind". Not to mention the movie of course! Well - I did chuckle a bit. They may be wondering about me now.


This is a BIG company. I can't believe we are talking about this seriously!


It is their duty as xians to quit immediately. :-)


Remind them that it's not in 'their' hands. It's in god's hands..hahahah...God has a wonderful plan for the end of the world. It's god's will that you go all electronic. Maybe they should start buying supplies...and get their affairs in order. :-)

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Sitting here in my office as the IT Director next to a person who handles the employee's direct deposit of paychecks. We recently went to a "mandatory" no paper check policy.


Yup, Don't you know one of the christian employees just came in and lamented that it is a sign of the anti-christ, blah, blah, blah.

They would do better to lament the way they've been suckered into a religion that has such a dismal record of accuracy.

The anti-chirst has been around for thousands of years, along with the end times.


1 John 2:18

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

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This Antichrist routine had me scared back in the 1980's. We had it all worked out how debit cards were the Mark of the Beast. Yup and Soviet missiles were the fire of Revelation. When Christian fears turn out to be unfounded they just find something new to name as the Antichrist. That is because they start with the assumption that they know what must happen in the near future and they work backwards to make current events fit.

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Oh, absolutely Christians have just about always opposed all new things..... until they get used to them. When printed books became popular in the medieval era, they got pissy because it meant there'd be more books printed that weren't edifying (which was sort of true, but still, WTF), but they settled in nicely after a while. Then when radio came out they got pissy because it meant people'd waste time listening to "worldly" shows and not reading edifying books (which was sort of true I guess, but books were now perfectly fine). When movies and TV came out, the evangelicals got freaked out over "worldly" programs and insisted people stick to books and radio; some denominations, like the UPC, still preach this even if most of the congregation doesn't listen or care. I expected a lot more churches to freak out over the internet/Facebook, and some do demand members not use them, but that's the only real combo breaker. But computers got popular and inexpensive too quickly and adopted too widely to be seriously contenders for the next forbidden tech--instead I know the UPC instead forbade "virtual reality" games like Dave & Buster's have. No, really. I used to work for a lasertag arena in Houston in the 90s that had VR games and every Sunday I was guaranteed to be the captive audience to some idiot fundie who was trying to convince me that these games were Satanic. Considering I was fundie at the time myself, it was kind of stupid, but there you go.


It's not only tech, either. When tomatoes and potatoes got to the Old World, the big kahunas in the Church forbade them because they thought they were poisonous and/or sexually inflammatory until people fell in love with these new foods, and now they're just fine to eat.


Christianity means being terrified of all new things. I remain persuaded that the real issue isn't the inherent "sinfulness" of the new advances but the fear that if people aren't forced to pray or attend church or read "edifying" crap that they simply, well, won't.

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Oh, absolutely Christians have just about always opposed all new things..... until they get used to them. When printed books became popular in the medieval era, they got pissy because it meant there'd be more books printed that weren't edifying (which was sort of true, but still, WTF), but they settled in nicely after a while. Then when radio came out they got pissy because it meant people'd waste time listening to "worldly" shows and not reading edifying books (which was sort of true I guess, but books were now perfectly fine). When movies and TV came out, the evangelicals got freaked out over "worldly" programs and insisted people stick to books and radio; some denominations, like the UPC, still preach this even if most of the congregation doesn't listen or care. I expected a lot more churches to freak out over the internet/Facebook, and some do demand members not use them, but that's the only real combo breaker. But computers got popular and inexpensive too quickly and adopted too widely to be seriously contenders for the next forbidden tech--instead I know the UPC instead forbade "virtual reality" games like Dave & Buster's have. No, really. I used to work for a lasertag arena in Houston in the 90s that had VR games and every Sunday I was guaranteed to be the captive audience to some idiot fundie who was trying to convince me that these games were Satanic. Considering I was fundie at the time myself, it was kind of stupid, but there you go.


It's not only tech, either. When tomatoes and potatoes got to the Old World, the big kahunas in the Church forbade them because they thought they were poisonous and/or sexually inflammatory until people fell in love with these new foods, and now they're just fine to eat.


Christianity means being terrified of all new things. I remain persuaded that the real issue isn't the inherent "sinfulness" of the new advances but the fear that if people aren't forced to pray or attend church or read "edifying" crap that they simply, well, won't.

Good observations.

I remember when the internet first started making headlines years ago.

A few of the pastors I listened to were quite worked up about the "World Wide Web" and it being a tool of the Devil, something which Christians should avoid at all costs.

Later they realized it had potential to be a cash cow for them.

Then they started saying the internet was proof of God working his magic in a fallen world.

The internet switched from being a tool of the Devil to being God's tool for spreading the word and expanding his kingdom.

Of course, it was also a great way to tap into new sources of donations.

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Surely the time spent depositing pay cheques can now be spent reading the bible???

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Freaking out over direct deposit?? Haha... You might as well flip on a light switch and have them gasp at the lamp, "WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT???"

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Fear of progression toward anything non-Christian.


That is -- until they can find a way to incorporate it into their little imaginary world and, of course, figure out how to take credit for the progress.


Then, of course, it becomes completely Christian in every way.

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We recently went to a "mandatory" no paper check policy.


Yup, Don't you know one of the christian employees just came in and lamented that it is a sign of the anti-christ



The anti-christ works in your payroll dept?


Cuckoo, cuckoo! Wendycrazy.gif

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It all leads to the theory that one day, all people will be required to be implanted with chips to do business and those chips are the "mark of the beast". So the more money become "electronic" the more scared they get.


One of the biggest desires of conservatives is to “punish and control.” If we ever do have these bio-chips implanted it will be conservatives that initiate it. Since these chips will be able to monitor what you eat, smoke, ingest and everything you buy conservatives will insist they be inserted in every welfare recipient in the nation. Once that has been established it will only be a matter of time before we all must have them.

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People are afraid of what they don't understand, and since xians are taught that science is somehow evil, there's a LOT they don't understand.

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