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Non-Theist Volunteer Opportunities... Foundation Beyond Belief... Leukemia & Lymphoma Society


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For Americans who may be interested in participating in humanitarian activities through a non-theist organization, Volunteers Beyond Belief (volunteering through the Foundation Beyond Belief) is a good place to start: http://foundationbeyondbelief.org/vbb


For a specific event to consider, groups through Foundation Beyond Belief are participating in Light The Night Walks for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society this fall. Here is the LLS page for the Light The Night Walks: http://www.lightthen...2012ambassador/


The FBB team has a bunch of teams throughout the USA, so you who are Americans may be able to find one near you. Here is the FBB page for that: http://pages.lightth...ht.org/2012/FBB


Through FBB, I plan to participate in a walk in Maryland with the team Mid-Atlantic Freethought Coalition: http://pages.lightth...ghtCoalitionFBB

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