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Through The Wormhole


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Anyone else seen Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman entitled "Did we invent god?"




If not, I HIGHLY recommend the program. It deals with the human psyche and how we have the need to explain things we dont understand by inventing super natural reasoning.


I'd be interested in your opinions if you have seen it.

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I saw it when it aired a few weeks ago. I was especially interested in the study that shows when we feel we are not in control of situations or events we seek patterns in what is actually chaos. It suggests, correctly in my opinion, that early religions arose out of a need to explain or understand seemingly chaotic natural or social events. Wars, plagues, eruptions, disasters, crime, rape, murder etc...all had to be reconciled by cognitive beings with little to no understanding of the natural world.

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I am trying to understand why there are so many crazed, reality denying people in the USA.


Is there some sort of magical explanation for this that can put an end to my raging anxiety??

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I am trying to understand why there are so many crazed, reality denying people in the USA.


Is there some sort of magical explanation for this that can put an end to my raging anxiety??


Compared to where? The US is an anomaly in that it's one of the most religious of the developed countries. Perhaps that is your reference?

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I watched part of it, but unfortunately, it conflicted with Breaking Bad. :)


I look forward to watching it online... thanks for posting!

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of course have morgan freeman as narrator makes it instantly awesome.

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I saw it when it aired a few weeks ago. I was especially interested in the study that shows when we feel we are not in control of situations or events we seek patterns in what is actually chaos. It suggests, correctly in my opinion, that early religions arose out of a need to explain or understand seemingly chaotic natural or social events. Wars, plagues, eruptions, disasters, crime, rape, murder etc...all had to be reconciled by cognitive beings with little to no understanding of the natural world.


I think too, extrapolating from our pattern-seeking nature, we found gods that didn't exist, regardless of motivation.


For instance, doesn't it seem like every time we dance it starts to rain?


We still do this today. "Tragic events seem to come in 3s." Primitive man would almost certainly conclude there were gods behind these patterns when they literally had no other way to assess the situation.

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I am trying to understand why there are so many crazed, reality denying people in the USA.


Is there some sort of magical explanation for this that can put an end to my raging anxiety??


There seem to be a lot it Thailand too. They just have a milder form of crazy there. :)

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This is one of the best shows about science, ever. It is up to date, and really makes you think. I have recorded all of them, and there are several that are outstanding. The "Did We Invent God?" is a really good episode.


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This is one of the best shows about science, ever. It is up to date, and really makes you think. I have recorded all of them, and there are several that are outstanding. The "Did We Invent God?" is a really good episode.


struggling trying to envision morgan freeman saying "titty sprinkles". LOL. I want my wife to watch this one so bad. I DVR the series and I dont have that one on video for somereason. I think they run 2 different series on the same night at different times. thats the only way i could have missed it.

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I love this show. Sometimes i wish they went into more detail , but it always gets the mind running.

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