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Fox News War On Muslims?


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Thought that some of you would find this interesting. Most of us are no more pro-Muslim than we are pro-Xian. However, is amazing how many Xians believe FOX and don't see their own church doing some of the very same things that some Muslims have done.



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Well, currently there is no contest as to which is the most violent, barbaric and destructive religion. Islam is actively carrying out the repression of freedoms, murder and maiming around the world on a daily basis. So-called honor killings and suicide bombers seem to be more immediate problems.

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C'mon F. In a statistical battle, the west with their superior fire power is committing more violence than the Ayatollah could commit in a wet dream. And yes, the principles are the same. Most islamic violence today is carried out for the same reason we carry out our violence -- geopolitical reasons.


13,000 roughly killed by terrorism in the past 30 years versus literally hundreds of thousands killed in response to the same goals by US troops alone over that same period.


Why is our violence different/better?


I really hate defending that religion, but there is so much bias and data mining going on that shapes our foreign policy, it's often impossible not to.

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Most islamic violence today is carried out for the same reason we carry out our violence -- geopolitical reasons.


We shall have to agree to disagree on that one. When someone declares they are following the Koran, defending the good name of Muhammed (piss be upon him) or "immodest dress" causes school girls to be killed in the name of Allah, I believe them. Political motives exist for Islamic nations, but most Islamic violence and repression is directly derived from religion. America isn't putting hits out on people around the world who insult Jesus or the Bible. America engages in a lot of criminal acts, but it isn't the Crusades.

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Most Western violence is derived from patriotism. Tomato, tomato. :shrug:


But I guess we'll never agree on that point.

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Most Western violence is derived from patriotism. Tomato, tomato. Wendyshrug.gif


The US is a super power bent on running things, whatever it takes. Their actions are not defending or promoting a religion. Islamic extremists act on their religion's behalf, not their government's.


Islamic violence can erupt when some whack job in Chicago thinks somebody has offended Allah. American (Western, as you say) violence is a government policy implemented to attain a political or economic goal.


I do not see tomatoes and tomatoes here.


Oops - almost forgot - Why do you hate America?

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Yes Islamic violence can erupt that way, and yes, that's retarded. However, the bulk of Islamic terrorism has been in response to geopolitical concerns, not cartoonists and Salmon Rushdie.


Most US soldiers do what they do because they are driven by patriotic reasons. They believe they are fighting for freedom and a long list of other platitudes fed to them by the society they grew up in. The same is true when your local imam riles up a bunch of Palestinians against Israeli settlers. The guys throwing rocks or strapping on suicide jackets are motivated by their religion and their culture, but those motivating them are motivating them for other purposes not very different from those reasons we motivate our own soldiers. That's why I say tomato, tomato.


I hate American because I hate freedom and apple pie. smile.png

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Well, currently there is no contest as to which is the most violent, barbaric and destructive religion. Islam is actively carrying out the repression of freedoms, murder and maiming around the world on a daily basis. So-called honor killings and suicide bombers seem to be more immediate problems.


I have to agree with Florduh here, Vigile. I don't think Christianity is the motivating factor for the violence of western nations the way Islam is for Muslim nations. As far as current toxicity of religion goes, I think Islam wins hands down.

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Give it up, guys. Vigils hates apple pie so there's really no reason to try talking to him.


You Pro-Muslim apple pie hater!!!!!!

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Give it up, guys. Vigils hates apple pie so there's really no reason to try talking to him.


You Pro-Muslim apple pie hater!!!!!!


Wow, really? I would not have been so civil in my response had I known he did not like that most American of desserts. A man has to draw the line somewhere. Vigile, you are on ignore now. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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I thought everyone should give up because there is no defense against the shrug emote.

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Seems to me thatit is all based on a lack of consideration for other people, whatever the stated agenda. Doesn't matter why this shit goes down, it does, and it shouldn't. We can argue the politics or religion of it but it is still the individual's personal responsibility what evil they perpetrate in the world. There are no winners here, and no excuse for human cuntery.

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Well, currently there is no contest as to which is the most violent, barbaric and destructive religion. Islam is actively carrying out the repression of freedoms, murder and maiming around the world on a daily basis. So-called honor killings and suicide bombers seem to be more immediate problems.


I have to agree with Florduh here, Vigile. I don't think Christianity is the motivating factor for the violence of western nations the way Islam is for Muslim nations. As far as current toxicity of religion goes, I think Islam wins hands down.


I didn't say christianity was, I said patriotism was the motivating factor. It's used as a way to manipulate and control society every bit as much as religion is and considering the outcome, it's far more effective -- Germany, Russia and the US alone are perfect examples of this simply by measured body count in the 20th century and beyond.

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Give it up, guys. Vigils hates apple pie so there's really no reason to try talking to him.


You Pro-Muslim apple pie hater!!!!!!


Actually, I make a mean apple pie.

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I have to agree with everyone here who hates america.

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Well, currently there is no contest as to which is the most violent, barbaric and destructive religion. Islam is actively carrying out the repression of freedoms, murder and maiming around the world on a daily basis. So-called honor killings and suicide bombers seem to be more immediate problems.


I have to agree with Florduh here, Vigile. I don't think Christianity is the motivating factor for the violence of western nations the way Islam is for Muslim nations. As far as current toxicity of religion goes, I think Islam wins hands down.


I didn't say christianity was, I said patriotism was the motivating factor. It's used as a way to manipulate and control society every bit as much as religion is and considering the outcome, it's far more effective -- Germany, Russia and the US alone are perfect examples of this simply by measured body count in the 20th century and beyond.


La la la la la la la...I can't hear you. You're on "ignore".

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Give it up, guys. Vigils hates apple pie so there's really no reason to try talking to him.


You Pro-Muslim apple pie hater!!!!!!


Actually, I make a mean apple pie.


Eh? What's that? Well, in that case, all is forgiven! Welcome back, here's your flag. When you return to the states, I'll have a little gift bag for you, courtesy of our local mercahnts and churches.

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Okay, when did a couple hundred US solders get angry over some independent film not being patriotic enough so they spontaniously murder an ambasador who had nothing to do with the film?


Religious violence is wild, and uncontrolable. It is not following orders.

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I have to agree with Florduh here, Vigile. I don't think Christianity is the motivating factor for the violence of western nations the way Islam is for Muslim nations. As far as current toxicity of religion goes, I think Islam wins hands down.


Religion isn't the factor.



Corporate Profits and Nationalism are. In that order.


As the Tea Party is showing, when Nationalism, Corporations, and Religions mix, things get ugly quickly.


This is partly why China is in a dangerous position right now. The state controls the corporation and nationalism is on the rise. The religious mix with china is the idea of China. Essentially, we once ruled this area it is ours by right.


I think the only thing hold the US "back" from being worse then we are is the fact that Religion is fading. Doesn't mean there won't be a resurgence for a time, but the trend is a steady decline in it. Hopefully, nothing will replace it.

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