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Goodbye Jesus

Sexuality And Spirituality Go Hand In Hand

Guest anuway

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When I made that discover everything changed for me. I could actually take my anti-Christian beliefs with my lover and use our hatred for god and Christ to stimulate us sexually. We would blaspheme Christ during sex. We wold call upon spirits to join us; they would come into our bodies and intensify our pleasure. Blasphemy is a wonderful way for ex-Christians to let it all out. Allowing our animal instincts to become alive gives a deeper understanding of what a god is supposed to look like. A god should allow you to do as you please as long as you bring no harm to anyone. The actual worship of another god other than the Christian god is amazing and again very very very sexually stimulating. But you have to let go of the guilt. I got rid of my guilt by just going out there and doing things that were anti Christian. Like I would go to an Occult store and bye Tarot Cards. I am very psychic. So I slowly eased into that whole dark world and found that I am one of those dark person, and always have been. That freed me. It allowed me to see through the smoke screen and really get to what is truth.


Another thing I began to realize is that you cannot mix Christianity and Capitalism The two cannot co-exist. The two corrupt each other. Look at these fools like Benny Hinn who cons people out of millions if not billions of dollars a year and drive fancy cars has multiple homes, huge home and feeds off the poor pathetic masses that follow the deceiver. He heals no one. It is all about presentation and he makes the presenting look believable. Therefore those who fall for his con will on a much smaller scale will follow these mega churches and their money devouring preachers. These TV preachers like who are on the Trinity Broadcasting Network control the masses minds. They have their slicked backed hair and hairspray and makeup but it doesn't fool me. I personally believe that the leaders of such organizations work for the government so that when the time comes these preachers will encourage their church members to do whatever they are told to do.


I hate the Bible. I took mine and ripped it into a thousand pieces. I prefer to read Aleister Crowley and Edgar Cacey. You see in Christianity you are supposed to be a weak person huddling in the corner asking forgiveness for god know for what. Christianity takes about your ability to think for yourself. It uses mind control, which can be useful to instill guilt as a mechanism of outreach and retention of members. When you leave Christianity you are now empowered. You turn to other powers to help you be powerful. Instead of you being a crying weakling you can now be in control of others. You now have the ability to use mind control in a positive way. You can show them the way out of Christianity. Or if they are not Christians show them your new path of hedonism,paganism and other of the dark arts. I have been very happy with my new belief systems. Give them a try, I think you will find much help from your New God rather than turning to a made up mannequin who is either asleep or drunk in some alley. So I implore you my dear fellow non believers to investigate occult book stores and find a new way. It is the way to true freedom. You will find that everything we were taught was "bad" were simply manipulation devices. Satan is actually good but we were told he was bad. See how they use opposites to manipulate us. It does not work on we who are now becoming enlightened. Open your mind way up and let what the Christians would call "darkness" in. You will find that you are actually letting sunbeams of light finally shine upon your life and mind.

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... So I implore you my dear fellow non believers to investigate occult book stores and find a new way. It is the way to true freedom. You will find that everything we were taught was "bad" were simply manipulation devices. Satan is actually good but we were told he was bad. See how they use opposites to manipulate us. It does not work on we who are now becoming enlightened. Open your mind way up and let what the Christians would call "darkness" in. You will find that you are actually letting sunbeams of light finally shine upon your life and mind.


Wow, anuway, this is beautiful! How direct, how clear, how true. Everything Christianity told us was dangerous and not to touch is worth investigating.

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Sorry, but I'm not at all impressed. If you "hate" non-existent thingies and have found a "new god," you're still stuck in a mindfuck of delusion.

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Sorry, but I'm not at all impressed. If you "hate" non-existent thingies and have found a "new god," you're still stuck in a mindfuck of delusion.


Eh, I can see the therapeutic value for those who were damaged by being forced to worship Christianity.

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Welcome to ExC, anuway. I agree that Christianity is a trap which stifles freedom of the mind and that once one frees oneself from that religion it is a major step to a broader understanding of many things. Yours is an interesting perspective and if it makes you happy, then I'm glad for you.

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I understand this site is for "ex-christians" and not "atheists", so there's technically no problem with the views you are posting here. However, I personally find this, and I believe many other users will agree, no different than a christian coming in and witnessing to us why we should worship God and the man Jesus.


Enjoy your hedonism, psychic phenomenon, and placebos all you want, but please realize that the stuff you're saying is nothing new, and many of us have rejected any spirituality long ago.


I believe the "Ex-Christian Spirituality" forum would be the best place for you to explore this topic further if you really want to get feedback and opinions.

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Eventually people get too old for sex, then what?

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When I made that discover everything changed for me. I could actually take my anti-Christian beliefs with my lover and use our hatred for god and Christ to stimulate us sexually. We would blaspheme Christ during sex. We wold call upon spirits to join us; they would come into our bodies and intensify our pleasure. Blasphemy is a wonderful way for ex-Christians to let it all out. Allowing our animal instincts to become alive gives a deeper understanding of what a god is supposed to look like. A god should allow you to do as you please as long as you bring no harm to anyone. The actual worship of another god other than the Christian god is amazing and again very very very sexually stimulating. But you have to let go of the guilt. I got rid of my guilt by just going out there and doing things that were anti Christian. Like I would go to an Occult store and bye Tarot Cards. I am very psychic. So I slowly eased into that whole dark world and found that I am one of those dark person, and always have been. That freed me. It allowed me to see through the smoke screen and really get to what is truth.


Most of us here, in the course of rejecting christianity, have rejected all notions of the supernatural...including anything of the occult nature. That being said, you don't have to. I might also be misreading your post.


At any rate, welcome to the real world. It's not a particularly easy transition but as you have discovered, the feeling of freedom is invaluable.

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Eventually people get too old for sex, then what?

You might find that to be a misconception of the young...from what I hear if you wind up in the right retirement home it's fraternity days all over again. I hope that's true anyway.

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Eventually people get too old for sex, then what?


You clearly haven't been introduced to the old man porn genre. :)

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Eventually people get too old for sex, then what?

You might find that to be a misconception of the young...from what I hear if you wind up in the right retirement home it's fraternity days all over again. I hope that's true anyway.


It's true. They had to pull my mom off some old guy in a wheelchair more than once. They would sneak away to storage rooms. She was 90 and he had to be damn close to it. They weren't the only horny old fucks in the place, either.


I can't wait to go woohoo.gif

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Eventually people get too old for sex, then what?

You might find that to be a misconception of the young...from what I hear if you wind up in the right retirement home it's fraternity days all over again. I hope that's true anyway.


I think I read somewhere that STD rates are going through the roof for older people, because they're having unprotected sex in assisted living communities and nursing homes.

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Eventually people get too old for sex, then what?

You might find that to be a misconception of the young...from what I hear if you wind up in the right retirement home it's fraternity days all over again. I hope that's true anyway.


I think I read somewhere that STD rates are going through the roof for older people, because they're having unprotected sex in assisted living communities and nursing homes.


you may as well get your money's worth. Also this gives people a reason to choose their own assisted living community. I certainly can see where you want to "size up" the offerings ahead of time.

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I think I read somewhere that STD rates are going through the roof for older people, because they're having unprotected sex in assisted living communities and nursing homes.


2 things about my 75th birthday:

- ALL drugs (except perhaps for that "bath salts" bullshit) are on the table. I'm particularly looking forward to doing lots of coke.

- I am NEVER wearing a rubber again.

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Eventually people get too old for sex, then what?


You clearly haven't been introduced to the old man porn genre. smile.png


I've seen the lemon party .gif :(

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So I implore you my dear fellow non believers to investigate occult book stores and find a new way. It is the way to true freedom. You will find that everything we were taught was "bad" were simply manipulation devices. Satan is actually good but we were told he was bad. See how they use opposites to manipulate us. It does not work on we who are now becoming enlightened. Open your mind way up and let what the Christians would call "darkness" in. You will find that you are actually letting sunbeams of light finally shine upon your life and mind.


I can endorse this part of your post. I recommend that newly deconverted people explore everything they once found "forbidden", especially exploring the occult. However, caution must be used.


This hatred thing must eventually end, or you are still being controlled.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Being that your name is Anuway and you're Satanist I presume, by any chance are you a follower of Joy of Satan or anything like that?

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I've never gotten Satanism. It's just so... Christian, just flipped upside down, or rather inside out. It only exists through Christianity. I agree with Deva, hate is no path to freedom. I say try smashing all idols instead, including our new substitute gods as a home for our anger.


BTW, is this really a testimony, or a sermon to seek out the dark lord as the true savior? Putting in in the LD for its evangelizing nature, for instance, "So I implore you my dear fellow non believers to investigate occult book stores and find a new way. It is the way to true freedom. You will find that everything we were taught was "bad" were simply manipulation devices. Satan is actually good but we were told he was bad.", etc.

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If being rebellious is a part of your deconversion process, and you feel the need to get into satanism for a while, then go for it. But please don't preach to me, exhorting that I try out your god. I am an atheist. Your worship of satan only reaffirms the christian theology, of which I have rejected all tenets of, including the existance of satan and hell. If you prove that the christian god and the bible are merely man-made, then so is your own personal god, satan. You might as well just make up your own god and worship it.


But then, why worship anything? Why not be your own free agent and just do your own thing?

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I think I would find pudd or nook worship more enticing...

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I think I would find pudd or nook worship more enticing...


lol I'd be a dull god. I have no time for human bitching- there are puddins to look after :P And everyone would have to save puddins!

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I think I would find pudd or nook worship more enticing...


lol I'd be a dull god. I have no time for human bitching- there are puddins to look after tongue.png And everyone would have to save puddins!


We'll do our best to look after the puddins after we save the nooks! >D

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*raises one kitty-brow at blackpudd1n*


Have you considered serving Bast?

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I think I'll add some thoughts to the whole embracing Satan thing here. What I hear in the OP regarding sexual release in this context, using blasphemy as a sexual stimulant, is that we are talking about a swing from deep sexual repression into sexual rediscovery. It is a pendulum swing for the effect of exposing what has long been repressed. So "Satan" symbolizes the opposite of the symbol "Christ" for those whose experience has been deep repression, guilt, and fear attributed to that symbol. The positive side of this is that it allows someone to experience their humanity that was denied them in themselves through their own social and cultural oppressions. The negative side is that to simply embrace the animal for no other purpose than to simply seek those animal pleasures as the ultimate good, is regressive.


In normal development we learn to integrate these natural desires and instincts into a healthy emotional state as we mature. We learn how to work with our urges in appropriate ways that add to the overall health of the individual. If something happens during normal development that we are unable to integrate these into the next level of development, to transcend and include them at the next stage, they can become a pathology for us - obsessing over sex, inappropriate behaviors, self-hatred, guilt, shame, etc, etc. What is healthy and normal, becomes repressed and pathological. Regressive therapies for instance, take one back to where what should have developed normally but got broken somehow, are readdressed. relearned for the sake of being able to then integrate them in healthy ways into the person's overall growth. But it's not necessary to relive all those lost years of development, but simply sufficiently long enough in order to accept and integrate those repressed areas into yourself enough to move beyond that stage.


Regression comes where you don't then move beyond that stage, but are stuck reliving it over and over again, as if it hold the key to happiness in itself. Hedonism is a great way to rediscover the normal healthy pleasures of life that had be repressed in ourselves, but it should be done in a therapeutic manner, not the new life philosophy that holds the key to the worlds happiness. In the context of Ex-Christian healing from the fear and repression of oppressive theologies, "blasphemy" actually does hold a certain value. I call it "therapeutic blasphemy". I've been through that myself, where you reclaim power by taking those things which were utterly taboo and shouting them from the rooftops, so to speak. It is self-empowering, allowing you to go back and reclaim the dignity of your own self-esteem, which then allows you to move forward a little more whole. But the key is to move forward. To remain there shouting "God is evil! Satan is God!!" is to actually still be stuck! You are still lacking power and trying to reclaim it through these symbolic actions. To make "Satanism" a religion, is as I said, still completely giving the power to Christianity that you see as having caused the repression in the first place. As I said, without Christianity, Satanism doesn't exist.


The good of discovering ones sexuality is a given. The joy one may feel in this is a coming to know yourself, which of course is good. It is the beginning of healing oneself. But to get stuck there, is not healing and health, but regression into infancy, so to speak. Love is the ultimate good, we find as we mature and grow in healthy stages. Self-indulgence as the ultimate good is not healthy at the more mature stages of growth, even though it is healthy and normal at earlier stages. Go ahead and go back, rediscover, and heal what had been repressed. But I'd suggest not making a religion out of it. That's just trading one repression for regression. Both leave you stuck in the past.

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