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Goodbye Jesus

The Onion Brilliantly Calls Out Muslims' Bad Behavior


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With all these stupid riots these Muslim morons are having over people insulting their religion, The Onion had a hilariously NSFW response to it all.




It's very much NSFW, as it's basically a foursome between Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist religious figures. Conspicuously missing is Mohammed. The headline is "No-one Murdered Because Of This Image".


Muslims seriously need to grow the fuck up when people criticize their shitty religion. It's very true; the other non-Muslim religions don't go apeshit when someone makes fun of them, and this is pretty damn blasphemous.

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The company I work for runs their e-commerce store on their site. We printed a bunch of t-shirts with that exact image on it. I'm looking at one right now, in all it's high res glory.

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That popped up on my Facebook page. It was brilliant, and I saw it before I'd read about the most recent Muslim thing. The hilarious thing was it went over so many peoples' heads. I don't think that 75 percent of them noticed that Mohammed wasn't in the picture, which was pretty much the whole point of the joke.

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Ha-ha! Genasha's trunk is wrapped around jesus' Wang and moses is high-fiving him! Lol!!!

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I had no idea that the Buddha was so flexible. That looks painful.

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I had no idea that the Buddha was so flexible. That looks painful.
He seems to be liking it though! Ha-ha!
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Roger Ebert retweeted it! It was mentioned over 10700 times on Twitter, according to the app on the article page. I'm glad it's being passed around. I want people to think about this so-called "religion of peace" and note the difference between how Muslims react versus how everyone else reacts when someone makes fun of their religion.

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The company I work for runs their e-commerce store on their site. We printed a bunch of t-shirts with that exact image on it. I'm looking at one right now, in all it's high res glory.


Can you send me one? Or 10?

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It looks as though Ganesha is a kind of hermaphrodite.

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To be fair , Many of these people were protesting the violence. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57518017/libyans-storm-militia-in-backlash-of-attack-on-us/


These people have just overthrown their religious dictatorships and are generally moving to a more secular society. It's a long process that they're quite frankly way behind on , but the tide of change has started. Give the people some credit. The vast majority probably do want peace. Yes they get offended easily but its mostly because they're simply not educated. It's not as if Good people+ Islam= terrorist. It's the same kind of fringe lunatic whackos we have in America. Anyone ever heard of the KKK or Neo-Nazis? Hate breeds where education is lacking. These attacks are by violent people who would be violent xians or violent Scientologists if they were any other faith. I feel that the muslims are tired of violence and the perception of violence. It's such a war torn area of the world , and yes religion is definitely at the root of the violence , but it's not like the Israelis are any more peaceful. I think virtually all religions can lead to atrocity , and I wouldn't single out Islam for being more violent than another. It's like all religions, everyone interprets it differently , which is why they're such a ridiculous institution in the first place.

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Damn skippy, Wind. And it's not just education but opportunity. There's emerging evidence suggesting that the more dysfunctional a society is, the more likely it is to be fundamentalist (of whatever religion toodles the fancy) and extremist. You want to end violence in the Middle East? Or religious nutwackery anywhere else? Get the kids into schools and make sure everybody has clean running water and enough food, and can get to and from their good jobs safely every day; get the gap between the 1% and the 99% shrinking. People's need for an invisible sky daddy who can come make everything better will shrink accordingly. The majority of Americans don't get freaked out at people drawing lewd pictures of Jesus perhaps because we're not as invested in him as the only way out of the hell we've made of our society.

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excellent points Akheia and Wind.

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