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Goodbye Jesus

A Sign I Saw


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"exposure to the SON will prevent burning"


I saw this outside a church on their sign as I was driving past.


I was like wtf? That is really horrible if you think about it. I feel so sorry for people who have the fear of hell problem cuz shit like that is gonna mess with their heads.


I am telling you the longer I have been out of this cult, 4 yrs now, The more I see how evil it is.


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Incredible that "caring" people could joke about such a thing. It just shows the vestiges in our culture of what is currently rampant in some religious cultures: religion as an excuse to be an asshole.

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Let's make a cute quip about someone being tortured mercilessly forever.




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I am having all kinds of problems with hell right now. My husband's church talked about "ripping to shreds" those who deny christ. That is how the sermon ended. Then the lights dim, the hands go up and everyone starts singing about how awesome god is. I am thinking wtf just happened. It didn't even phase them. I almost left, but stayed and was respectful. I told hubby I am done with that church, though. It messes with me that I am the odd one out around here and feel like the only one who has problems with christianity.


I am starting to how how evil it is and worry about my kids being indoctrinated.

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If it's that funny to them, why do they bother trying to save people? It's all a joke. If I saw that, I'd feel inclined to walk in there and tell them they're a creep mob. They can be Xian if they want, but that's just not funny. Oh well. The bright side is it turns people off to the cult.

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I am starting to how how evil it is and worry about my kids being indoctrinated.


If you don't mind my asking, how old are you kids? You can give a ballpark answer if it's too personal. I have a toddler and a 9 year old. I myself was indoctrinated since I was able to walk. Kids go through a natural development stage where they can start thinking rationally and they question their old child world view. That is when they shed their belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny. I myself went through that and was an atheist as a child until my mother sent be to a special camp. So you need to keep your eyes open for that window. They are going to have natural doubts. You just need to keep the youth pastors from squashing that doubt. I'm laying the foundation by educating my son about dinosaurs, geology, and how humans evolved from a common ancestor we shared with our cousins the chimps. All of this is based on evidence he can see. Invisible things that act like they don't exist won't stand a chance.

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My kids are 5 and 7. My 5 year old questions everything (Santa, EB, tooth fairy.) She's a little sassy and a little rebellious. I am kind of proud of her. She will just keep asking and asking until she gets to the bottom of things. And she notices any hesitation or wishy-washiness in answers. She catches me trying to avoid the Santa questions. My 7 year old more or less goes along with whatever he is taught. I think he thinks he will be bad if he believes something different. He is not a boat-rocker. I do try to keep them open minded. Every chance I get I try to get them thinking outside of the xian box. I expose them to as much science and culture as possible. We visit the Science museum and look at dino fossils. We do talk about evidence and how science is based on things that can be observed. However, if husband is with us, he will comment about how they don't really know how old the fossils are and tells them scientist are often wrong about dates. He tells them god can make the earth look like its old even when it's not. I also make sure I have plenty of books about other cultures and myths. Son does love to read and will read anything he can get his hands on, so I try to sneak it in. But I have to be careful because hubby will hid books contradictory to the bible. I really don't want to duke it out. I just want to live in peace and it is peaceful as long as I go along with all the xian stuff. That was a long winded response, but I don't get to vent much, so thanks! BTW - Do you have the kids science CD by They Might Be Giants. They both LOVE that. I have to keep it on the down-low, though.

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Also, that is good to know indoctrinated kids can get out!! My husband was indoctrinated also and went to xian school growing up. He went through a doubting time and spent months researching to find out if xianity was true. He was a mess during that time. Unfortunately for me, prophecy sealed the deal for him and he says without a doubt it is true and he has not looked back since then.

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My kids are 5 and 7. My 5 year old questions everything (Santa, EB, tooth fairy.) She's a little sassy and a little rebellious. I am kind of proud of her. She will just keep asking and asking until she gets to the bottom of things. And she notices any hesitation or wishy-washiness in answers. She catches me trying to avoid the Santa questions. My 7 year old more or less goes along with whatever he is taught. I think he thinks he will be bad if he believes something different. He is not a boat-rocker. I do try to keep them open minded. Every chance I get I try to get them thinking outside of the xian box. I expose them to as much science and culture as possible. We visit the Science museum and look at dino fossils. We do talk about evidence and how science is based on things that can be observed. However, if husband is with us, he will comment about how they don't really know how old the fossils are and tells them scientist are often wrong about dates. He tells them god can make the earth look like its old even when it's not. I also make sure I have plenty of books about other cultures and myths. Son does love to read and will read anything he can get his hands on, so I try to sneak it in. But I have to be careful because hubby will hid books contradictory to the bible. I really don't want to duke it out. I just want to live in peace and it is peaceful as long as I go along with all the xian stuff. That was a long winded response, but I don't get to vent much, so thanks! BTW - Do you have the kids science CD by They Might Be Giants. They both LOVE that. I have to keep it on the down-low, though.


Oh god, I feel this. My kids want to go to that Dino Fossil place and I always avoid it because husband would come too and pull the same damn shit.

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I am having all kinds of problems with hell right now. My husband's church talked about "ripping to shreds" those who deny christ. That is how the sermon ended. Then the lights dim, the hands go up and everyone starts singing about how awesome god is. I am thinking wtf just happened. It didn't even phase them. I almost left, but stayed and was respectful. I told hubby I am done with that church, though. It messes with me that I am the odd one out around here and feel like the only one who has problems with christianity.


I am starting to how how evil it is and worry about my kids being indoctrinated.


wtf, Indeed. Recently, my 12 year old had to listen to a sermon about why gay people shouldn't be married. He is also a closet atheist ...that is a problem on my list of "Things to solve in a way that do not destroy my marriage."...hurray.

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HappyB4, the way you describe your kids it sounds like they have a really good chance at a happy life. Just be there to support them when they see through the lies and to protect them from those who would drag them back into a cult.


I really don't want to duke it out.


That has been my strategy as well. I find ways to undermine religion in my home. Right now I'm working on reducing church attendance. Without the constant brain washing fellowship, the emotional trap fades. Later on I will teach them the beliefs of other religions. I also tell them to respect other people's beliefs no matter how silly they are. You don't have to agree to be polite. And that sets them up to see how Christianity is just one of many man-made religions.

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I am having all kinds of problems with hell right now. My husband's church talked about "ripping to shreds" those who deny christ. That is how the sermon ended. Then the lights dim, the hands go up and everyone starts singing about how awesome god is. I am thinking wtf just happened. It didn't even phase them. I almost left, but stayed and was respectful. I told hubby I am done with that church, though. It messes with me that I am the odd one out around here and feel like the only one who has problems with christianity.


I am starting to how how evil it is and worry about my kids being indoctrinated.

I read this and I'm not sure what to say. Have you ever thought to stand up in the midst of the self-congratulations and yell out in a Wendy's commercial-style slogan, "Where's the love Dave?" I mean, seriously WTF? Take the log out their own eye before they judge others. I think the appropriate response would be to say to all of them "You're all sick. I desire love, not this you call the truth and behave as self-glorying fools". If anything I can offer is that to stand up for love will trump any claim to truth anyone has to say if they don't show it. I would demand that any church your husband wishes to go to must meet than single critera. Forgot what 'truth' they claim to believe in. If it has no fruit, you don't go.


Which of course may very well leave you churchless for a long time.... wink.png


My sympathies for your situation.

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Mymistake... "I also tell them to respect other people's beliefs no matter how silly they are"....yes...I like this! Sorry, I don't know how to do the quote thing. Then they will see xianity is just another silly religion. Will be using this strategy.


Just to be clear, the preacher was quoting Psalm 50, I believe, about the ripping to shreds. He wasn't suggesting that they actually rip anyone to shreds.


Antlerman, thanks. That made me laugh! I wish someone had the guts to do that! That would be a sermon worth going to. I think I would have to chase down the person who said it and be their friend. Husband loves this church because they "tell it like it is." They are not all warm and fuzzy and he likes it that way. It is fruity enough for him, and he is adamant about not changing. I think I will not be going for a while. I did request that he look into other churches where women where allowed more leadership roles. But, no, that is not biblical. Those are not real churches that allow those things to occur. He thinks I only care about women's roles to be difficult. Not that I really care about the examples they set for our children. He really thinks I am just making a big deal out of nothing regarding women in the church.


FoolishGirl, hey, that's good to hear you have an atheist in the family. Sorry he has to be in the closet about it. Hopefully his generation will be more tolerant and open-minded. Also sorry your hubby would pull the same crap!!!

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