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The Morality Of God?


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Great stuff from The Atheist Experience:


The Morality of God? - Part 1



Part 2


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Part 3


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This shows how deeply Christian mythology is embedded into the minds of people.

The caller uses standard Christian assumptions such as:

Anything that "God" does must be just and right by default.

That Jesus was more moral than anyone else.

That Yahweh has an arch enemy called the "devil".

That God can't forgive sin by anything other than human sacrifice.

That God's law can be tweaked, modified, and revised as Christians see fit.


The caller contradicts the Bible in various ways as well.

Recently I was looking into Aztec beliefs, and they too believed in dying gods "sacrificing" for humanity and that shed blood was required to keep their universe going.

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Xino, you're not going to get anywhere. You're wasting everyones time.

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xino, did you even watch the videos? If you did, then you need to watch them again and this time actually listen to what's being said.


it was a test as the Angel said so, a test to prove if Abraham would obey like a dog or not.


An omniscient deity would have known whether or not he would obey, so there would be no need to test him to find out.


But Abraham knew God is good! and God would not command such evil act.


Abraham knew that God wouldn't command such an evil act? So, are you saying that the Bible is WRONG when it claims that in fact God DID command it?


What about other evil acts commanded and/or condoned in the Bible, such as murdering babies, forcing rape victims to marry their rapists, forcing war captive virgins into marriage (which amounts to rape), enslaving people, abusing slaves, stoning children to death, etc.?


I'm not wasting my time with the rest of what you've written. Any reasonable person who listened to the points in the videos can see that your arguments have already been destroyed.

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Hey zeeno, why don't you fuck off, this is not a place for fucking woos like you.

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ignorance is bliss!

Well, lucky you.


you talk as if God is not perfect. Are you perfect you hypocrite?

have you ever hurt anyone's feeling? thought of bad, evil things about people in your heart?

judged people?

said bad things to people?


if any of those things then you are no different to God nor evil people.


Humans are flawed.

And your God is flawed.


you go around attacking and bashing Christians, yet did they do anything evil to you?

Go around?


This is a website for non-Christians... going around? No one is going around and attacking and bashing Christians... what the hell are you talking about? Are you on some drugs or just plainly deficient?


This website is for non-Christians to congregate. If any Christian is attacked and bashed, is because they went HERE, like you did, into the place where non-Christians reside. So there's no "going around" at all. The one "going around" is YOU by COMING HERE!!! So lay of that stupid persecution rhetorics. This forum is not the place for it.


It so happens that we have a forum called "Lion's Den". Go there. But in here, "Theological Issues", can't have drooling drive from some christ-drone. Get serious, or you're out.


makes no sense!

it is no different to a paedophile going around raping young girls when they didn't do anything to him.


therefore you are wrong and not justified. Just a hypocrite looking at a different body in a mirror pretending to be right.

Idiot. You're extremely "blessed" (as per top quote).

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xino, I find it quite telling that you have no response to the points made in the videos. Kinda shows that you have no grounds for your position.


ignorance is bliss!


You're rather blissful, huh?


The bible was written after events man. You make it sound as if Bible is like a living book you can cast spells from.


The Bible was written after alleged events. Many novels are written the same way.


I said absolutely nothing about spells.


even though the bible did commanded those things, the new testament replaced them and does not condone them anymore.


So, you admit that God got it wrong with the Old Testament?


you talk as if God is not perfect. Are you perfect you hypocrite?


I am not a hypocrite. I never claimed to be perfect. Are you perfect, you hypocrite?


The "God" of the Bible certainly has failings. Thankfully that being is fictional. As one who believes in that being, though, do you consider it "perfect" to command the murder of babies or the required marriage of rape victims to their rapists? Did that come from your "perfect" God?


have you ever hurt anyone's feeling? thought of bad, evil things about people in your heart?

judged people?

said bad things to people?


Everyone makes mistakes, both you and I included.


you go around attacking and bashing Christians, yet did they do anything evil to you?

makes no sense!


As Ouroborus pointed out, I didn't go anywhere. You came here.


In addition, I don't bash Christians. I used to be one myself, for many years. I simply acknowledge that there are serious flaws in Christianity that render it false.


You're defending an indefensible religion. The foundation of Christianity is a man-made compilation of books with contradictions, fabricated prophetic fulfillments, divinely sanctioned injustices, absurdities, etc. I used to be just as blinded to it as you are, but I woke up to reality. Hopefully you eventually will too.


it is no different to a paedophile going around raping young girls when they didn't do anything to him.


I would never do any such thing, so don't stoop to making such stupid comparisons. Your Bible God, on the other hand, supposedly allowed Hebrews to rape young girls by granting them explicit permission to take virgin war booty as captives for forced marriage. Don't project your God's flaws onto me, because I would never advocate something like that.


therefore you are wrong and not justified. Just a hypocrite looking at a different body in a mirror pretending to be right.


You are wrong and not justified, and your continued baseless "hypocrite" accusation sounds like you're projecting your own self onto others. All I care about is truth, and the Bible and Christianity are not truth, which is a fact that I did not wish to be true when I began to realize it.

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  • Super Moderator
Humans are flawed.


A perfect creator cannot produce a flawed creation. Think! Logic! Reason!



even though the bible did commanded those things, the new testament replaced them and does not condone them anymore.


Did the never-changing perfect god decide to change? The only possible conclusion is that he was wrong and finally corrected his error. Either that, or the OT and NT don't belong within the same cover, and both are man-made derivative mythologies.

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