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Awesome Documentary!


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Check this shit out! This documentary is called the History Of The World In Two Hours, but unlike most history documentaries, this one approaches our human history from a scientific point of view. It literally starts at the Big Bang and goes all the way to the present day. I found it utterly fascinating smile.png


By the way, for those of you who might remember a little thread I started about raw meat- yeah, I'm good now. The raw meat part of our human development was explained in the documentary. I've got a handle on it now smile.png



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This was pretty good pudd, but are you sure it was the one you intended to post? I was looking forward to a 2 hour documentary to watch tonight? Maybe, i'm not awake yet hon!! GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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This was pretty good pudd, but are you sure it was the one you intended to post? I was looking forward to a 2 hour documentary to watch tonight? Maybe, i'm not awake yet hon!! GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


HAHAHAHA!!! Oh shit, Margee! No, that wasn't the one I meant to post!! LOL!


I'll just go change it now! :P


(Blonde moment quota filled for today :P )

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Okay, all fixed now LOL!

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This was pretty good pudd, but are you sure it was the one you intended to post? I was looking forward to a 2 hour documentary to watch tonight? Maybe, i'm not awake yet hon!! GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

Thank you girlfriend!! I LOVE these documentries...Something for tonight.......yellow.gif My life is sooooo boring......

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Thank you girlfriend!! I LOVE these documentries...Something for tonight.......yellow.gif My life is sooooo boring......


LOL yeah, my life is, too :P This is a great doco- I found it helpful to get my head around the chronology of the universe and where we fitted into it. At one point there, I was completely sucked in- they were saying, "but something was coming, a change that would jeapordise everything..." And I was like, what?!!! What is it?! lol

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Just bumping this up again, because I was hoping some of the more science-y types on this board might have seen this documentary and might be able to verify some of the information within it- ie. is this accurate?

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I'll watch it when I get a chance. I often "listen" to science videos at work, but this one seems to visual for that.

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I'll watch it when I get a chance. I often "listen" to science videos at work, but this one seems to visual for that.


Yeah, I guess it is rather visual. Fascinating watching it, though. I hope it's all correct :)

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I've watched about half of it so far. Sounds pretty accurate according to our current knowledge. Although, of course, kept very brief for their time limit.

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I've watched about half of it so far. Sounds pretty accurate according to our current knowledge. Although, of course, kept very brief for their time limit.


Cool, thanks for that :) I thought it was a great overview, but then I started to wonder if it was reliable. I've never seen everything come together like that before- history, science, and geology. It gave me a good overview, so I was really hoping it was relaible, so I could use it as a bit of a foudation to move on from. As a fudamentalist, that whole documentary would have been heresy. I've basically had to start from scratch with my understanding of science and learning about everything. Trying to understand everything individually has been difficult, so an overview like this documentary has been really helpful :)

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Someone was just telling me about this last night. Crazy!

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I've watched about half of it so far. Sounds pretty accurate according to our current knowledge. Although, of course, kept very brief for their time limit.


Cool, thanks for that :) I thought it was a great overview, but then I started to wonder if it was reliable. I've never seen everything come together like that before- history, science, and geology. It gave me a good overview, so I was really hoping it was relaible, so I could use it as a bit of a foudation to move on from. As a fudamentalist, that whole documentary would have been heresy. I've basically had to start from scratch with my understanding of science and learning about everything. Trying to understand everything individually has been difficult, so an overview like this documentary has been really helpful :)


I'm no expert, of course. My saying it sounds good isn't proof. But the facts I do know were presented correctly there, and the rest seems to jive.

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Someone was just telling me about this last night. Crazy!


That's pretty cool! Did the person who was telling you about it enjoy it?

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I'm no expert, of course. My saying it sounds good isn't proof. But the facts I do know were presented correctly there, and the rest seems to jive.


I understand. But nevertheless, you're probably further in your understanding of science-y stuff than I am- for example, the thread I started called Raw Meat. Of course I should look into the accuracy of this video myself, I'm just pressed for time this week and was hoping to get a guage from someone else as to its potential accuracy. I know I felt it was pretty solid, was just hoping to confirm that :)

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Very cool, puddin'.

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Very cool, puddin'.


lol yes, I am a master communicator tongue.png This doco has been added to my favourites :) If I'd seen it when I was at school, and had a chance to discuss it with my teachers, I may well have deconverted much, much sooner.

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I'll check it out when I get the chance.


Does it pretty much sum everything up by showing that the different groups of societies are all at different stages of social and civil evolution?


That's what my thoughts have always been. Well - not ALWAYS. That's just what my own mind concluded to help me make sense of everything.

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I'll check it out when I get the chance.


Does it pretty much sum everything up by showing that the different groups of societies are all at different stages of social and civil evolution?


That's what my thoughts have always been. Well - not ALWAYS. That's just what my own mind concluded to help me make sense of everything.


Not quite. It goes right back to the Big Bang and how the stars and planets were formed, then the conditions for evolution and the beginning of life, then how people evolved, how they ended up in different parts of the globe thanks to the Ice Age, the impact of the end of the Ice Age on development- ie how some people groups were in a better position than others, how governance began with farming, and so on and so forth. It's a fascinating take on history, from a scientific point of view.

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I'll check it out when I get the chance.


Does it pretty much sum everything up by showing that the different groups of societies are all at different stages of social and civil evolution?


That's what my thoughts have always been. Well - not ALWAYS. That's just what my own mind concluded to help me make sense of everything.


A shorter description for what Pudd said would be: "It's a timeline from big bang to now in 1.5 hours." It's one of those good documentaries that doesn't pull punches.,.. it doesn't say "some people think this", it says "this is how it is, now let's move on, we have billions of years to cover" :)


I wish the show was like 10 hours long or something so they could give more detail.

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someone should do a video reply: "History of the world in 10 seconds: Bible Style"


1. blanks screen

2. old guy in robe walks out

3. raises his hands and SHAZAAM!!!

4. The End


That would be hilarious and if I was good with video graphic design It would so be worth the time.

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I didn't watch all of it, but this is probably a pretty good follow up.




Hmmm... Maybe the one on youtube will embed:

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Thank you Puddin! I watched this with my kids tonight. Both of them were riveted!

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Thank you Puddin! I watched this with my kids tonight. Both of them were riveted!


I'm glad they enjoyed it!! :) I wish I'd seen it whe I was at school :)

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