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Goodbye Jesus

Budda Pears


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So this guy on Facebook is a Pastor and does work in Haiti, post like a million times a day about the Bible and God it gets pretty funny sometimes. This one took the cake recently though. He started off saying...



Come on Christian Soldiers, you know he is mocking the fruits of faith, don't you? Can you see spiritual fruit maturing on that tree? I see a junk bond sales man and an Enron executive. This is like when they tried to make the corporate logo formerly known as STEVE JOBS into a HUMANITARIAN BUDDHA. What am I on about? Well let me tell you what I am on about: Galatians 5:22-23 are what!


"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." It's so sad, people can not see when Satan uses them like sock puppets.


I saw Jesus in a cloud... I saw Satan in a puff of smoke on 911... I saw Buddha in a pear... and now my faith has been multiplied by this lie, and it's delicious. Oh, and what an imagination!



I just had to say ... You know some times a pear is just a pear not a plot to slap Christians in the face with supposed blaspheme. Its called Art and being Creative, you should try it with out checking with the bible first to make sure its says it okay to do.

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"Come on guys, can't you see that some artist carving images of Buddha into peaches and then selling them shows how EVIL our world is? Anybody?"


I would comment something along the lines of, "Thanks for showing me that site. I bought three."

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That passage was one of the milestones on my way out of Christianity. I started looking for evidence that Christians exhibited those traits to a greater degree than anyone else. Decided Christians were no more or less loving, joyful, etc., than the population at large. Of course, my anecdotal observation wasn't rigorous or scientific, but it's one of the few remotely testable claims in the bible, and to me it seemed to fail pretty hard.

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Buddha pears? That's awesome. I'll bet they taste Divine.

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So this guy on Facebook is a Pastor and does work in Haiti, post like a million times a day about the Bible and God it gets pretty funny sometimes. This one took the cake recently though. He started off saying...



Come on Christian Soldiers, you know he is mocking the fruits of faith, don't you? Can you see spiritual fruit maturing on that tree? I see a junk bond sales man and an Enron executive. This is like when they tried to make the corporate logo formerly known as STEVE JOBS into a HUMANITARIAN BUDDHA. What am I on about? Well let me tell you what I am on about: Galatians 5:22-23 are what!


"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." It's so sad, people can not see when Satan uses them like sock puppets.


I saw Jesus in a cloud... I saw Satan in a puff of smoke on 911... I saw Buddha in a pear... and now my faith has been multiplied by this lie, and it's delicious. Oh, and what an imagination!



I just had to say ... You know some times a pear is just a pear not a plot to slap Christians in the face with supposed blaspheme. Its called Art and being Creative, you should try it with out checking with the bible first to make sure its says it okay to do.


The guys on crack.....probably molesting the tiny Buddahs.

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I truly puzzle over these "preachers" who are really nothing more than salesmen. Cults of personality, with them at the center, sucking the life out of all those who believe in them. They are vampires.

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I truly puzzle over these "preachers" who are really nothing more than salesmen. Cults of personality, with them at the center, sucking the life out of all those who believe in them. They are vampires.


fundamentalist morons


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My goodness, there's hope for you yet, End.



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    This Pastor just doesn't stop with his hipocracy. He posted a recent quote from Benjamin N. and some one was like...
    Not all Muslims are extremist.

    Define EXTREME. They say one thing and mean another. The Mosque is more than a church building is to a Christian . The Mosque is a world onto itself. Education, Social Services and Community Leadership including Law come from the Mosque and not the de facto Government. Muslims are WEALTHY and INDEPENDENT PEOPLE whose very Religion HATES USURY.
    9 hours ago · Like · 1

    Philip David Thibodeau Ngai its either supposed predestined for Christians and Muslims to go to war over there beliefs or just sheer mass racism that people have this hate/fear of all Muslims. Have you ever been to a Muslim county in the middle east. Ive been to UAE Qatar,Bahrain and even Turkey, Muslims the non US made terrorist kind are very nice people and some one might say that if Christians followed the bible to the letter like the minority of Muslims that are extreme do then people might feel the same way about all Christians in a general stereotype
    8 hours ago · Like


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