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Goodbye Jesus



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I know there is an old thread on here some where about this.


But since the Thinking Atheist brought it up...I thought I'd share it.


What's yours?

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What's my what, thoughts on final arrangements? Stuck somewhere between cremation and a natural burial in a cardboard box under a tree out in the woods. I definitely shared his concerns with space on this planet and how long it would take to run out of room is everyone was buried like we westerners do.

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What's your funeral going to be like?


Personally, I don't really care. I'll be dead.


However, I would like either ashes or body buried in the woods or a field. I really like the idea of burying my body and planting a tree over it. Thus the circle of life gets completed.

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It'll be "pushing up daisies" for me. Cremation is supposed to be an environmental baddie at the moment!

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Funerals are for the living; let them do what they want after I'm dead.

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I don't anticipate ever having children. But if somehow I do, whatever they believe I don't want them sitting at a funeral put on by any religion that preaches hell or any such doctrine remembering their atheist dad. Otherwise I'm with the "let them do what they want, I'll be too dead to care" crowd.

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I definitely shared his concerns with space on this planet and how long it would take to run out of room is everyone was buried like we westerners do.

Me too I always wondered that. Think about much space is WASTED. not to mention that once you've been gone for a few decades rarely do people ever go back to see you. The future will probably have mandatory cremation with a plaque to the family.

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I definitely shared his concerns with space on this planet and how long it would take to run out of room is everyone was buried like we westerners do.

Me too I always wondered that. Think about much space is WASTED. not to mention that once you've been gone for a few decades rarely do people ever go back to see you. The future will probably have mandatory cremation with a plaque to the family.


The macabre side of me wishes our ancient ancestors, like back to the primitive apes, would have had the foresight to preserve the skeletons of all the dead like is done in the catacombs of Paris. In my mind it would be like Dawkin's analogy of The Ancestor's Tale, where we would not just figuratively but literally have a record of every human going back millions of years.

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