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This Is Perverse.


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This is wrong on so many levels. Maybe it's partly because my state bans schools from giving corporal punishment, but I am outraged.


1. The spanking was so severe that she had blisters through her clothes.

2. She is 15 years old. That's beyond the appropriate age limit for a spanking.

3. Taylor is a teenage female and the principal is a man. Even if he had no idea about the school's policy, he must have realized that was

inappropriate. Furthermore, she's attractive, which solidifies my opinion that the principal is a sex pervert.

4. It appears Taylor did not really object to her punishment. Any normal person would fight back against their reputation being tarnished without

reason--she is an honors student! She didn't even know her homework had been copied. Why didn't the school bother to sort it out? They're too blasted lazy.

5. Why would her mother allow the school to punish Taylor when she did nothing wrong?


I would have been incensed if I were Taylor or her mother. This is insane. The creep should be fired and sued.

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Id spank that. :)

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She's UNDERAGE!!! That is disgusting. I always thought ex-Xians had more integrity than that.

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Hehe. Joking, Lilith.

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I don't even know where to begin with this one. I keep seeing it around and it makes me ill everytime. I certainly hope he will be out of a job. The whole thing was perverted AND cruel. He should be disallowed from working in schools, at least.

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Punishing the person who was copied off of, regardless of whether they knew or not, is basically the policy of every Texas school, including my own. Getting copied off of is against school rules, so she did technically break the rules. Of course, I agree that this is a ridiculously stupid rule.

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How attractive she was is irrelevant. However there only needs to be one good reason why this was wrong. You mention multiple good reasons. The blistering alone is enough to show this went too far. Violating the school policy is also grounds for him to be punished. I don't know the specific punishment outlined in the School policy but they should throw it at him without mercy.


Now the real trouble here is that the mother, the teachers, the principle, the school board and the state all didn't think there was anything wrong with a teenager being spanked. Hopefully this will raise awairness and the publicity will get some policies changed.


I hope they get a lawyer and sue the school board for the excessive force. When money changes hands people notice.

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The proper age limit for spanking kids is ZERO years of age. Above that, it's a no-no. :crazy:

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My maternal grandfather sued the local school district and got corporal punishment BANNED.


And this was in IRAN back in the 60's. Good to know my Iranian grandfather was more enlightened than a good number of modern day Texans.

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This is the kind of thing that inspired me to write my "corporal punishment victim's revenge" scene in the fantasy novel I'm working on. 15-year-old girl was regularly whipped/paddled on the legs, bottom, and back by an authoritarian priest of the thinly-veiled allegorical but-no-seriously-guys-this-is-christianity in-story religion. The priest responsible ultimately wound up having almost every bone in his body crushed to powder with repeated blows and his face ended up unrecognizable. He was breathing through holes in his jaw. "People" who do this to kids deserve no less than the same savagery magnified and directed back at them. Same with that judge who beat his mentally-challenged daughter. Bone cancer is too good for these pieces of shit but I wish it upon them anyway, alongside shingles, cystic fibrosis and Irukandji syndrome. All at once.


Oh, also:


But what they didn't realize was that it would be the school's male vice principal who would administer the spanking -- violating the school's rule that the teacher giving the paddling must be the same sex as the student.


What. You're kidding, right? THAT is the basis of her objection? That gender somehow matters? "Oh, sure, beat the everloving shit out of my defenseless child, but it better be done by someone with the same chromosomes! Because that factor is what determines whether it's somehow more or less okay to brutalize a kid." A child is left blistered from physical abuse and they're splitting hairs over male versus female? GODDAMN DUMB FUCKS.


Put mom and school official in an arena, make them fight to the death and then shoot the winner in the head. Only way to properly sort this shit out.

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This is just... sickening.


Why is that even an option?

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I got paddled three or four times in Grade School. It didn't bother me. The problem I have is with a male teacher or principal paddling a female. Sounds too kinky. I think though that if I'd had an attractive female principal, I might have been in the principal's office more often.

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I got paddled three or four times in Grade School. It didn't bother me. The problem I have is with a male teacher or principal paddling a female. Sounds too kinky. I think though that if I'd had an attractive female principal, I might have been in the principal's office more often.


That was grade school. She is a sophomore, far beyond the age when paddling should be needed, if at all.


You're right, though--it is kinky. It's like something out of a middle-aged, overweight, balding man's fantasy porn paperback.

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