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Goodbye Jesus

What Happened To Evangelicals?


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I grew up evangelical, and even though I disagree with almost everything they believe, I used to still respect them for the veracity of their beliefs. But I am astounded at the willingness of evangelicals to compromise their core beliefs to align themselves with political allies.


Mitt Romney was the commencement speaker at Liberty university earlier this year. A MORMON GIVING THE COMMENCEMENT SPEECH AT JERRY FALWELL'S UNIVERSITY!!! I wonder if the the old guy would be rolling over in his grave. As much as they might believe Obama to be some sort of anti-christ, 20 years ago no evangelical in their right mind would consider voting for a Mormon. Point blank, we were taught growing up as bible-believing evangelicals that mormonism is a SATANIC cult. Period. Nothing in their belief system has altered in that time...


This is not a post about politics. I don't care if you are a liberal or a conservative. I just can't grasp this MASSIVE shift among evangelicals to align themselves with a mormon.


And then yesterday i read about Donald Trump's controversial statements (Jesus would want you to get even!) at a convocation speech AT LIBERTY UNIVERSITY! What the hell? Donald Trump is now invited to give advice to impressionable evangelical college students? Again, what the fuck? Donald Trump???


Has evangelicalism just sold out and become a political machine now? The ends justifies the means and all that? One thing about guys like Jerry Fallwell and the like...as looney as they were at least they seemed to have some integrity about their own set of weird convictions. How is aligning yourself with a cult and possibly the most worldly, arrogant, and materialistic man in NY city fulfilling the great commission? The logic here baffles me...


Since leaving christianity and reading the bible anew, I don't really get how followers of a kingdom that "is not of this world" are suddenly compelled to dominate and take control down here, somehow effecting god's rule and morality on earth. The Jesus of the NT certainly had ZERO compulsion in this direction, amidst a far more harsh society of Roman occupation...

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I guess in their eyes, a mormon president is preferable to a muslim one and Trump is a successful example of the prosperity gospel. Wendytwitch.gifWendyDoh.gifWendycrazy.gif

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The sheep may have always been pure of heart and single minded, but to the shepherds it's always been a business.



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These choices for speakers suggest that the leadership of Liberty University is really just interested in the money. Donald TRUMP??!! Holy fuck.

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These choices for speakers suggest that the leadership of Liberty University is really just interested in the money. Donald TRUMP??!! Holy fuck.


holee fack is right, my friend. holee fack.

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I did not know this, but I am not surprised. Mega-church evangelicals have become synonymous with conservative Republican capitalist imperialists.

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First, Florduh nailed it.


Second, in the interests of said business, any quiet shift in who's "acceptable" to bolster their waning relevance will be tolerated. After all, cult or no, a gawud-believing mormon with magic undies is better than any UNBELIEVER in their Jeebus any day of the week. And the political part, well, Reagan started the republican-evangelical alliance back in his presidency, with Billy Graham.

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I think in addition to what Florduh rightly pointed out, this exposes the inflexibility of the false dichotomy they have had framed for them. They live in a world where there is good and evil, right and wrong, god's way or the highway. This type of thinking doesn't leave any room for grey, so when their enemy of their enemy shows up, he's automatically their friend.

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deleted,,,, sorry, didni't know it was a christian university

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It seems that nowadays conservatives take their political identity more seriously than their religious identity.

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Since 2008, I have been able to see parallels to 1993 here in SA when SA was transitioning to black majority rule. The RWNJ here were Afrikaans and there was a resurgence in religious woo and the threat of the evil red menace et al.


Then Nelson Mandela came out and exhibited forgiveness pretty much like what a jeebus would have done, churches were not closed, there was no persecution etc. With BO becoming the first POTUS of colour in the US, it brought out the equivalent loons and these folk hide behind their imaginary friend to counter the prima factor of repressed racism and spout off shit that bears no resemblance to reality.


Everything that went wrong under republican "rule" is now somehow the n****r's fault. The sad thing is that we outside the US see the waffle they spout off on forums, news blogs and really paints a very bad view of the USA. I still like to think that the majority are not this dumb and we only see the rantings of a non representative minority online

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Very simple to explain: 'my enemy's enemy is my friend'. Obama is the xtian cult's enemy sooo...


One other thing - I'd predicted this very thing to my wife once it became obvious Romney was going to clinch the nomination. Among other things said I remarked, "the right wing fundamentalist crowd is nothing more than a bunch of hypocritcal harlots who will sell out to anyone who they think supports them so they'll put aside all their former views about mormonism being a cult. They'll embrace and accept Romney like a long, lost son."

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It seems that nowadays conservatives take their political identity more seriously than their religious identity.


I'm betting you mean like this.



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^^^^^ bwahahahaahahahaha


That's naughty :P


dirty old lady

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They also get their political doctrine from a drug addict who is on his fourth marriage and believe he is one of their own. Serial adulterer, Newt Gingrich was the first choice of many evangelicals for Pres. They can go through all kinds of mental gymnastics if it benefits their political agenda.


It all leads me to believe that evangelical christianity is morphing into one large cult through politics.

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I've also heard the old "I'd rather elect a Mormon than a Muslim." rubbish. Yes, people here still think Obama is a secret Muslim.

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Evangelicals are easily manipulated.

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I've wondered the same thing about evangelicals. Seems to me that politics have taken priority over any 'principles' they may have had. It's gotten to the point where they will directly oppose quite a few ideas directly attributed to Jesus, when said ideas contradict their political ideology. If Jesus were to show up at most evangelical churches these days, he'd be dismissed as a damn dirty hippy- might even get his ass kicked if he didn't sit down and shut up.


But one thing I always have to ask about this sort of thing: maybe it's always been this way? I dunno.

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The sheep may have always been pure of heart and single minded, but to the shepherds it's always been a business.


I could write at length on the original post, but florduh nailed it in one sentence. Bravo.

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Very simple to explain: 'my enemy's enemy is my friend'. Obama is the xtian cult's enemy sooo...




They forgot the Rule 29 of the The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries


29. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.


However, all presidents regardless of affiliation subscribe to rule 4.


4. Close air support covereth a multitude of sins.



And evangelicals really should remember


30. A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.




wiki link

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Those rules sound a lot like the Skippy list in the very best of ways. My poor gaming group..

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Those rules sound a lot like the Skippy list in the very best of ways. My poor gaming group..


"I am not in need of a more suitable host body." xD


Gods, I love the Skippy List.

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