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Christianity In The Work Place


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So I've been noticing over the time that I've become an atheist that christianity is EVERYWHERE. Obviously I should've realized this earlier, but I didn't realize as a christian, just how IN YOUR FACE it is.


However the point of my post is to get advice from you fine people. There is a woman whom I work with, who is the receptionist at my job. This woman is a devout christian. She does little annoying things, for instance: a friend of mine had just gotten off the phone, and after a conversation with her ex-husband, she said "Jesus." in frustration. Our receptionist says "He's the only one who can help!" I can just picture her in my head; Sitting at church, hands in the air, thanking a non-existant being for everything in her life. To be totally honest, she seems to me like one of those people who has had an easy life, and because of that faith comes easy. I don't mean to assume, but that's just how I perceive her.


Anyways, the other day I noticed she sent out a company wide e-mail, alerting the company of newborn babies some of my co-workers have recently had. The e-mail began by saying "God has blessed us with..." and yada yada yada. It even ended much the same way. Today I go into the breakroom, and she's been putting up breast cancer awareness month stuff. That's all fine, but when I take a closer look, there's bible verses, and all these quotes like "If God will bring you to it, He will bring you through it!" and YADA YADA F#$@#$G YADA.


I thought about speaking to the company president about it, and saying that I think that the bible stuff should be removed. The one thing I fear is it becoming one of those work place scandals, where everyone's talking about it. And I don't want my name in that mess. I've also considered that maybe the bossman is a christian, and he'd look at me differently; I don't want my reputation compromised.


So, what do you guys think? Is it even legal to have that stuff around the workplace like that? Should I ask that it be taken down? Should I maybe contact the Freedom From Religion Foundation and have them handle it? Or maybe should I just look the other way and ignore it?


I honestly feel like I have a right in this matter, and that I shouldn't have to deal with this christianity stuff in my work place. Am I making a big deal over nothing?

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Where do you work, Chick-Fil-A? A Christian bookstore? Sheesh.


If the company meets a certain size requirement (not sure what that is) they can be required by law to remove religious propaganda from general employee or public areas. If it's a small company, grin and bear it.

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I deal with this everyday in my job. Reading it and reprimanding it. As a matter of fact you have to be among a certain "rank" to even send emails to the entire company. Technically she didnt do anything wrong since she didnt ask you to accept jesus or say Yahweh Elohim, or Allah has blessed us. Even though its distasteful, its rather generic to be honest.


I get emails from people who complain when they get a mass email that says "so and so forwarded this and god blessed her with a _____. So and so fowarded it and got a new job, etc. They claimed "this email makes me very uncomfortable". So i have to let the lady know that company email should not be used to communicate personal messages.

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On one hand I feel like I could be overreacting. On the other I feel like it is a valid issue.


@florduh I probably will just grin and bear it. It's just annoying. I want to walk around to everyone I meet and say "Have you lost Jesus today?" and hand them a pamphlet about atheism. Somehow, I think christians would be offended by it. Even though they do the same thing a million times over.


@Roadrunner That sounds miserable haha. Sorry you have to endure that on a daily basis. I did want to ask though, if since she posted the scripture and such in a general employee area (the break room), is that wrong to do? I feel like there must be some kind of rule against it. I honestly can bear it, so I won't necessarily complain, but I want to know what my options are.


On a side note, it's a funny feeling, for me to be asking about this. I can remember being a christian, and feeling like my beliefs were attacked anytime someone complained about something like this. Geeze I was such an ignorant person. I honestly probably will leave this alone, because I suppose I can be respectful and respect her beliefs, but honestly shes being disrespectful by assuming everyone believes the same as her.

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On one hand I feel like I could be overreacting. On the other I feel like it is a valid issue.


@florduh I probably will just grin and bear it. It's just annoying. I want to walk around to everyone I meet and say "Have you lost Jesus today?" and hand them a pamphlet about atheism. Somehow, I think christians would be offended by it. Even though they do the same thing a million times over.


@Roadrunner That sounds miserable haha. Sorry you have to endure that on a daily basis. I did want to ask though, if since she posted the scripture and such in a general employee area (the break room), is that wrong to do? I feel like there must be some kind of rule against it. I honestly can bear it, so I won't necessarily complain, but I want to know what my options are.


On a side note, it's a funny feeling, for me to be asking about this. I can remember being a christian, and feeling like my beliefs were attacked anytime someone complained about something like this. Geeze I was such an ignorant person. I honestly probably will leave this alone, because I suppose I can be respectful and respect her beliefs, but honestly shes being disrespectful by assuming everyone believes the same as her.


Tape an anonymous note to the bulletin board about atheism. Find a public internet connection, get a new gmail account and send her a piece of your mind. Print off some atheistic web page on her network printer. :-) Shove an atheism pamphlet in her mailbox, pigeonhole, desk drawer, etc.

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@Roadrunner That sounds miserable haha. Sorry you have to endure that on a daily basis. I did want to ask though, if since she posted the scripture and such in a general employee area (the break room), is that wrong to do? I feel like there must be some kind of rule against it. I honestly can bear it, so I won't necessarily complain, but I want to know what my options are.


I used to think "man look at the devil trying to stamp out religion" but there is a fine line between that soliciting which is prohibited even if it is not for monetary gain. ex. join a group like aspca Personally I only deal with the electronic form of communication like email, intranet sites and IM. these are mass emails that say "forward this on.." or "people are offended by jesus so forward this.." etc. just religious chain letters. its more like weekly tha I have to deal with since so many people don't say anything but they do I have to take action if told. too many people don't say anything. I don't want to be preached at. I get enough email without the religious rhetoric,

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I did a blog about our religious rights in the workplace a few days ago. General and private employees rights are. Are outlined in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The biggest thing when it comes to witnessing/proselytizing and genetal comments in the workplace is that those who are offended must speak up on their own nehalf and demand cessation to certain activities. As far as her saying Jesus is the solution she was well within her personal freedom of expression. Posting health posters using god quotes is borderline but probably legal as well unless directly mentioning need for conversion or condemning others directly for lack of belief. If she puts up a manger scene poster for Xmas you can nail her ass to a wall. Either way your employer cannot simply deny right of religious expression. Accommodation must be made unless it incurs too much monetary cost or interferes with a job being performed.


So in a nutshell I would advise you send her an email politely asking her to take the religious rhetoric down a notch. Express you find only using quotes about gawd on the flyers mildly disturbing. Do not say WHY. That isn't her business. Copy your supervisor or HR manager in on it.


I know this isn't what you want to hear, but the reality is that many non religious quote Buddha, Thor and more. Expression is allowed unless purposeful harassment or quid pro quo. Welcome to America!



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Hate to break up the parade BUT, if I were you I would just try to ignore it. Don't jeopordize your job or position in order to take a stand which you'll lose even though, as Z cited, there are federal laws against it. Know why I say this? I worked in the U.S. Treasury dept. for over 10 years and this kind of crap even took place where I was - god talk via emails, posters, etc. They even had a Wednesday lunch prayer meeting near the cafeteria every week! They justified it by saying it was on their 'lunch' hour so they could do it. I guess they didn't realize that the taxpayer paid for their lunch hour in addition to their work hours as well.


But you'll be flying upstream if you make too big a deal about it. You can protest it clandestantly of course by putting up anonymous notes on the bulletin board and even on that irritating receptionist's desk when she's not around. That is exactly as I would handle it.

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This one isn't worth it. Unless you want to bang the receptionist, just roll your eyes, ignore it, and move on.


If you do...get over it cause that aint EVER gonna happen...Then roll your eyes, ignore it, and move on.

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On one hand I feel like I could be overreacting. On the other I feel like it is a valid issue.


Both hands are grasping the truth. It's annoying, it shouldn't be going on, but you should just ignore it.

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Try to remember that many Christians want to be persecuted for their faith because the Bible says that is a sign. So that desire is going to color their take on events and often they are already looking for ways to cause trouble. If you give them attention they might love it so much that they double their efforts. Do you want it to become her mission in life to win your soul for Christ?

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I agree with the other posters that it'd probably be better in the long run to just ignore it, especially if you don't want to be involved in a work scandal. Plus you never know if the receptionist might start dousing your cubicle in holy water or anoint it with oil or something:).


At my job, the most I have to deal with is someone saying grace before we all eat at quarterly meetings and overhearing the occasional religious conversation; once I heard a guy I get along pretty well with and another woman, talking about the power of tithing and how they even knew an atheist who tithed and it worked for him. To which I thought, doesn't that prove that the whole god thing is a crapshoot since Christian/non-Christians seem to stand an equal chance of getting "blessed?"


Anyway, if I were you I'd master the art of the eye-roll and keep it moving.

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It's annoying, but if you don't like it, don't look at it. Maybe you could counter her verses with something of your own? The only thing is it might turn into a religion war, and you don't want that. Use your judgment.

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Document everything. If someone starts proselytizing or handing out tracts at work, then it's time to mention something. Christians tend to steamroll others' rights without even thinking about it.

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Thanks for the advice everyone!


I think after a long weekend of debauchery, and a generally sinful weekend I've decided to ignore it!


Jokes aside, I do think I'll glance this one over. In the end I felt like I was looking for things to be annoyed about after a long week. However, if she gets worse with this, then I'll look more into my options, but for now, I think it's better not to risk my standing here at the jobhouse. Oh well, anymore I see of this type of thing for now will be met with a sneer and a good hearty laugh. You never can laugh too much.

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Thanks for the advice everyone!


I think after a long weekend of debauchery, and a generally sinful weekend I've decided to ignore it!


Jokes aside, I do think I'll glance this one over. In the end I felt like I was looking for things to be annoyed about after a long week. However, if she gets worse with this, then I'll look more into my options, but for now, I think it's better not to risk my standing here at the jobhouse. Oh well, anymore I see of this type of thing for now will be met with a sneer and a good hearty laugh. You never can laugh too much.


Laughter is a great way to banish the unwanted religion recruiters.

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I can only echo the comments of everyone else. Sounds like you have to grin and bear it and log-on to ex-c when you need to vent. It's frustrating and definitely sounds like a plot line for an episode of 'The Office.'


I'm not sure how big your company is, but if you have an HR person, perhaps you could suggest training in diversity awareness. I work in this field and although it can be expensive to bring in an outside presenter/facilitator, it might just be enough to have HR reinforce the importance of diversity in the workplace and respecting other peoples' cultural and religious boundaries. Additionally, not sure how feasible it is, but if you have a shared calendar, perhaps you can somehow let people know when other holidays are coming up and link to online sites that explain this. We have a client that does this and it's been very successful for some issues they were dealing with.


When I was a fundy, one of my biggest issues was just not knowing and not even knowing that I should have a curiosity about others. She may not change but at the very least it's a non-passive-aggressive way to hopefully generate discussion and awareness at your workplace and maybe more people will laugh with you, at her. Good luck!


ps. thank goodness my boss is Jewish!

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There's more than a little religion in my workplace, and I work in a public school. I used to think I'd turn strident in opposition to it once I got tenure, but it turns out I like being popular with parents, students, administrators, etc. It reduces the stress of a stressful job. I just keep my opinions to myself and concentrate on teaching the curriculum like a good little soldier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Christians don’t bother me. I still attend church with my wife so I’m in and out of that environment on a regular basis. I generally just avoid getting into conversations about religion but today, at my office, a concerned fundamentalist’s engaged me during lunch.


The people at my office are all long time employees. We go back a really long time. They’ve known me since I was an Elder in the Church of Christ.This guy decided to put out some feelers in an attempt to bring me back into the fold. Discussions of this nature aren’t a turn off for me in fact I kind of enjoy them because I’ve learned how to turn the table on the questioner.


The fact that he is absolutely sincere in his concern for my soul is a factor too. So we did our little verbal dance. He’d throw out some scripture and I would respond by saying I really would like to believe that. What proof do you have, outside the bible, that what you’re saying is true? I know no such proof exists but I enjoy playing the game. Like I said, I’ve learned to enjoy the game and I’ve done extensive study and research into the history of religion so I can usually hold my own when it comes to discussing the Bible and Christianity.


The banter ran its course and he gradually became more flustered with my request for proof that his quoted scriptures were historically accurate and literally true. Finally he huffed that it was pointless to continue because I just refused to accept anything he said at face value. Then he added in frustration that it was clear to him that I thought I was smarter than God, but in God’s good time He would straighten me out.


I mockingly ask him to pray for me. He smugly replied that he would but he doubted it was going to do any good. Like I said, I actually enjoy these exchanges now because I’ve learned how to have fun with them.


I told him to study, get his facts straight, and write them down so he would not get side tracked and confused the next time and then get back to me for round two. He will but he’ll have to get over his mad first and that will probably take him a month or two.

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Christians don’t bother me. I still attend church with my wife so I’m in and out of that environment on a regular basis. I generally just avoid getting into conversations about religion but today, at my office, a concerned fundamentalist’s engaged me during lunch.


The people at my office are all long time employees. We go back a really long time. They’ve known me since I was an Elder in the Church of Christ.This guy decided to put out some feelers in an attempt to bring me back into the fold. Discussions of this nature aren’t a turn off for me in fact I kind of enjoy them because I’ve learned how to turn the table on the questioner.


The fact that he is absolutely sincere in his concern for my soul is a factor too. So we did our little verbal dance. He’d throw out some scripture and I would respond by saying I really would like to believe that. What proof do you have, outside the bible, that what you’re saying is true? I know no such proof exists but I enjoy playing the game. Like I said, I’ve learned to enjoy the game and I’ve done extensive study and research into the history of religion so I can usually hold my own when it comes to discussing the Bible and Christianity.


The banter ran its course and he gradually became more flustered with my request for proof that his quoted scriptures were historically accurate and literally true. Finally he huffed that it was pointless to continue because I just refused to accept anything he said at face value. Then he added in frustration that it was clear to him that I thought I was smarter than God, but in God’s good time He would straighten me out.


I mockingly ask him to pray for me. He smugly replied that he would but he doubted it was going to do any good. Like I said, I actually enjoy these exchanges now because I’ve learned how to have fun with them.


I told him to study, get his facts straight, and write them down so he would not get side tracked and confused the next time and then get back to me for round two. He will but he’ll have to get over his mad first and that will probably take him a month or two.

So, a god is gonna straighten you out? It's frustrating to me how it always ends with a threat. Ironically, I've had 2 of them tossed my way by 2 different theists. After going 'round and 'round the mulberry bush with each one regarding 2 different strings of arguments, the one ended by quoting some threat made by Paul to people who don't believe and the other person said something about a god having to come down and smack me across the face. How childish - like a 2 year old doing a temper tandrum.
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You guys don't get it. You're not following the script. You're supposed to fold like one of the crazy atheists in the Chick Tracts. Make sure you study your scripts for tomorrow's shoot because there'll be hell to pay if you keep missing your marks.


When a controller realizes that persuasion won't tempt you, when claims alone won't sway you, all that remains is threats. Wow, I just summed up my abusive first husband. Thank goodness we live in a country where these assholes aren't allowed to throw us in jail for disbelief!

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Akheia said, When a controller realizes that persuasion won't tempt you, when claims alone won't sway you, all that remains is threats


Correct. The conversation, for all practical purposes, ends when a Christian asks, do you believe……….(fill in the blank) and the nonbeliever says no. At that moment any hope of achieving common ground disintegrates. Banter many continue but communication has effectively been brought to a close.


The Christian has metaphorically emptied their gun. They are out of bullets and will soon be confronted with the reality the ammunition they think they shot off turned out to be blanks. They have faith but they do not have evidence, data, or any supportable facts.


When they realize they are defenseless, with their backs to the wall, they revert to their survival instincts and do the only thing left for them to do. They attack but even then all they have left in their arsenal is empty words. So they issue threats on behalf of God because they’ve run out of options.


I guess I’ve become a little perverse in my old age because I actually get a kick out of it. I love to pull a Christian’s chain and then step back and watch their face turn different colors.

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That was breathtakingly brilliant. I'm so glad you're here, Geezer! You put concrete words to nameless feelings I hadn't even known I had. <3 you, man. <3.


One thing I've never done is go bear-baiting on Christian forums. As long as they leave me alone, I don't care what they say on their own time. Besides, I don't like fighting on enemy turf. But those who do so and do so graciously and effectively have my admiration. I'm still relishing the ass-kicking I saw a non-theist give on ChristianForums.com or whatever it is. Best part? I think the guy who did it was genuinely asking honestly. He really wanted to know if there was a resolution to the Problem of Evil.

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On a side note, it's a funny feeling, for me to be asking about this. I can remember being a christian, and feeling like my beliefs were attacked anytime someone complained about something like this. Geeze I was such an ignorant person. I honestly probably will leave this alone, because I suppose I can be respectful and respect her beliefs, but honestly shes being disrespectful by assuming everyone believes the same as her.


It is like this. Saying anything would probably be like throwing gas on a fire. I would try to just ignore it. It's a reflection of her, nothing more. I'm sure there are others there like yourself who roll their eyes, which is enough to let someone know they're being annoying. Not much more you can do really.

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I'll throw one more vote into the "just ignore it" hat.


When I first deconverted stuff that like bothered me. Still does a bit, especially at work (public school in Texas). But to take it upstream would probably mean having to explain to another Christian why it's a problem. Odds are really good around here that any HR person I talk to would also have a little Jesus bobble head on their desk.


The only ones that get more than an eye-roll are people I know fairly well, and know to be really intelligent. There are a couple of people I know that are exceptionally smart, and when they drop back into god mode it always strikes me as very odd.


Print off some atheistic web page on her network printer. :-)

Totally OT, but had to laugh at this one. I used to do something similar to a former boss, although nothing religious. He was possibly the most computer illiterate person I've ever met and would ask me for help with everything from Excel to sending emails. His office was a backup "command center" in case anything really bad happened so he had a big network printer next to his desk. Toward the end of my time at that job I would send jobs to that printer with messages like "help, I'm stuck" and "let me out of here." Best part is our offices shared a wall so I could hear his confusion when the pages came out.

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