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Roommate Hygiene Rant... Again


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One of our roommates never cleans their room. They eat in their room, too, and don't take the dishes to the kitchen when they're done. Thankfully, this roommate keeps their door closed at all times (sooo stuffy in there... gag), but when they do open the door just to go in and out, the hallway stinks like dirty socks and rotting food and BO for several minutes. I have to hold my breath when I go by.


Well, today the roommate finally got around to cleaning. Of course, this meant more coming and going from the room, which meant the smell wafted out-- not just into the hallway, but into the rest of the place. They spent about an hour cleaning-- throwing away a bunch of stuff, taking old dishes to the kitchen, etc. Even sweeping.


Fast forward about 15 minutes later. They come and knock on my door. I come out into the hall and ask what's up. I can smell in the air that distinct smell that used to be contained in their room.


"Do you know what that smell is? The place just smells terrible and I have no idea why." They imply guilt on my part. I follow said roommate out into the kitchen. Yup. Smells like their room does. Or did. But I decide not to say anything. There's no nice way to say, "Well, that's the stink you've been living in for the past many months. Now that you finally cleaned and aired out your room, the rest of the place is gonna stink for a while..."


I said maybe our other roommate had cooked something. I stated I had been in my room for the better part of the day (I work from home part time) and hadn't even used the kitchen. I said I had no idea what it could be.


Lies. I knew exactly what it was. But how could I break it to them? They really had no idea and didn't put 2 and 2 together...


Yes, this is the same roommate who never washes their hands after using the restroom and then goes straight into the kitchen... *shudder* I order out a lot.

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I believe you could benefit from some assertiveness training. Some things are difficult to say but need to be said.

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Ick. Yeah, I'd mention that as well. I wouldn't have said anything if he had just kept his mouth shut, but if he's going to be the asshole and accuse *you* of stinkiness and filth, you're allowed to be honest in turn. He may genuinely not realize the problem. I knew a guy in college who thought he had a skin condition that meant he couldn't bathe (no, seriously, he thought this; as you might expect, he refused to see a dermatologist to resolve the issue). He didn't realize that (despite a lifetime of living there) in Texas in the summer if you're an adult male and don't shower religiously every day, you will soon start smelling like a piss popsicle. He had no idea at all. I don't know how the hell he DIDN'T know he stank on ice, but somehow he'd managed to evade that intel. Sometimes people just don't know.


On the other hand, speaking up might not do more than make you feel better. When we finally got up the courage to say something to the aforementioned stinky guy, he was devastated to find out how offensive he smelled, but still not devastated enough to visit a doctor or figure out a solution. I hope he finally got his butt together.

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Sounds like the room needs a Febreeze saturation someday when the roommate is gone.


I don't know HOW Febreeze works. But it does.

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is the roommate on the lease? Consider that if the stench can't be removed, the landlord might hold the lease holder responsible for the cost of de-odorizing, carpet replacement, etc.

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OY! I had a smelly roommie for a few years too. We referred to her as "Pigpen" (the character from the Peanuts comic). Even worse, we shared a small dorm room, there was no escape from the smell!!

My condolences to you. Might I suggest this webpage: http://www.bureauofcommunication.com/compose/air

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Said it on the last thread you had about this, gonna say it again...this is why they invented the studio apartment.

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Gods, I would have said something a long time ago - but I can't abide bad smells. I get migraines/very ill.


I kicked a prior boyfriend out of my bed because he hadn't showered in two days and ate smoked fish the whole time. I told him he would shower or sleep on the couch, and if he went another day without showering, I was tying him to the fence outside and hosing him off.


Fuck that stupidity. Firehose his room out.

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Don't be such a pushover. Assert yourself - your health is at risk.

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Same situation with my brother's room. It always reeks. We all tell him, but he does nothing about it.

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Sometimes they just don't know or are not conscious of it.


I dated a woman for a while who thought nothing of showering in the morning then expected me to munch her muff late in the evening. Day old tuna is not on my menu and I eventually had to provide evidence of her own "aroma" in order to get the point across. She thanked me, said that she wasn't aware and that hygiene was never discussed in her youth at home.

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Sounds like the room needs a Febreeze saturation someday when the roommate is gone.


I don't know HOW Febreeze works. But it does.


I think it binds to particles in the air and weighs them down. It's best to vacuum a little while after you use it.

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There's no nice way to say, "Well, that's the stink you've been living in for the past many months. Now that you finally cleaned and aired out your room, the rest of the place is gonna stink for a while..."


Who says you have to be nice? Be honest instead. There is no nice way to stink up a house, but your roommate did it anyway. You should have said exactly what I quoted above.

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