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Goodbye Jesus

Ex-Christian Dreams?


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Does anyone else find their personal life filtering into their dreams?


I had a dream last night that I was surrounded by my preacher father and a number of deacons from my old church. They began confronting me about my beliefs and I did something out of character: I stood my ground, hard. They kept questioning me trying to figure how on earth I could stop believing in their god, trying to convince me he was real while I just deflected every question they had with sound logic. Getting irritated, I said something to the tune of "Alright, I'll go back to church if you can do three things: 1. Prove god exists without citing the bible and using observable, empirical evidence. 2. Prove that he truly cares about humanity despite all the atrocities that have occurred. 3. Prove that your brand of theology is more valid than any other religious beliefs."


Of course, this was a dream so everybody was dressed up like characters from Game of Thrones and we were in King's Landing. But every deacon backed off at this point save one: my orthodontist. Then he started convulsing and dropped dead from poisoning and I was chased out of town on horseback.


I woke up feeling slightly empowered after taking a stand. Maybe it's a sign from the old gods.

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Very strong dream! Every so often I have dreams of being back at seminary or of going to church/mass and wondering why I'm there. It's been over two decades so that shows how bad the unconscious is at telling time!

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did you eat salsa right before bed? or eat some paint chips?

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did you eat salsa right before bed? or eat some paint chips?


Nope, I've always had insane dreams at night. And now I'm on medication that amplifies it. A few weeks ago I dreamed that the US government randomly selected my older (and hopelessly nonathletic) brother to fight Vladamir Putin in a boxing match at the Georgia Dome live on Pay Per View. I had to be his trainer. Even I bet money against him. sad.png

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I woke up feeling slightly empowered after taking a stand.


It is empowering to take a stand when you are under a lot of pressure. I think that dreams can sometimes prepare you emotionally for doing things in RL. happy.png

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