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Are you still around? Let's meet here. Let's talk, mono e thumbelino.

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Is Thumbelina banned from the Lion's Den also now? I was so hoping to converse with her.

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You think that Thumbelina actually lowers herself from her special place with God to talk to anyone here? Ha! I would say you must be new here, but your join date and post count would indicate otherwise.


Thumbelina only preaches at everyone. She doesn't actually discuss anything with anyone.

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She's busy getting her naked mud wrestling career off the ground.

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I asked Thumbelina on another thread about some of her beliefs about Christ's divine and human natures. No response so far.

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I'll add to the calls for Thumbelina to return by agreeing with something she attaches to posts.

(Yes! Agreeing. Who'd have thought it?)


Lifted from Thumbelina's posts...

"In all honesty - many on this site do claim to know the Bible. But in my conversations, I have come across sheer lack of knowledge of the Scriptures, lousy hermeneutics, shockingly superficial & wooden literalistic interpretations, failure to trace doctrines throughout the Bible, inability to understand context, failure to take into account genre, etc. ---- Rayskidude"


I agree Thumbelina.


We do fail to trace doctrines throughout the Bible, just as Rayskidude said so.

We do fail to take only the Bible as the one reliable source of truth.

We do fail to reject everything else as the work of Satan.

We do fail to live, think and do as you do.


Which leads me to ask just one, simple question of you.


Since we consider you to be an unsympathetic, bigoted, hard-hearted, deluded, obsessive, hate-mongering religious fanatic, can you give us even one reason why any of us should want to live, think or be anything like you?





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Well, I'll check this thread from time to time to see if Thumbelina shows up to talk with me. Between this and my "Soul Hangs in the Balance" thread, I thought at least one Christian would come along to talk with me.




To Thought2Much...Nope, not new at all, I was away for quite a while.

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Dude, I wonder what'll happen if you go to Christian Forums and post a similar request.

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She talks to me, as a human being. Of course I address her as one - maybe that has something to do with it. Crazy, I know...

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That's crazy talk.

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Dude, I wonder what'll happen if you go to Christian Forums and post a similar request.


If I knew of one with a debate section like this one, I just might!

The last Christian forum I was on was Raptuready. That was when I was just on the edge of becoming agnostic. I got into a thread where they were making fun of JW's coming to the door. All I did was point out that some of their ideas didn't seem to be very Christian, and of course gave chapters and verses to show my point. I was warned by a moderator that I would get booted. I had never had problems there before, and had been on there for years. I replied that I would be proud to be banned by a moderator on a Christian forum who's subtitle (or whatever it's called) under her nic was "Jezebel spirit". I was promptly banned, her sub-title was changed, and a couple of days later the thread went the way of Jimmy Hoffa.


To bdp...I've never had the opportunity to address Thumbelina at all. Her reputation precedes her, and I thought a little discussion between us might be interesting for both of us.

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The right way to do it is to create an account as a Christian. Then tell them that your Christian friend had a conversation with you and you are upset because you think Satan will steal this guy's soul. And your friend claims (insert Bible contradiction). Build it up as you are one of the Team and you want them to help you keep somebody else on the Team but they are having doubts. Then you are presenting Bible contradictions but you are also one of the GoodGuystm. Just be sure to allow a lot of time to pass between messages from your "friend".

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The right way to do it is to create an account as a Christian. Then tell them that your Christian friend had a conversation with you and you are upset because you think Satan will steal this guy's soul. And your friend claims (insert Bible contradiction). Build it up as you are one of the Team and you want them to help you keep somebody else on the Team but they are having doubts. Then you are presenting Bible contradictions but you are also one of the GoodGuystm. Just be sure to allow a lot of time to pass between messages from your "friend".


I thought about doing that, but if I did, I've no doubt that my dead mother would somehow find a way to actually come back from the dead just to slap me for it.

Warts and all, I gotta be me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

about what?


I'm pretty sure any other discussion would be off topic in this thread... the other members can correct me if I'm wrong.


Or is this a secondary account maybe...?

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Well, I'll check this thread from time to time to see if Thumbelina shows up to talk with me. Between this and my "Soul Hangs in the Balance" thread, I thought at least one Christian would come along to talk with me.




To Thought2Much...Nope, not new at all, I was away for quite a while.




Well, praise God, I am still here.


Let's talk!


Yes, grecco8088, let's talk.


Ravenstar, as much as I'd like to talk with Thumbelina, I also said that I hoped at least one Christian would come along to talk with me. Thank God for small favors, right?

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We can always hope!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest nobodyyouknow


'duderonomy', on 09 Oct 2012 - 15:06, said:



Well, I'll check this thread from time to time to see if Thumbelina shows up to talk with me. Between this and my "Soul Hangs in the Balance" thread, I thought at least one Christian would come along to talk with me.


I'm a Christian.. and there seems to be only one of me... do I qualify? Or are you meaning more to debate with you?


I'm curious about thumbelina now...(and no I'm not her..)

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Thumb is..............interesting.  


She seems genuinely nice and friendly......she just a bit....off. 

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Thumb is..............interesting.  


She seems genuinely nice and friendly......she just a bit....off. 


I completely disagree.  Thumb made friends with the older posters in ex-C.  I assume it was people who were here when she joined.  She wouldn't give the time of day to anybody else and constantly has little insults for any non-Christian on her radar.  She is a jerk for Jesus.

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Guest nobodyyouknow

I find it interesting that not one christian (that I'm aware of anyway) has talked to me since I've been here.


So I'll be the first to say hi to another christian here. I guess


hi thumbelina smile.png

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What do you mean 'off'?

People who are "on something" tends to seem to be "a bit off"...
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Hey, nobodyyouknow, I see under "interests" you put a single word: God.


So if you could provide empirical evidence for this God--something that does not also have natural explanations (such as life and everything out there)--I'd appreciate it. If you are like all the other Christians I've known and can't come up with that kind of evidence, could you do next best and explain why you are so interested in someone for whom you have zero evidence?


Thank you.

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She just seems "off" because she has the correct interpretation of the Bible, as given to her by the Holy Spirit. Just like every other Christian.

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