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Some Christians Are Full Of It


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Its been a while since I posted on here...my summer was so busy and I missed coming on here. :)


Anyway, somebody at my church today really just got under my skin. (I'm still going to church yes, but I'm slowly distancing myself away from it) Today was Worldwide Communion Sunday, in case any of you cared. (Its a big thing you know, all of them Christians having communion all on the same day). After the service, they were looking for all the cups and somehow they missed one. It become a huge deal...oh no, where did it go? One of the ladies found it and it was one in the back. I got so sick of them making such a big deal and I said they found it, just drop it.


Of course, my mom then had to open her mouth and say, "Shawn's upset." As being Christians, they had to get their big noses in my business and ask why. I said I'm sick and tired of any little thing at the church becoming a big crisis. Then the best quote of all happened: the one lady had to say "Don't set Satan take your happiness away!" No, Satan isn't, its you so called Christians who don't understand what the word privacy means.


I've been good at avoiding interaction with them at church lately, I do the audio system by myself during the service and babysit a two year old during Sunday School. But that social interaction time in between is just torture.

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That sounds excruciating. :( I'm sorry you have to go through stuff like that.

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I've been good at avoiding interaction with them at church lately, I do the audio system by myself during the service and babysit a two year old during Sunday School. But that social interaction time in between is just torture.


Yeah. Tell me about it. I definitely know that feeling very, very well. It's amazing I never snapped at anyone and flat out told them they were batshit insane or just totally ignorant dipshits. My wife should actually be very thankful that I was able to hold my tongue for as long as I did.

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Today was Worldwide Communion Sunday, in case any of you cared. (Its a big thing you know, all of them Christians having communion all on the same day).

Oh that's huge. That would explain why the earth stopped turning for 15 minutes this morning while everyone was taking communion. Wow. Powerful.

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Its been a while since I posted on here...my summer was so busy and I missed coming on here. smile.png


Anyway, somebody at my church today really just got under my skin. (I'm still going to church yes, but I'm slowly distancing myself away from it) Today was Worldwide Communion Sunday, in case any of you cared. (Its a big thing you know, all of them Christians having communion all on the same day). After the service, they were looking for all the cups and somehow they missed one. It become a huge deal...oh no, where did it go? One of the ladies found it and it was one in the back. I got so sick of them making such a big deal and I said they found it, just drop it.


Of course, my mom then had to open her mouth and say, "Shawn's upset." As being Christians, they had to get their big noses in my business and ask why. I said I'm sick and tired of any little thing at the church becoming a big crisis. Then the best quote of all happened: the one lady had to say "Don't set Satan take your happiness away!" No, Satan isn't, its you so called Christians who don't understand what the word privacy means.


I've been good at avoiding interaction with them at church lately, I do the audio system by myself during the service and babysit a two year old during Sunday School. But that social interaction time in between is just torture.


Well, now that we know what works make sure you bury one of those communion cups in the trash can next time. :-)

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I've been good at avoiding interaction with them at church lately, I do the audio system by myself during the service and babysit a two year old during Sunday School. But that social interaction time in between is just torture.


Yeah. Tell me about it. I definitely know that feeling very, very well. It's amazing I never snapped at anyone and flat out told them they were batshit insane or just totally ignorant dipshits. My wife should actually be very thankful that I was able to hold my tongue for as long as I did.


Yes, exactly. And the gossiping they do as well I can't deal with.


What made it worse today is the couple with reason (who each have a brain and think) wasn't there. They help keep the crazy and insane comments to a minimum. Without either one of them there, all hell breaks loose and there's no one to stop the crazy from rolling. I think if they left, this church would completely fall apart.

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That makes me think of J and April for some reason ;) Man, it's going to suck *when* (not if, *when*) they get sick of being your congregation's "Designated Adults" and leave.

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I wouldn't doubt that...I know they are tired of doing a lot of the work around the church.

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I don't know how you can keep going to church. As soon as I admitted I wasn't christian anymore, I refused to go again.


I'm sorry you have to put up with that.

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... the one lady had to say "Don't set Satan take your happiness away!" No, Satan isn't, its you so called Christians who don't understand what the word privacy means.


Isn't it amazing that the christians are never a fault? They're never annoying, it's Satan! Or if they're vindictive fundies, YOU'RE CONVICTED BY THEIR WORDZZZ! The answer is never a simple "no, you, christian, are an annoying ass fez. My soul is not convicted, Satan is not funneling away my joy, both are being crushed by your inane intelligence-black hole of an existence."


They're so happy, because they suck in and crush into a singularity all thought and joy around them.

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