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Coursera - Introduction To Genetics And Evolution


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This course started today. It's not too late to start taking it for free. Even if you don't want to get graded you can watch the materials and learn a lot about evolution and genetics. I really recommend people check it out if you have questions about evolution, etc.


I've been watching the first week's materials and it's great.



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Cool, thanks... I was just thinking of brushing up on my science. ;)

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Hmm... it says no prior coursework assumed. I am hoping it isn't too simple. That is a helluva lotta ground to cover in one course sufficiently deep enough.

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Hmm... it says no prior coursework assumed. I am hoping it isn't too simple. That is a helluva lotta ground to cover in one course sufficiently deep enough.


We'll see I guess.


The introductory stuff says there will be two kinds of videos. Those labelled "G" for general knowledge anyone can understand and those labelled "S" for "specialist" details that gets down into the nitty gritty of it all.

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