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Goodbye Jesus

The Next Chapter In The Saga


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So, today I get an email from my manager saying that we have to discuss my recent conduct in our carpark. Did I manager his manager was tagging along too?


Can you guess what it was about? You betcha, the bird that I supposedly killed. I realize they had to follow it up as the accusation was thrown to them to sort out but I just find it so incredibly offensive that someone would assume the worst of me (or anyone for that matter). Killing an animal for the pure sadistic pleasure is a sign of severe mental issues, and an early warning sign of someone turning into a serial killer.


Anyways, I told my manager that I was upset that it came to this and I explained what happened and told them that they could confer with a co-worker who was in the car with me. I was going to go ballistic but a coworker helped calm me down before the meeting, but even then I was still very very upset. After the meeting concluded (and I surely hope this is the end, it's been very stressful for me) they pretty much said that they thought the accusation was silly and didn't think that I would do such a thing.


I know I will sound like a pussy but I seriously cried afterwards. I was just so angry and upset about the whole thing. I already felt bad about the situation, but for people to think I did it maliciously? It's so much to try to bear. Thankfully the guys in my team were very supportive. They could tell how upset I got over it and both today and the other day helped me relax a bit over it.


I got up now in the middle of the night because it's still stressing me. I think the conduct of those who initially accused me was unprofessional and hurtful. I'm wondering if I should request an apology or if I should just let this slide. Anyways, I'll try to sleep now.

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. . . but I seriously cried afterwards.


Don't worry about it. Nothing wrong with that. This isn't the '70s anymore.


I got up now in the middle of the night because it's still stressing me. I think the conduct of those who initially accused me was unprofessional and hurtful. I'm wondering if I should request an apology or if I should just let this slide. Anyways, I'll try to sleep now.


What would be the point to making them apologize? If they were going to be sincere then they would apologize of their own accord. They are idiots. I wouldn't even try to reason with them. If you want you can inform them that they were out of line. Maybe ask them if you should call PETA every time a bug hits their windshield. But don't expect higher brain functions out of them.

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If I didn't have personal experience with blow-back after trying to be genuine with a co-worker who had wronged me I would advise you to confront them. Some people just don't handle honesty very well.

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  • Moderator

It sucks to have to work with assholes, but such is the way of the world. I'm sorry that it went that far. I can understand needing a good cry. Letting it out is much better for your health than stuffing it.

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