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How do you heal?


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Question that popped into my head as I was reading the other thread.


After dealing with the must fustrating kinds of people(staring into the abyss as I like to call it) how do you heal? What gives you hope again?


For me... it's a lot of things. Sometimes it's just curling up and blasting NIN as loud as I can stand it. Sometimes it's laying back... closing my eyes... drifting off to somewhere beautiful... (a waterfall is my favourite place, but I have been known to wander) playing some Sarah Brightman... letting everything go and disappearing into the music.


Another huge one is spending time with friends and loved ones... which is rather odd, considering many of my friends are themselves devout Christians. :twitch:


Yeah, I know. I'm weird. It works, though.


So what is it for you? What is your 'water of life' to mis-use a phrase? What puts you back together after being emotionally torn apart?



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Guest Challenger

I don't dwell on the downside of things. It won't change anything , so why bother? I'd rather work on fixing the problem, even if I might screw it up worse--but to me that's better than just sitting there doing nothing.


If and when I have to deal with frustrating people, I just keep in mind that usually their actions aren't directed at me personally, and knowing that, it is much easier to move forward. I'd much rather put my energy into something positive. The bad feelings are all theirs, with my sincerest compliments.


What gives me hope? My daughters. As long as they're OK, anything else that happens I'll be able to handle. I've been emotionally torn apart before, and it could happen again, but I will always hold it together for my kids.

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Being reminded of the capacity we have to heal gives me hope. (so thank you for this thread) My list of things that lift my spirits would be very similar.


Immersing myself in nature often lifts negative tensions, a breeze to blow away the cobwebs - a view from a hilltop, listening to rainfall.


Being with those I love.


Letting go of negativity.

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As long as life goes on, I have hope. As well as the people I love.

That's it.

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I write, I read, I drown myself in music and for me, the best healing comes just curling up with my husband.


The other main healer for me has been time. Slowly, surely, step by step. And I still have many more steps to take.

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Guest Challenger

The other main healer for me has been time. Slowly, surely, step by step. And I still have many more steps to take.


Take one step at a time. . .go forward. That's what I do.

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So what is it for you? What is your 'water of life' to mis-use a phrase? What puts you back together after being emotionally torn apart?


I would have to say that meditation is key for me. Being able to take myself away from it all and get a better perspective on things. When meditating I can go where I want and with whomever I choose.


Friends and family are also very important. Healing comes through communication and having friends that I can pour my heart out to and know that they will still love me.



It’s very healing.


And oh, yeah.......waterfalls are nice, too. ;)



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The other main healer for me has been time. Slowly, surely, step by step. And I still have many more steps to take.


Take one step at a time. . .go forward. That's what I do.



Yep - what's really fun is when I trip over my feet and fall on my face. :) But...it still all somehow works out.

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How do I deal with crappy people?


I pick my battles. Some people are just jerkoffs and it's a waste of time to try to deal with them.


I take a lot of downtime. Pet my pooch, hang out with friends, have quality time with the spouse. Play video games or read or take a walk.


Humor. I use it to lighten, to amuse, to disembowel. I use it as a weapon, as a bonding tool, and as a shield.


Having a mental "fuck you" attitude can help sometimes too. As long as I have my middle fingers, I'll be fine. Even if the gesture is imagined instead of acted.

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Writing in my offline journal is very cathartic for me. It is my primary form of stress relief.


Sometimes I play video games and enjoy blowing up the bad guys.


Taking hot bubble baths helps to relax also. And yeah, meditating helps a lot.

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Guest Challenger

The other main healer for me has been time. Slowly, surely, step by step. And I still have many more steps to take.


Take one step at a time. . .go forward. That's what I do.



Yep - what's really fun is when I trip over my feet and fall on my face. :) But...it still all somehow works out.


When I fall, I pick myself up and keep slogging along. I don't let anything keep me down!

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When I fall, I pick myself up and keep slogging along. I don't let anything keep me down! Except when Charlize wants to be on top, but that's a different story entirely.


Chally, I got yer back, buddy.

I fixed your comment right up for ya. :58:





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Guest Challenger
When I fall, I pick myself up and keep slogging along. I don't let anything keep me down! Except when Charlize wants to be on top, but that's a different story entirely.


Chally, I got yer back, buddy.

I fixed your comment right up for ya. :58:







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Sometimes I play video games and enjoy blowing up the bad guys.


I hear ya, Amethyst. An hour of Halo can help lower my urge to kill. :phew:

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Excercise. I do taekwondo several times a week, and if I've had a bad time I can practice patterns or work on the heavy bag. Generally just forget everything that is happening around you and focus on a single activity (hobbies, movie, book, sport, sex :wicked:


Excercise makes you tired and happy, while being good for you and depending on what you pick can be a social event.

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Guest Challenger

Excercise. I do taekwondo several times a week, and if I've had a bad time I can practice patterns or work on the heavy bag. Generally just forget everything that is happening around you and focus on a single activity (hobbies, movie, book, sport, sex :wicked:


Excercise makes you tired and happy, while being good for you and depending on what you pick can be a social event.


When I have a good workout (I study taekwando also), I don't really have a chance to think about anything else--if you're daydreaming at the wrong time you can easily get tagged. So I really have to pay attention. But I like being sore at the end of a workout, having a good stretch--I feel like I've accomplished what I set out to do. Even when I get my butt kicked--a regular occurance :HaHa:

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