Lightbearer Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 Hey everyone. It's been quite some time since I used to post here regularly and since that time a lot has changed in my life. More specifically, my views on atheism. Before I get into I want to state that I'm a strong atheist. I'm very convinced of the non-existence of "God". That being sad, where I am right now in my intellectual path and spiritual journey is a place of calm detachment. Pardon my french, but I just don't really give a fuck about the issue anymore. I'm talking about right now because I think this is a state in atheism that I would like to see others "reach". When I look back at my older posts and my younger self I can see how angry I was, how much I wanted to argue and "debate" the issue with believers. Desperate to prove or disprove something. Maybe I'm tired. Exhausted from the never-ending internet battles and you know what? I've notice a pattern on the internet. Where people become atheists and then have this hot-headed attitude about, constantly proclaiming it and picking fights with theists. Over time they calm down, cool off and don't make such an issue out of it. It seems like, feels like, I'm evolving in this direction to where right now, I don't care to debate the issue. I don't want to talk about it. It's a waste of oxygen and mental energy. No one is going to change my mind, especially not a Christian. I've heard all they have to say, I feel. I've heard and seen all the arguments people can think up of and I'm not satisfied. Jesus Christ died in my heart a long time ago and if he didn't rise over the weekend, I know he's staying dead. Simple as that. There is no god. Maybe I'd forget all about it if I didn't constantly see people fighting over the issue. Tooth and nail, sticks and stones. All over the internet. With the same copy and pasted arguments too. So much wasted time. What everyone stopped fighting and did something productive instead? Plant a tree, paint a picture, write a poem. Something! That's the level of atheism I'm at. Does anyone else feel like this? Or is just me? Me being lazy? I'm having trouble explaining how I feel, which is why I thought to come back here after all this time and growth.
RankStranger Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 I understand where you're coming from to a point. For me, this is a settled issue. Nothing short of an appearance by Jesus Himself is gonna cause me to reconsider - I don't feel the need to respond to lame arguments made by Christians. That said, lots of new believers NEED to hash this stuff out. It's part of the process IMO. So it doesn't bother me to see people debate Christians - I think that's a good thing. I just don't feel the need to join in much these days except for the occasional joke if a particularly funny christian shows up. No, these days I prefer to argue other subjects. Although I'm getting kinda tired of political arguments too. They seem way too close to religion. 99% of the discussion is futile. Maybe I'd be better off acting like an adult and discussing rather than debating. But isn't trolling the whole point of the internet?
florduh Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 I never discuss "spiritual" topics anywhere other than here. Whatever anyone wants to think is up to them and doesn't impact me unless it's an active/ militant group or person. Believe in gods, souls, fairies, or L. Ron Hubbard - all the same to me; guesswork and wishful thinking. I have no doubts about my doubts, though a spooky realm would be pretty cool and I'm hopeful that some day someone will be able to prove its existence to me. So far it's not looking good.
BDPApostate Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 I am in the pissed off phase still It feels to good to argue and tell off people that are purposefully ignorant.
Guest Babylonian Dream Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 I used to need to debate christians, it was the only way I survived living with my mom XD Now, I just don't care. People can have their beliefs, I don't care if they believe in God or whatever they believe.
NEWsong Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 I at the place that you are "Lightbearer" and I think that you bring up a very pertinent point. I believe that we either are "working out" our deconversion/new ANTI christian/atheism or we have "settled in" to accepting what we now DO NOT believe as just being delusion that others STILL like to believe. I don't know if I was ever angry towards the believers but I didn't and don't have the christian pushiness, judgmental attitude and constantly "trying to get them saved" as MANY ex christians are still facing on this board, imho. If that were my case, I think that I would be a bit angry and fighting BACK.
Moderator TrueFreedom Posted January 11, 2013 Moderator Posted January 11, 2013 I never found debating very productive, though I enjoy the opportunity when it arises. With most people I plant seeds and drop hints, but I don't just come out and tell them that their cherished beliefs are false.
movingon Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 I've never really felt the need to debate. people can hold to whatever belief they want. It isn't my job to change it. I felt this way most of my Christian life to though, which I guess is probably why I feel the same now
Deva Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 In real life, religion is the last thing I want to discuss with people, unless I sense we have some common ground on the subject or I am asked a direct question - and that very seldom happens.
Galien Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 I have had enough of the whole boatlaod of shit to last me three lifetimes. Been at the don't care phase for some time now.
JadedAtheist Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 I don't have the energy to argue about most stuff at length. In the end, it doesn't really matter. For a lot of people they have that need to debate and argue and for some, they'll never get tired of the need to do that. But I guess both sides need their 'apologists'.
Deva Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 Jesus Christ died in my heart a long time ago and if he didn't rise over the weekend, I know he's staying dead. That's actually a beautiful statement Lightbearer. Thank you. It has been true for me for over 10 years.
Realist Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 Does anyone else feel like this? Or is just me? Me being lazy? I'm having trouble explaining how I feel, which is why I thought to come back here after all this time and growth. Lightbearer, I read your post ... and thought I could have written it word for word! There are far more things in this world of vital more importance than continually debating mythology! I like you ... am over it!
mwc Posted January 13, 2013 Posted January 13, 2013 Believe in gods, souls, fairies, or L. Ron Hubbard - all the same to me I believe in L. Ron Hubbard. I have no doubts at all that he existed and was/is not the same as the other things listed. His current status is deceased. mwc
new2me Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 While I was reading Hitchens' God is Not Great, I often thought of a Christian friend of mine and wanted to have him read that book. Of course, as soon as the thought would enter my head, the next thought followed - that it would be pointless because he would not be willing to accept the message. I would love to have my Christian friends and family realize the absurdity of their religion. I just don't have the stomach to get out there and debate the topic. I felt the same way about spreading "the good news" when I was a Christian. At least now I feel like I have the facts on my side. A few weeks ago, my dad talked to me about a friend who recently died. He told me that he had been very concerned about whether she had accepted Jesus, but was relieved to find out later that she had done that prior to her death. I wanted so badly to be able to convince him that he doesn't have to worry about stuff like that. My husband said that since my father finds comfort in his religion, it's best to let him have it. While I don't know how it is comforting to be worried that your loving Father in Heaven is going to torture your non-believing friends for all eternity, I agreed that the wisest course of action was to keep my mouth shut.
Endemoniada Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 I too became apathetic about my atheism after a while. In fact, I was never the stereotypical atheist who foams at the mouth over the most innocuous mention of god or religion. Even when I was a christian, I got tired of debates because I soon saw them for what they were: a way for the audience to affirm their own beliefs. Sure, they may benefit the few who actually are ignorant or on the fence over a topic, but most want to see their side 'win', and will think so regardless of who was the master debater. I don't even like talking about religion with people I agree with, honestly. (Though it's become a running gag that when I leave the dinner table to get more food, everyone starts talking about religion.) A large part of the reason is that I simply am not a very assertive person. I don't feel the need to argue with people when I think it will do more harm than good. When I was a christian, I wouldn't evangelize partly because I was scared and partly because I knew it would make me look like a dick, and that was no way to treat a friend. Now that I'm on the other side, I do the same thing. I don't have a problem with people being religious, that's their business, and I think it's a dick move to assume their life would be vastly improved if they became an atheist. If someone's happy with a modest religious belief, I don't want to interfere because I wouldn't want them to convert me. If I think a belief is harmful or incredibly stupid, I'll let them know, but otherwise I don't feel the need to be vocal about my agnosticism.
RipVanWinkle Posted January 16, 2013 Posted January 16, 2013 I am becoming less and less interested in debating Xtianity with christians. Debate has allowed me to let off steam from frustration which has accumulated. It's different if a person comes to me about Xtianity because the spark has originated with them. It has to come from them; otherwise it is a waste time. I don't remember any Xtian changing his or her mind as a result of a debate. I am just about at the place where I can leave the debates behind. I don't believe they are a good way to get at the truth. In fact, a debate is not really designed to do that because each side wants to win. We can get closer to the truth by an honest discussion of an issue where neither side takes the position that she/he already knows all there is to know about the matter. bill
Jose Posted January 26, 2013 Posted January 26, 2013 I enjoyed arguing when I was a christian and I enjoy it now. I'm way past the "work myself into a froth" stage though. I'm very clinical and detached from any of the emotional content of what I'm arguing about. I generally won't waste my time debating unless someone else brings it up, but I never let blatant bullshit pass without calling it out. Even if it's not about religion, but other harmful things... homeopathy, anti-vaccine, legislating morality in politics, etc.
thebatman Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 We're just people born in the wrong period of humanity. We're entering a new age. We're having birth contractions on this planet this very moment. People are waking up, especially as the old superstitious generations are dying off. For the first time in humanity, we can actually prove that religions are just myths. Of course there are still many religious people, but secularism is on the rise. One day, maybe in the 23rd or 24th century. Humanity will be studying religion and asking, "did our ancestors really believe that bullshit?" So really there is no point in fighting, the battle will be won. It's evolution, progression. Every generation from now on will slowly begin to shed their religious image. It sucks being alive during these current dark ages but whatever.
Moderator TrueFreedom Posted January 27, 2013 Moderator Posted January 27, 2013 One day, maybe in the 23rd or 24th century. Humanity will be studying religion and asking, "did our ancestors really believe that bullshit?" So really there is no point in fighting, the battle will be won. It's evolution, progression. Every generation from now on will slowly begin to shed their religious image. It sucks being alive during these current dark ages but whatever. One can only hope.
thebatman Posted January 28, 2013 Posted January 28, 2013 One day, maybe in the 23rd or 24th century. Humanity will be studying religion and asking, "did our ancestors really believe that bullshit?" So really there is no point in fighting, the battle will be won. It's evolution, progression. Every generation from now on will slowly begin to shed their religious image. It sucks being alive during these current dark ages but whatever. One can only hope. It's not about intelligence brother. I have known several very smart Christians who could mop the floor with most atheists, including myself. First and foremost it's about childhood indoctrination. Secondly people get caught up in the collective group-think of the people they associate with. Also there's no real forum for secular people to join together and make a difference. But all these things will change in the next centuries.
ilovemybrain Posted January 28, 2013 Posted January 28, 2013 Yeah I feel the same most of the time. Occasionally fundies get in my face and I get all pissed off. And I do have xian kids and xian soon-to-be ex husband so sometimes I still do like the support here, of other ex-c's dealing with the same kinds of issues. But until they bug me about it I don't like to think too much about religion or go stirring anyone up.
Moderator TrueFreedom Posted January 28, 2013 Moderator Posted January 28, 2013 One day, maybe in the 23rd or 24th century. Humanity will be studying religion and asking, "did our ancestors really believe that bullshit?" So really there is no point in fighting, the battle will be won. It's evolution, progression. Every generation from now on will slowly begin to shed their religious image. It sucks being alive during these current dark ages but whatever. One can only hope. It's not about intelligence brother. I have known several very smart Christians who could mop the floor with most atheists, including myself. First and foremost it's about childhood indoctrination. Secondly people get caught up in the collective group-think of the people they associate with. Also there's no real forum for secular people to join together and make a difference. But all these things will change in the next centuries. I'm not saying that Christians are stupid. Most of us were Christians at one time. I'm just afraid that the uneducated are procreating at a much larger scale than the educated in general.
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