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Goodbye Jesus

"Yeah, but you're an idiot."

Mr. Neil

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A follow-up to my "Tired Of It" thread.


Have you ever started to type a paragraph of insults in response to fundy psychobabble? I do it all the time. I'll start typing the most ravenously fire-breathing responses to idiocy, and I usually end up hitting backspace about halfway through. "No... I can't type that!" And then I respond normally.


With as many heated responses that make it through, there is quite a bit of angry posts that never see the light of day from me.


Like whenever I see Jason Gastrich online, I have to censor myself, otherwise I'll just vent on him furiously. The last time, which I think was on Infidel Guy, I had made it to like the third paragraph before I stopped and said, "I can't send this!".


It was like, "OH MY GOD!!! YOU SUCK!!! You're like the worst apologist ever! You can't possibly take yourself seriously! Your harmonizations are easily defeated, and instead of having the intellectual honesty to follow-up criticism, you do your best to silence your critics! Everyone knows you fucking lie! Anyone in the world can follow your activities on the internet and see that nothing you say is true! You lie like a BITCH! Just like you lied about removing your 'debate' with Dan Barker from your site! Anyone who listens to it can literally hear you getting your ass handed to you. Seriously! If you listen closely, you can hear Dan Barker going, *Rrrrrrrrrippp!!!!* 'Here's your ass, Jason!' So instead of humbling yourself like a good Christian, you took the interview down and recorded a post-interview 'reply' to go in its place. How much of a fucking coward do you have to be to censor someone who defeats your arguments?! And you do it all the time!!! Everytime someone makes a site about you, you accuse them of 'cybersquatting', but you are the biggest cybersquatter of them all, Mr. 'skepticsannotatedbible.ORG' and 'theinfidelguy.com'!!! Mr. 'michaelnewdow.com'! You're a moneygrubbing bastard! Everything you do is done to line your pockets, and even the Christians know it! Honestly, who actually endorses your arguments? More Christians believe Kent Hovind's nonsense than any of your shit, and he's a walking, talking joke as well! Who do you have? 'Uncle Davey'?! Well, I suppose that statistically, it had to happen. I mean if 6% of the American populus believes that the moon landing was faked and that thousands of flat-earthers still exist worldwide, then likely there'd be at least one person who actually approves of Jason Gastrich's absurd apologetics. I mean, who's buying your CD other than atheists? The only people I know who own a copy are people who laugh at you. Is there one positive review on Amazon that isn't you, Jason? Who the hell do you think you're fooling?!"


I just go on like that. And eventually, I just end up deleting stuff like that, because I get so off-topic. I've done that with txviper, TJR666, Daniel_1012, Jesus_Freak, Emanuel Goldstein II, Mad Gerbil, and just about every other apologist I've ever engaged on this site. I just get so flabberghasted when I spend upwards of an hour destroying someone's arguments, and the response I get is something like, "Nuh-uh". Or they slip in a red herring. Or they say, "I'm tired of talking about ERVs." I mean... Arrrggghhh!!!! There are so many times I wish I could let loose, but if I did that, then about half of my posts would just be angry insults.

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i don't see any reason why you shouldn't have posted that. sounds good to me

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I do that a lot.

Im afraid ill go too far and get in trouble.

Since I have not, yet I have gotten braver and braver

After all the heated discussions I have seen I have about decided it is pretty hard to get in trouble by moderators unless you’re a fundie troll or something.

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Actually, Mr. Neil, I'd have LOVED to see ya post a reply like that. Unlike the average half literate flame, that was an elegant and amusing ass kicking.


I don't know how you manage to control yourself so well, but I know I wouldn't have your patience with the fundies. However, just because the majority of them are too brainwashed to appreciate your posts, I don't want you to feel unappreciated. I, for one, LOVE your posts. You always manage to teach me something, and I thank you for it.

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Have you ever started to type a paragraph of insults in response to fundy psychobabble? I do it all the time. I'll start typing the most ravenously fire-breathing responses to idiocy, and I usually end up hitting backspace about halfway through. "No... I can't type that!" And then I respond normally.

I do that all the time, but it's rare that I backspace it all and post something else...


There's something "fulfilling" about taking all that anger and dumping it on them, while at the same time showing them exactly why they're moronic... sure, they don't understand, (since they're moronic, usually by choice...) but it clears the system a bit and, if you can word it right, gives the onlookers something to chuckle about.




You could even argue that it's your civic duty to insult the hell out of them... :grin:

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Mr. Neil,


Not for the benifit of the Christians, but for the benifit of us please don't backspace anymore.



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I do the same thing ...not so much here as I did years back on the alt.atheism newsgroup. I actually prefer to let THEM be the one to degenerate to insults. With enough time and patience, they always will! On here, I have written a few long arguements, but tend to just cancel out rather than remove anything. I don't tend to worry as much about my replies on here, too many people are much more educated and articulate than this greasemonkey.


I know it's petty, but I just enjoy getting the "moral high ground" over the Xian.

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Darn it Neil, if you stop hitting backspace anymore you're just giving them what they effectively beg for, so why restrain yourself? :fdevil:

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And then sometimes I go back and change a good rant to a more civil thrashing if I think it's more suitable. Take my latest rebuttal to txviper, for example. You'll notice there's a growing sarcastic tone in the beginning which leads all the way to the middle, and then, all of a sudden, I start getting very lecturey. Originally, it was all sarcastic, but I started having epiphany and epiphany, and I had to restructure my entire response to suit. Not to worry, though. I'm still talking down to him. I'm just being more subtle.


I have a habit of going back and editing my posts almost right up to the point at which they're responded to. That's what I like about forum arguments as opposed to live arguments, because instead of racing to see who can one-up the other person, I can take my time and gather my material, even after I've made the initial response.

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HAHA even I want to tell some folks off when they're idiots. But usually I don't because I don't think they'll get it. And as entertaining as your ripping them a new one would be, they would just be all "see you ARE evil" and use that to get your goat another way. Tis quite the nice catch 22 eh?

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