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Goodbye Jesus

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I was just wondering if it would be ok to post a clip on a film I'm making about the Jehovah Witness faith. Since this is my first post, I don't want to come across as crass and just expect you to watch, but this religion has had a profound negative impact on many, many lives and is something I consider myself knowledgeable on. I've joined a few forums, but this is one I may just have to stick around for. Some of the topics are really up my ally. Thanks in advance!


Welcome to ex-C.net. If you want to share a clip on a film you're making, I'd be willing to watch it.


Welcome. And post away.


I've known a couple of JoHo's. Both were nice guys, but severely mind-fucked. Even more so than your average fundy.


Yeah, the rank and file jw is ok, but so driven by fear. I have major issues with the org, and that's what the film is hoping to expose. Thanks for the welcome!


Well thanks again. Here's the link. Any thoughts or suggestions are more than welcome.



It stirs powerful emotions.


If I want to hang around here, i might need to change my user name. Never thought of that before

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