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New Examination Of Dead Sea Scroll Fragment Using A High-Powered Google Scan May Have Solved An Ancient Mystery


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For the past 2,000 years scholars have been puzzled by the biblical curse on Ham, Noah's son.


The traditional understanding has been that Ham entered Noah's tent when Noah had passed out  drunk just after the great flood ended and "uncovered" Noah's nakedness – variously interpreted to mean that he sodomized his father or that he simply failed to cover up his naked father and show the proper respect.


Now scholars have discovered an answer to the problem of the curse of Ham in a fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls.


The fragment is from cave 4, and it was scanned by Google as part of their ongoing project (done jointly with the Israel Antiquities Authority) to scan the entire 10,000-plus collection of Dead Sea Scrolls and fragments with a special high definition camera that allows scholars to see writing that is too faded for the naked eye to see – some so faded that even normal magnification devices can't detect it.


In other words, the story is really meant to explain how the land meant for Shem's descendants got into the wrong hands, and to provide justification for pushing Cana'an's descendants out.





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Ah, so it's a high definition scan.

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