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Dream Visions!


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Omfgggg dream visions!!! cloud9_99.gif   Dream visions are the word I give to describe a certain kind of dream that I get on some nights.   Most nights are nightmares, but occasionally instead of a nightmare I will have a dream vision.  These are powerful sorts of dreams that- imho- come to me from the great spirit creator (just maybe).  It feels like more than a dream, it feels like the soul being taken to another time and place, it is an experience moreso than a dream. 

Anyways dream visions are like me seeing myself in a perfect world in the future.  In other words, dream visions are like me being in heaven.  And the 'me' that I see in dream visions is the perfect ideal of myself (to use psychological term, fully self- actualized, having reached my greatest potential).  The world of dream visions is elaborate, gorgeous, towering cliffs, sparkling clear ocean, canoe with a friend on crystal clear water with perfect trees on either side of the river, whales are a common theme (I'm obsessed with whales), horses grazing, hotel-like buildings that far surpass any luxuries we've ever seen on the earth.  So you get the idea, the world of dream visions is that of- my idea of- perfection. 


When I was a Christian I ignored my dream visions, powerful though they are.  I ignored them because they came into conflict with the Christian view of heaven.  In my dream visions, myself and the other friends are not walking around in flowing white robes (my last dream vision I was wearing a black mens blazer and jeans), there is no throne to be seen (nor have I ever seen any gods in my dream), we are not walking fields of gold nor are we bowed praying or singing to any god.  Rather than that I ride beautiful horses along the cliffs and stay at extravagant hotels or visit extravagant colleges.  So when I was in my Christian heyday I felt it was wrong to give any serious attention to dream visions because they contradicted what I had been taught from sunday lessons. 


So what point am I trying to make here?  I allow my dream visions now to inspire me.  I wish they would come true but even if not- they are a wonderful inspiration, a chance to see a world in dreams that is infinitely better than the sad one we've got here.  A chance to experience a life without the excruciating hurt of all that's happened in my waking hours.  A chance to be native again, free again, and wholly Rachel.  My dream visions have offered me a safe place to go to that reality does not provide.  They are a wonderful escape.


So what do you think?  Have you ever had a dream vision?  Do you think my dream visions come from the great spirit or from a vivid imagination?  How can we use dream visions in day to day life?

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When I have them they're not about perfection but exploration.  Being the octopus and squeezing through another hole.  A look at another afterlife.  When I try to see perfection I see blank spaces (I don't see it), but there are inspiring moments.

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 Do you think my dream visions come from the great spirit or from a vivid imagination?  How can we use dream visions in day to day life?


My heart asked, why must there be a difference between the two? What if the great spirit gives us imagination? Or is imagination?


I wonder, when these dreams occur, do you usually know you are having a vision?

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It sounds like these dream visions inspire and encourage you, which is great. Have they ever influenced your decisions in you waking life, like prophecy? If you don't all ready perhaps try to keep a dream diary so you save the most amount of information to mull over later. With all those nightmares it is good to focus on the positive stuff to hold the darkness as bay. I am a vivid dreamer and I believe I have had dreams similar to yours before, and also during periods of intense nightmares. In the positive, vivid dreams I felt like a god, or powerful spirit. I really believe they(mine) were spiritual experiences but I am not sure I believe in a creator god. Whether it is your higher self or the creator it is good that you are listening without jumping to wild conclusions (as I did at times). It is best to soberly think these dreams through in the daylight hours before acting on the information. 

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So what do you think?  Have you ever had a dream vision?  Do you think my dream visions come from the great spirit or from a vivid imagination?  How can we use dream visions in day to day life?


Your dream visions sound awesome.  I don't remember having any.  I wish I did.  My dreams are usualy quite like everyday life.


I think they come from your own creative imagination, which comes from the great spirit who created our universe.  Each one of us is a mini-creator and our creations start in dreams.

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I wonder, when these dreams occur, do you usually know you are having a vision?


A dream vision is distinct from other sorts of dreams because a dream vision has much greater beauty and the feeling I get when I am dreaming is very particular, it's a powerful feeling I can't really describe it but it is like having been moved from this world to another and the whole atmosphere is different.  Feels heavenly, not tranquil but captivating so that you never want to leave. 

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Omfgggg dream visions!!! cloud9_99.gif   Dream visions are the word I give to describe a certain kind of dream that I get on some nights.   Most nights are nightmares, but occasionally instead of a nightmare I will have a dream vision.  These are powerful sorts of dreams that- imho- come to me from the great spirit creator (just maybe).  It feels like more than a dream, it feels like the soul being taken to another time and place, it is an experience moreso than a dream. 

Anyways dream visions are like me seeing myself in a perfect world in the future.  In other words, dream visions are like me being in heaven.  And the 'me' that I see in dream visions is the perfect ideal of myself (to use psychological term, fully self- actualized, having reached my greatest potential).  The world of dream visions is elaborate, gorgeous, towering cliffs, sparkling clear ocean, canoe with a friend on crystal clear water with perfect trees on either side of the river, whales are a common theme (I'm obsessed with whales), horses grazing, hotel-like buildings that far surpass any luxuries we've ever seen on the earth.  So you get the idea, the world of dream visions is that of- my idea of- perfection. 


When I was a Christian I ignored my dream visions, powerful though they are.  I ignored them because they came into conflict with the Christian view of heaven.  In my dream visions, myself and the other friends are not walking around in flowing white robes (my last dream vision I was wearing a black mens blazer and jeans), there is no throne to be seen (nor have I ever seen any gods in my dream), we are not walking fields of gold nor are we bowed praying or singing to any god.  Rather than that I ride beautiful horses along the cliffs and stay at extravagant hotels or visit extravagant colleges.  So when I was in my Christian heyday I felt it was wrong to give any serious attention to dream visions because they contradicted what I had been taught from sunday lessons. 


So what point am I trying to make here?  I allow my dream visions now to inspire me.  I wish they would come true but even if not- they are a wonderful inspiration, a chance to see a world in dreams that is infinitely better than the sad one we've got here.  A chance to experience a life without the excruciating hurt of all that's happened in my waking hours.  A chance to be native again, free again, and wholly Rachel.  My dream visions have offered me a safe place to go to that reality does not provide.  They are a wonderful escape.


So what do you think?  Have you ever had a dream vision?  Do you think my dream visions come from the great spirit or from a vivid imagination?  How can we use dream visions in day to day life?

It looks to me like your brain is compensating. Dreams may often give you things you lack or want.

Now hypothetically a subconscious mind can make predictions upon information and events beyond the conscious mind.. hover further than that i dont believe in visions.


I think your dreams come from you wanting a better world. And maybe motivate you more into creating a better one for yourself.


Anyways tnx for sharing :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with what you say about dream visions. It has been my experience that there are two types of dreams. The first are just images as our minds process information.  The second type of dream is where the mind receives wisdom and understanding and then sends that information into the conscious mind through a dream that is powerful in experience so that it will not be forgotten when one wakes. Sometimes the dream is self explanatory and at other times they can be metaphorical and need to be worked out to understand the meaning. Our minds are so amazing!!! our unconscious mind is always running in the background scanning and processing information. The objective mind is amazing and powerful, it gives us the plain truth. The subjective part of our mind can be harder to work with because it's reality is based on perception and life indoctrination. I guess we kind of tend to fight truth based on our subjectivity. We are most objective when we are asleep. I am "first Nations" and I accept my spirituality. I love flying.

Spirit Rider

The eagle soars into the night

in search of the moon

in search of the light.

above the clouds

and into the sky

the Spirit that beckons allows him to fly.

The wisdom he finds

between night and day

frees his soul and takes him away.


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I've had a number of them, mostly when I was a believer. A recurring theme was the mountain that interrupts other dreams. I was dreaming about being in a game show where we had to run around the town getting certain items, like a scavenger hunt. I was running up one street and at the end was an impossibly beautiful mountain that reached up into the clouds with snow at the peak, sheep grazing on lower grassy foothills. I stood there in utter awe. At the base were mansion after mansion behind a wrought-iron fence. I saw a path around into a forest and started to go that way, but a voice spoke and said matter-of-factly "No, that way is death." So I shrugged and went on with the dream.


I've had others that depicted the rapture, glowing angels coming through my wall to take me.


Other times my dreams have been parables of intensely emotional situations I was living through, and by setting it in a parable form, my mind was able to get a handle on it. Very clever that mind.


The most recent was one of the most profound for me. I dreamed that I was in the house where I grew up, speaking with my brother in the kitchen. The light was off, but moonlight was streaming through the window. I looked out at the moon, and it was impossibly detailed, like a line-drawing, and rather large. I said "I've got to go outside and see this!" I stepped onto the back porch and clicked the light switch. It didn't go on. This has historically been the sign in my dreams that "THE DEVIL" was there. I knew I had been suckered into coming out there. This time he was a little boy, giggling in the dark. He began to run past me and I grabbed him, threw him to the floor, and put my foot on his chest. I could feel my body begin to freeze up like it always did in these nightmares, and I began to choke out the name of Jesus. But then I realized what I was doing and said quite clearly, "No, I don't need Jesus to do this. I need to do this." He giggled, got up and said "Careful, you're about to sin!" and ran out the back door. I said, "There is no sin." I watched him running around gleefully, and I asked him "You're me, aren't you?"  He didn't answer, but in the moonlight he walked up to a bare rose bush full of thorns, faced me, and embraced it grinning. Then he ran past me, and I grabbed him and pushed him into it. He yelped. I said, "It hurts you if I do it to you, but not if you do it."  And that was the end of the dream.


This was an important dream from a few aspects. I had to finally face my fear of the devil, whom I no longer believe exists. I met my shadow self, who is capable of drawing me out and teaching me things about myself that I had no concept of. There is more to the imagery than I have fully understood, and I hope to meet him/me again. I know I don't need to hurt him anymore. He has a lot to teach me.

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I've had a number of them, mostly when I was a believer. A recurring theme was the mountain that interrupts other dreams. I was dreaming about being in a game show where we had to run around the town getting certain items, like a scavenger hunt. I was running up one street and at the end was an impossibly beautiful mountain that reached up into the clouds with snow at the peak, sheep grazing on lower grassy foothills. I stood there in utter awe. At the base were mansion after mansion behind a wrought-iron fence. I saw a path around into a forest and started to go that way, but a voice spoke and said matter-of-factly "No, that way is death." So I shrugged and went on with the dream.


I've had others that depicted the rapture, glowing angels coming through my wall to take me.


Other times my dreams have been parables of intensely emotional situations I was living through, and by setting it in a parable form, my mind was able to get a handle on it. Very clever that mind.


The most recent was one of the most profound for me. I dreamed that I was in the house where I grew up, speaking with my brother in the kitchen. The light was off, but moonlight was streaming through the window. I looked out at the moon, and it was impossibly detailed, like a line-drawing, and rather large. I said "I've got to go outside and see this!" I stepped onto the back porch and clicked the light switch. It didn't go on. This has historically been the sign in my dreams that "THE DEVIL" was there. I knew I had been suckered into coming out there. This time he was a little boy, giggling in the dark. He began to run past me and I grabbed him, threw him to the floor, and put my foot on his chest. I could feel my body begin to freeze up like it always did in these nightmares, and I began to choke out the name of Jesus. But then I realized what I was doing and said quite clearly, "No, I don't need Jesus to do this. I need to do this." He giggled, got up and said "Careful, you're about to sin!" and ran out the back door. I said, "There is no sin." I watched him running around gleefully, and I asked him "You're me, aren't you?"  He didn't answer, but in the moonlight he walked up to a bare rose bush full of thorns, faced me, and embraced it grinning. Then he ran past me, and I grabbed him and pushed him into it. He yelped. I said, "It hurts you if I do it to you, but not if you do it."  And that was the end of the dream.


This was an important dream from a few aspects. I had to finally face my fear of the devil, whom I no longer believe exists. I met my shadow self, who is capable of drawing me out and teaching me things about myself that I had no concept of. There is more to the imagery than I have fully understood, and I hope to meet him/me again. I know I don't need to hurt him anymore. He has a lot to teach me.


Wow, what a dream! I too had many dreams where the light switches wouldn't work and I struggled to speak to use the name of Jesus. I always thought they were depictions of the real spiritual warfare I was experiencing. It is funny how the dreams eased off as I was discovering that christianity is not based on reality. You would of thought the warfare over my soul would increase but it seems god left me to be taken by the devil. When I have similar dreams now, I do what you are doing and interpret them based on how my mind might process what is happening in my life. It is really interesting that the broken light-switches, inability to speak and 'evil' presence are very common in dreams. The mind is truly amazing. Since my deconversion I have had several dreams where I have been confronted by christians or demons and yelled at them that jesus is NOT lord and I am not playing that game anymore. I was trembling as I said it too, afraid I would be confronted and attacked. But i wasn't. They have no power over us anymore!

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I did acid a few times. And boy did I have visions!!!! Ever read "Ezekiel?" That guy had to be eating magic mushrooms, he had some great hallucinations. Other than that, I have had a few vivid dreams, but nothing as extreme as when I was wide awake under the influence of powerful hallucinogenics.

I can't even begin to describe some if the stuff I saw, but I write it off as overactive neurons firing. I never believed much in dream interpretation and all that, most of it just seems too random.

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