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Goodbye Jesus

Snappy Answers to Repetitive Christian Arguments

Reality Amplifier

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The Fool in his heart says there is no God.

-Actually, only fools need love from imaginary, invisible beings in the sky...


If you want proof of a God, look around you. God created everything you see.

-Typical circular Christian reasoning. The Christian assumes his conclusion.


If you want proof of a God, look in the mirror.

-Your God created mirrors? Probably another Christian who somehow didn't get the birds and the bee’s story yet…


God created man in his own image

-So God has opposable thumbs? And nipples? And a penis!? Wowie!


If there's no God, who created everything?

-Argument from ignorance /false dichotomy. The Christian can’t imagine any other scenario for existence, and dogmatically assumes there must have been a sentient creation. Maybe everything always existed, and just changes form?


Prove there isn't a God.

-Asking someone to prove a negative just takes people in circles (whee!). Prove the Invisible Pink Unicorn doesn’t exist. Prove the invisible, intangible dragon in my garage doesn’t exist. My inability to disprove your wacky god hypothesis is not the same the same thing as proving it true. Really, now…come on. Look around you. No gods. No spirits. No heaven or hell. No devils. Done.


If you want proof God exists, just ask Him.

-Apparently, the Lord and I are not on speaking terms at the moment.


You don't really understand Christianity. Buy a bible.

-What part about "ex-Christian" did you miss? I already own a bible. I know many non-Christians, myself included, who know the bible better than the average Christian...which is why we're not Christians.


You are just biased. You're starting with a conclusion, and searching for answers to support it.

-I let the facts lead me where they may. If Jesus did ever exist, after reading the bible, the facts lead to be believe the Jesus character in the bible was clearly too stupid to be a messiah.


You always look for facts, but nobody can ever know every fact in the whole universe.

-Do you need to examine every square in the universe, to be sure a round one doesn't exist? That’s like asking “what are you reading for?”


If Jesus came streaming out of heaven right now, you wouldn't believe it.

-This tactic seeks to gain tacit assent from the non-believer that we would ignore any salient evidence when its provided, and brushes over the fact that Christians have no valid, credible evidence for their God. Jesus appearing is exactly the kind of evidence that Thomas was granted, and is the exactly the kind of reasonable evidence that would make skeptics sit up and take notice.


The bible is the word of God. Read it, if you want proof of a God.

-I do read the bible, that's why I don’t believe it proof of your imaginary God. What real deity would allow himself to be so slandered?


God is love (the universe, etc.)

-If your god is kind and gentle, why do some animals have to eat meat? If your god is omni-benevolent, explain the existence of evil. If God is just love, or the universe, and nothing more, then you're an atheist.


God is omnipotent.

-If your God is truly omnipotent, why did it take him six days to complete the creation? Why would an omnipotent being need to rest on the 7th day?


Only by believing in Jesus can you be covered by his blood and be saved.-

-Why does your God have such a strange proclivity for blood? Did you know the word "blood" occurs over 400 times in the Bible? Isn't this a rather savage way to write a book that is supposed to be at the center of an ethical system? Why is the only apparent way to appease an omnipotent being is with blood sacrifices? What is it that a blood sacrifice does, that his omnipotence can’t?


The bible is corroborated by archeology.

-Jews may have existed, but where is; 1) the Garden of Eden, 2) the Ten Commandments – did the Jews lose them? 3) the tomb of Jesus – this is a biggie 4) Noah’s Ark (or compelling archeological evidence supporting the Noachian flood) 5) Any peer reviewed and admitted archeological evidence of the Exodus, 6) evidence of Nazareth existing at the time of Jesus, 7) archeological evidence of the tower of Babel (the Pyramids at Giza are still standing for Pete’s sake) 8) or evidence from around the globe of others who couldn’t but help take notice of the extended day that Joshua commanded?


But Jerusalem is archeological evidence for the bible. So therefore bible must be true.

-If archeological finds of ancient cities provide any confirming evidence of the supernatural, then by that same reasoning then the discovery of Troy also corroborates the Iliad and Odyssey. Better start praying to Zeus!


I wasn't brainwashed as a child; I examined all religions, and found Christianity to be the most credible.

-If you've really examined all religions, you'd come to the conclusion that all gods are the result of primitive minds trying to explain the unknown and tranquilze mankind's concerns about human mortality. When you did you examination, what were your evaluation criteria in rejecting other religions as being invalid?


I was once an atheist, just like you.

-That’s funny, I used to be a Christian!


The gospels are eyewitness accounts from the original disciples.

-Did the gospel writers witness the virgin birth? Why didn't they expect a resurrection? Because they knew what a nitwit Jesus really was? Why did Thomas doubt, if he knew Jesus was really a miracle worker? Oh yeah, and just where are the original copies of these accounts? Where is contemporary historical evidence proving they even existed?


The Apostles died for their beliefs. Why would they have done that if it was a lie? Since the apostles died for their beliefs, it must be true.

-Dying for a belief proves nothing. The Heaven's Gate people died. They believed they would escape in a spacecraft following the Hale-Bopp comet. Does that prove it's true? What about Jim Jones? David Koresh?


Jim Jones (David Koresh, the Nazis, etc.) weren't true Christians.

-What's a true Christian? Anyone who agrees with you and doesn't embarrass you?


The bible isn't meant to be a history-science book.

-This is an admission that the history and science of the bible is inaccurate. So much for the Word of God.


Jesus proved he was God, when he rose from the dead.

-In order to admit this as plausible, one has to completely subvert and disregard the concept of hearsay. Then, by making such hearsay admissible as evidence, that would also prove that Muhammad really ascended into heaven, and that Joseph Smith and the Mormon church have more up to date information that you do. Oops.


The Flood really happened.

-The Grand Canyon's sedimentary layers formed over millions of years, and is NOT consistent with a world-wide flood. There's evidence that were three separate times of immense flooding during the end of the last ice age from 17,000 to 7,000 years ago, but it did not cover the earth as the bible indicates. Flooding was localized to coastal regions, and sea levels rose with the breaking of ice glacier dams. It seems much more likely that survivors who made it inland propagated the world-wide traditions of a great flood. While we're on topic, why would God give the Jews laws which are ultimately useless for more then a thousand years and then send Jesus? Isn't that grossly inconsistent? Why didn't God send Jesus to Moses instead of the Law? Why didn't God send Jesus to talk to Noah instead of sending a flood? You’ve got a bunch of problems here…


The (flood story,.Jonah and the Whale, Joshua's Sun stopped in the sky story, etc.) are just allegories. They never happened.

-They are told as if true in the bible. If they are in fact allegories, then maybe heaven is an allegory? And the afterlife? And everything else Christianity believes in, is just an allegory.


Noah's ark has been found.

-It has been found, thousands of times, always in a different place, and nobody can find it twice. Noah's Ark Found! Noah's Ark Waterpark, America's Largest Waterpark!!!


All pagan religions with similarities to Christianity copied from the Christians.

-How did the Egyptians copy from Christianity, when their myths were formed 4000 years ago?


There are no contradictions in the bible.



Jesus was prophesied in the bible.

-Any reading of the Old Testament prophecies shows the Jews believed in an earthly righteous warrior king, who would lead them out of captivity, and back to prosperity.


There are over 2000 (or any random number) of prophecies fulfilled in the bible.



Fulfilled prophecies prove the bible is true.



You have to be able to read the bible in the original Hebrew & Greek to Really understand it.

-So the people who spend their lives translating the bible, don't know what they're doing, and you do? Why would God make his Word so impossible to understand? Since language is mutable and is always slowly evolving over time, we can never really know the true context and semantic inflections of the original books of the bible. Christians have told me that the Holy Spirit translates the original meaning for them. If this is the case, why do Christians need English translations of the bible at all? Why don’t they read the texts in the original language and tap into to the translating power of the Holy Spirit?


Why are you angry at God? Something bad must have happened to you.

-I'm not any more angry at God, than you are at Zeus.


Why hate Christianity so much? Why not bash other religions like Buddhism?

-Well, when the Buddhists start knocking on my door on Sunday morning and start trying to insert their beliefs into science classes in public school and make this country a theocracy, then I'll bash them too.


Why not believe in God? What do you have to lose?

Non-belief gives you several advantages:

1) You can mow your lawn on Sunday morning.

2) You don't waste your only life praising a dead Hebrew, and fearing invisible demons.

3) Do you believe in every God?

4) Why not pray to Mecca 6 times a day, What have you to lose?


You must be miserable if you're an Atheist.

-Can you truthfully sleep in on Sunday morning, without feeling guilty?


Atheists have more faith than Christians.

-Atheist Faith: I can run to the refrigerator, and back, without missing any intelligent statements by a Christian.


Why spoil the happiness of Christians by taking away their religion?

-Why spoil the happiness of a crack addict, by taking away his candy?


You've never been to Paris (the moon, etc.) but you believe in that, don't you?

-Well, let's see here...I've seen cities, and have sound conditional reasons and evidence for the existence. I don't doubt that more exist, than I will visit in my lifetime. I've never, in all my life, experienced a spiritual being, a soul, a deity, or a convincing miracle though.


You don't have an open mind.

-Correct. I'm proud to have a closed mind. I reject all forms of ignorant mythology and superstition. It’s important to keep an open mind, but not so open as yours where your brains fall out!


Your ignorant.

It kills me when they misspell "you're".


You're illogical.

-I'm not the one who believes in an allegedly all-powerful Hebrew war God who killed himself in order to appease himself over a fruit tree dispute because he somehow lacked the ability to come up with a better solution.


Your arguments (authorities, sources, etc.) make me laugh.

-This, from someone who quotes from Hebrew folktales involving talking animals?


You know that April Fool's Day is National Atheists Day?

-I suppose that makes February 30 National Jesus Day? Did you know the word gullible is not in the dictionary?


You won't think it's very funny when you're in Hell.

-Standard Christian fear-mongering tactics. I have no "soul," to go to Hell (Hell doesn't even exist in the first place). Even if I was going to Hell, I'd prefer that to an eternity with stupid Christians.


I'm praying for you.

-Pray for something useful…like free pizza for everyone!


Jesus loves you.

-Then why doesn't he ever call?


Jesus died for you.

-I'm very sorry to hear your deity died.


Jesus proved he was God, when he rose from the dead.

-So he didn't die?


500 witnesses (Corinthians 15:3-) saw Jesus ascend into heaven.

- Okay, so why don’t we see any testimony from them on the event? Who were those hundreds of witnesses? What were their names, and where are their gospels? What are the odds that they were all illiterate? If this event happened, why wouldn’t Jesus have ascended in front of people who could have provided consistent, documented testimony for us? Why wasn’t this event even mentioned in the Gospels? Why is it only inferred by Paul? There are many who claim to have been abducted by UFO's, also. Do you believe them too?


Nobody could have survived the suffering of Jesus on the cross. He must have died.

-Actually, crucifixion was designed to take days to kill, while Jesus was only up there a few hours.


I feel pity for you.

-This, from someone whose self-esteem is so low, you must invent an invisible God who loves you?


I know Jesus is real, because I feel he is real, in my heart.

-Do you feel this Jesus-in-your-heart more after eating spicy foods?


If you want proof of God, just look on your money. What does it say? IN GOD WE TRUST!

-There are pyramids on your money, with the Eye of Horus. Better sacrifice to Isis and Osiris before it's too late! Your money also says Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Secular Order).


If you want proof of God, just look at what YEAR it is!

-If today is Sunday, does it mean the Sun God is real? If Thursday, is Thor real? On Saturday, is Saturn the one true God? Why do the days of the week not prove a God, but the year somehow does?


This whole country was founded on Christian principles.

-No it was not. Ever hear of the Treaty of Tripoli? “The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion”.


The entire legal system is based on the Ten Commandments.

-So, should we kill people who work on Sunday? Must women kill a pigeon after their menstrual cycle, or be unclean? Go and find me the word God in the U.S. Constitution…


Jesus' teaching are the best system of morals ever devised.



All morals come from the bible.

-Such as raping captured women in wartime? Deut. 21.10.


Evolution has no proof. It requires more faith than does Christianity.

-Did you even go to college? Can you even outline the steps in the scientific method? Have you ever been to a museum, or read any science journals, or do you spend all your time in church reading the bible?


Dinosaur fossils were placed by God in order to test our faith.

- I'm beginning to think God put you here to test my faith…why would your God want to damn people by making them believe false things? (See 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12). Nice fellow, your God, and quite the prankster too!


Darwin recanted, and became a Christian on his deathbed.

-You know Christians made up the same story about Thomas Paine? Why must Christians fabricate stories like that? Hard habit to break I guess...


Common structures such as the bones of bat wings, whale fins, and human hands only prove they were all created by the same God.

-Why doesn't a bee's wing share a common structure with a bird's wing? Don't they have the same creator, or did Satan create bees?


He loves you even if you don't love him

-...uh huh, stalker material


The Second Law of Thermodynamics proves evolution is impossible.

-The Second Law of Thermodynamics says energy input from an outside source is needed. Have you noticed the Sun in the sky?


Evolution is a religion.

-If so, its gods are truth, science, facts and reason, its rituals are experiment and research. Hallelujah!


You can't know anything with certainty. No truth is absolute.

-So, you're trying to say that, since no knowledge is possible, a stupid myth is as good as anything?


Supernatural revelation is a non-empirical source of knowledge.

-When you tell me God has directly revealed something personally to you, you can claim that as the basis of your faith. Until then, you're reading a book of Hebrew folktales, believing it, and all you've got is hearsay.


The whole universe is perfectly designed, and proves there is a creator.

-Perfectly designed? So, why is there a winter? Ticks? Mosquitoes? Viruses? Tapeworms? Fire Ants? Cancer? Sunburn? Leap years?


Something existed before anything. That was God.

-The idea that time is linear is an assumption of Western Religion. Maybe, as the Hindus believe, time is cyclical? Putting it in modern terms, perhaps matter has always existed, and just changes form from time-to-time?


Who created the big bang?

-You're assuming a creation, which is circular reasoning.


No scientist can ever create something from nothing, so there must have been a creator.

-Only religion teaches that something comes from nothing.


Where did we come from, if there's no God?

-Did you sleep through sex education?


It's not about science and facts and logic, it's about faith.

- If you know something to be true, you don’t need to use the term faith. Faith is just a fancy term for "wishful thinking." Christians wish for a God who loves them, an eternal life, and damnation for all those who don't need that crutch.


If you would just get on your knees, and open your heart to Jesus, you will find Him.

-Okay, and if I find Jesus, I'll become a Christian right away. But if I don't, you'll become an atheist, right?


You can't feel Jesus because you don't believe, and your aren't ready for Him yet.

-So you have to believe in Jesus before you can believe in him? I understand now.


You'll find out God exists, after you die, when it's too late.

-If I understand this correctly, only gullible people get to heaven?

I know there's a God, because he saved me from my problems (alcoholism, drug abuse, etc.)

-Where was God when your problem started?


Read this book (look up that website, etc.) and you'll see why you're wrong.

-In my experience, this usually means the Christian doesn't understand the argument in the first place.


I'll be laughing at you from Heaven, when your burning in Hell.

-Your Christian love has really touched me! If your God is everywhere at the same time, and hell is the absence of (or separation from) your God, how can he be omnipotent/omnipresent?


You can't see Love (air, the wind, etc.) but it exists. So does God.

-You can't see Love? Are your parents, your spouse, and your pets all invisible? You can SENSE air, but can you "sense" God?


Look at the wind. You can't see it, but you know it's there. That's what God's like.

-You can't see my dog's farts, either, but you know they're real. So, is God like doggy farts?


Why would a Christian hide in a foxhole, if he really believed in a Heaven?

-Why do Christians wear seatbelts, and go to doctors? Why aren't they all in a hurry to get to heaven?


Satan has you in his control. He has deluded you.

-Here's a clue: There's no Satan, either.


Miracles prove God is real.

-Miracles do seem to occur...but only in direct proportion to the ignorance of the observer.


My prayers have been answered.

-Let's try an experiment. I'll pray for a pizza. If it doesn't get here in 10 minutes or less, will you admit there is no God? 1000 hours of prayer will never beat ten minutes of honest work.


Christians have been healed through prayer.

If prayer really healed, doctors would be out of business. In fact, every time a sick child dies at the hands of praying Christian parents, it illustrates a gaping hole in Christian theology.


I laugh, whenever someone mentions Thomas Paine (or any other human who has ever criticized Christianity in writing)

-Odd, how Christians reject the credentials of any critic of Christianity, while accepting at face value any random writers who mention Jesus (e.g. Suetonius, Tacitus, etc.)


When you are dying, you'll be looking for Jesus.

-Yes, and when I find him I'll give him the secret handshake, the one with the finger in the hole in his hand.

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Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34


I'll let the bible comment on your sig:


Joshua 11:20 (New International Version)

New International Version (NIV)

Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society


For it was the LORD himself who hardened their hearts to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally, exterminating them without mercy, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

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Jesus loves you.

-Then why doesn't he ever call?


I like to shock as well as annoy, so I usually use, "That's bullshit... he doesn't even give reacharounds!"

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This is great. IMHO, it should be pinned as a FAQ, and all fundies should be directed to it before starting debates here.




The only thing I would add is:


Please don't assume we are all atheists here. This is not atheist.net, it is ex-Christian.net. There are Jews, Pagans, Buddhists, New Agers and Agnostics here too, as well as a few cool Christians.

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Where did we come from, if there's no God?

-Did you sleep through sex education?


I am willing to bet many fundies didn't have sex education because their parents took them out of class or sent them to a private religious school. A book recommendation or two might help here...say, Sex For Dummies? :HaHa:

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It's beautiful. Your post. All of it. :thanks:


Can I (and someone else of course, if they feel so inclined) post here some new Repetitive Christian Arguments for Reality Amplifier to answer them in a Snappy way? :D


Here's some suggestions.


"The Old Testament does not count as word of god - it is outdated. The New Testament is the word of god and you should follow it without bothering with the books of the OT!"


or (I've heard this one from a priest recently...)


"There is an important difference between Santa Claus and Jesus. Santa Claus doesn't exist, Jesus does, and you are blinded by relativism and secularism if you cannot see that the latter exists."

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It's not about science and facts and logic, it's about faith.

- If you know something to be true, you don’t need to use the term faith. Faith is just a fancy term for "wishful thinking." Christians wish for a God who loves them, an eternal life, and damnation for all those who don't need that crutch.


love the thread... I think Mark Twain covered this particular one well.


"Faith is the ability to believe in something you know just ain't true"

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The Old Testament does not count as word of god - it is outdated. The New Testament is the word of god and you should follow it without bothering with the books of the OT!

-Really? Did you read that in the bible? “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled – (Matt 5 17-18). Straight from the changeable word of God - stick that in tittle in your fiddle.


There is an important difference between Santa Claus and Jesus. Santa Claus doesn't exist, Jesus does, and you are blinded by relativism and secularism if you cannot see that the latter exists.

-Did an angel, or an elf tell you that? That which can be asserted without evidence can dismissed without evidence.

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"There is an important difference between Santa Claus and Jesus. Santa Claus doesn't exist, Jesus does, and you are blinded by relativism and secularism if you cannot see that the latter exists."


Or, Santa Claus is the pretend game that children play. Jesus is the pretend game that adults play.


(With the Holey Ghost confirming to their hearts that it's true)

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The Fool in his heart says there is no God.

The wise man says it out loud

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  • 2 weeks later...

God is just and merciful

-Uh-huh, he sure showed that went he sent the flood. And when he had the Jews going about slaying everyone (including women and infants) in the OT. He was pretty "just and merciful" when he sent bears to kill forty-two youths who called his prophet Elisha "baldhead"(2 Kings 2:23-24). Nice guy...


God gave us freewill.

-If your God wants us to worship him through our own free will, why does he threaten us with Hell? If you have someone threatening you with a punishment, it isn't free will, that’s forceful coercion.


God gave us freewill. Adam chose to sin.

-If your God did not want Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, why did he put the tree in the garden of Eden (and at the center, no less)? Was it for shade??? If the purpose of the tree was to tempt Adam and Eve, why the temptation was necessary? If God knows all, then He already knew they would not be able to resist the temptation. So what was the point?


How can you doubt Jesus existed?

-Don’t you find it odd that the life of Jesus was so similar to the lives of pagan Christs, such as Herakles, Attis, Osiris, Dionysius, and Krishna?


Satan is misleading you! HE WANTS YOUR SOUL!

-I see. And why, exactly, does Satan try to get peoples' souls? What does he do with them once he catches one? Does he collect them? If he’s only going to end up in Hell, what’s the point?


God wants you to humble yourself before him.

-So your all-powerful, omnipotent God is also an egomaniac?


The Godhead is God, Jesus, and the Holy Sprit. They are ONE, and I only believe in one God.

-This is the kind of hooey that will spread if Christians doctrince ever gets taught in schools. Only with Christian math is it possible for 1+1+1 to equal 1. Brilliant.


God is omnipotent/omnipresent.

-Really? If that’s the case, then your God is in Hell...

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"Yes, and when I find him I'll give him the secret handshake, the one with the finger in the hole in his hand."



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I know there's a God, because he saved me from my problems (alcoholism, drug abuse, etc.)

-Where was God when your problem started?


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Ah, the fine art of baloney detection.

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Fulfilled prophecies prove the bible is true.


Someone needs to remind the Christians that Tyre is still standing today.


For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen, and companies, and much people. He shall slay with the sword thy daughters in the field: and he shall make a fort against thee, and cast a mount against thee, and lift up the buckler against thee. And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he shall break down thy towers. By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach. With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets: he shall slay thy people by the sword, and thy strong garrisons shall go down to the ground. And they shall make a spoil of thy riches, and make a prey of thy merchandise: and they shall break down thy walls, and destroy thy pleasant houses: and they shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water. And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more heard. And I will make thee like the top of a rock: thou shalt be a place to spread nets upon; thou shalt be built no more: for I the LORD have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.

The City of Tyre




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Hey Mr. Neil, whaddaya, stoopid? Draw a circle around the part in ruins - even better, find some ruins underwater and draw a circle around them. THOSE are the "Tyre" meant in the prophecy! Scripture is fulfilled. Glory!



Good point for us to remember, bro. Happy New Year!

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"There is an important difference between Santa Claus and Jesus. Santa Claus doesn't exist, Jesus does, and you are blinded by relativism and secularism if you cannot see that the latter exists."


but Santa Claus, Based on St. Nick who ran an orphanage, existed and is modelled after a real person. The rest was added in later.


With Jesus, whether or not there was one, all the details have been added in by dreamers and Septaugint preachers

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Here's one:


Christian: Its hard to accept that humans came from apes.


Non: Its just as hard to accept that we came from dust and a rib.

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You hate God.

No, just you.

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You know, it is pretty ironic that there is more evidence for a historical Santa than a historical Jesus.

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You know, it is pretty ironic that there is more evidence for a historical Santa than a historical Jesus.

I thought about writing a return to my belief in Santa, ala Brother Jeff's re-re-conversion. But I decided against it.

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You know, it is pretty ironic that there is more evidence for a historical Santa than a historical Jesus.


And not just that! A friend of mine pointed out that she as more evidence for the existence of Santa Claus (she got presents from him) and the Tooth Fairy (she found money under her pillow) that there is for Je$u$ and biblegod.


As an atheist, I, too, am sick of Xtians painting all of us here as atheists. Another dodge tactic instead of sticking with the subject at hand, perhaps.


Reality Amplifier: This is a magnificent thread! I hadn't thought of the Flood myths and the end of the Ice Age! Great!

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