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Goodbye Jesus

The Joys Of Not Rejecting The Devil And All His Works...


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It's coming up to my first Halloween as a non-christian and I'm kinda excited haha, this used to be an awkward time of year for me because all the other kiddies would be carving pumpkins and going to the school party dressed as zombies and I'd be sat at home going 'WITCHCRAFT IS BAD I'M NOT MISSING ANYTHING'.

Fortunately I'm still young enough to catch the 'wear ridiculous outfits and go get drunk' way of marking the occasion (hopefully) so my non-christian friends have promised to take me out. They think it's really funny but they don't know what it means to me! I'm also excited for Christmas where I don't have to be all 'but of course we have to remember God's amazing gift to us *serious face*'.


So yes, just thought I'd share a non-angsting side to my deconversion experience!

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I didn't really get to enjoy Halloween until I was away at college -- that was almost 40 years ago. To this day, it is still my favorite holiday. I hope you have a blast!

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Even as a Christian, Halloween was always my favorite holiday and still is, so I hope you enjoy it when it comes, ExXex. zDuivel7.gif

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Thanks guys! Much as I enjoy Burning Guy Fawkes At The Stake night and er... harvest festivals it is (or would've been) one of my favourites too!

My friends keep making tasteless outfit suggestions for me like 'slutty Mary' or 'Satan' or 'S&M Jesus' rolleyes.gif

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Ah Halloween, how I longed for you as a child.  I am currently living in a small southern town where Halloween is THE holiday of the year.  Sure, they have nativities at christmas, and easter egg hunts; but NOTHING compares to Halloween here.  The streets are closed down, every lawn is ornately decorated, the bodies of zombies, witches, and vampires are strewn about like carnage on a battlefield.  And all the children running from one house to the next, dodging festering pools of slime and goo, and ducking under labrinthine webs.  It is THE holiday.  I never got to celebrate Halloween as a child since it was of the devil; but I'm making up for it with my son.  Before he was old enough to decide for himself, I dressed him up in a beret with a pallate and a paintbrush.  Last year, he decided to go as batman (a blaise choice, in my opinion).  I can't wait until he decides he wants to dress up as something truly evil; I'll put him in a tie and collar and give him a bible :)


Happy Samhain, Everybody!

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HAVE FUN!!!!  Halloween has always been my favorite!  Begging for candy is awesome, and I loved taking my kids around, then getting to steal some chocolate after they went to bed.  And after they went to school the next day....


Costumes, chocolate, drinking . . . Halloween is nothing but pure awesomeness!

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Thanks guys! Much as I enjoy Burning Guy Fawkes At The Stake night and er... harvest festivals it is (or would've been) one of my favourites too!

My friends keep making tasteless outfit suggestions for me like 'slutty Mary' or 'Satan' or 'S&M Jesus' rolleyes.gif


Speaking of tasteless outfit suggestions, I once read a story somewhere, on a different site, about someone who went to a Halloween party as Eve, from Genesis. She was completely nude, except for a giant leaf that covered her crotch area and only her hair covered her chest. You could always try that... yelrotflmao.gif

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Ahaha! She must've been freezing her tits off!

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