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Goodbye Jesus

Well, it's Christmas


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It's Christmas,


and I just can't help myself


I really want it to be the way it is supposed to be

Christ, Christmas


but the plain hard reality is --


it just ain't that way


christians are hate mongering

churches have turned into corruption


pastors load peoples heads with crap


and pick their pockets

just to fly big jets and have big kingdoms


they knock peoples head full of conjure and call that "the holy ghost"



I am sitting here really wanting it to be Christmas

which it could be ,


if it were not for the 70 million christians out there, pouring forth "the trib" on the world



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I can relate... I was thinking the same kinds of things at the service tonight. Having not stepped in a church since my wedding two years ago (except a Unitarian one), I had forgotten how much MONEY is in these places and people. However, we went to a liberal mainline church. Since my husband had talked to the pastor more than once, he knew that he was a liberal Christian... but to see him tonight playing the orthodox, traditional card just because he has to.. because it's Christmas... it made my stomach turn. They pastor who married us (at a large downtown Methodist church) didn't even believe in the divinity of Jesus. Maybe if the ministers and pastors out there who know better would preach their conscience and not to fill seats for their pocketbooks, then maybe Christianity could transform into something that is palatable.


Part of me thinks that IF a pastor decided to do this--preach the human Jesus that is taught in seminary and in scholarly circles, pay attention to historical and biblical criticism, and throw away the dogmas of old--- that this guy would have no problem filling his pews. Think of the scandal... and then the awareness it would raise. I digress. ;)

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My advise from the Kontrol Centre hacindaFatman?


Enjoy the pagentry, the time of year, your personal or family traditions. Have fun with the things tht you like to do this time of year.


Don't allow the shit and shinola of *them* dictate what you *need to be doing*, or worse *oughtabe thunkin'*


Part of not being involved in the borg/morg/Xorg/JWorg/EtcOrg is that you get to choose what is right for you and yours.


You no longer answer to the first Frozen Chozen Church of Miserly Buttfaces "Christmas Joy and Decoration Society" guidelines.. ;)


Kick back best you can, enjoy life, smoke a good ceegar, drink a good drink of your flavor, and know that doing as you damn well please isn't gonna piss bibullgohWd and his krowd off anymore..


I'd wishya "Peace", but in my world that only comes from a lack of strife.


May the year's end grant you relief from strife and turmoil for a few days in the least, and hopefully for the rest of year.



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Yeah I agree with what nivek said. Don't let other people ruin what would otherwise be a nice day for you. People are out to be hypocritical in every way possible and you won't be able to turn a corner without finding one of them. So just do what you want to do and have fun doing it.

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Love you both


I am going to run right out for a bottle of crown royal


I am hoping Santa will bring me an IRS agent, or maybe someone from the Attorney Generals office


or some sort of other big shot


that will shut down the local pentecostal church group, and put that evangelist guy in prison

fraud, money laundering, it's all there



with me, it's not a malfunction on my part


they just happen to be in the neighborhood

raise hell

play god



and it is not a case of "let them"


who needs it???



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