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"god's Not Dead" Movie


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Anyone of you guys heard of this yet?



I love how the atheist professor says "let's just bypass pointless debate and jump to the conclusion". Because that's how debate works.


The whole thing is either hilarious or maddening, but I find it too silly to take seriously. Let's spread this around to the other atheist blogs as well so they can join in on the fun.


Seriously, I want to watch this movie next year. It looks very entertaining.

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I liked the movie "Punk's Not Dead."


Part of me would like to see this movie, and part would be disappointed by hearing the same old arguments, I'm sure.  "Why do you hate God?"  As hating something implies I believe it exists to hate, that makes no sense.  I don't hate god.  I would hope that professor would be past that stage, if he had gone through it.  Once you realize there is no god, then things just make more sense.  

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It doesn't seem all that interesting to me. The whole thing is just more religious propaganda that defines atheists as haters of God Yahweh, who say there is no God because they hate Yahweh.

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Why do christians always resort to that question, "Why do you hate god?"


Asking it really exemplifies ignorance on their part.

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It's like Jack Chick directed the film. Of course the atheist is depicted as angry and intolerant while the christian is depicted as a model boyscout.


In reality a professor caught doing that would be terminated on the spot...but this is what fundies actually believe is going on in colleges so idiots will buy it.

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I just threw up in my mouth a little watching that garbage.

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The atheist is dogmatic.  The atheist wants people to sign up for the conclusion and doesn't care if they really agree with that conclusion.  How ironic that Christians would paint their opponents this way.

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My fundy DIL just posted this on FB urging everyone to share. AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHH.

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I have no interest in seeing this movie, same old arguments, Christian playing the persecuted card, it's wrong on so many levels and it has Dean Cain in it.

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My christian friends all started posting and sharing the link to this film saying stuff like "it gave me goosebumps - in other words the spirit of the lord went through me." Honestly, if I manage to hold myself back from replying it will be a miracle!

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  • Super Moderator

A Kirk Cameron-esque propaganda piece.

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  • Super Moderator

A couple of responses to the trailer.  yelrotflmao.gif


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Judging soley from the trailer (I have not read anything else about this movie yet), I'm going to guess the plot line: Professor hates god because someone he loved died a miserable death. In the end, he will be moved by the christian, see the light, and come back around to god. Praise be!


There, I just saved you the price of the admission ticket.

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Someone should create a movie called "God's Not Dead; He's Just Busy Watching Jeopardy".


Then, in the movie, there should be Christians praying to him and then in their heads, they all hear, "Hi, you have reached God. I can't answer your prayer right now, but if you leave a message after the beep, I might get back to you." *BEEP!*


Then he doesn't listen to anything on his prayer answering machine because he's too busy roasting people in Hell. Maybe once, he could bring a bunch of half-burned victims from Hell and have them play a game of Jeopardy, with Satan as the host, giving them a chance to win freedom from Hell. The losers fall into holes that open under their feet and land in the flames.


The winner could say, "YAY, I won!"


Then Yahweh says, "LOL J/K!" and then the winner falls back into Hell.

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I want to see the movie where the Bible is completely true.  Not just the parts the Christians like - the whole Bible is true.  I would have the atheist professor die without accepting Christ so we get to see Judgment in heaven.  Of course it would not go well for him even though he was basically a decent guy.  Oh but the heroic Christians in the class eventually die and go to judgement as well.  Then we get to see what Biblegod is really like!


"Not so fast Christian.  You didn't help every homeless person on the planet.  You didn't visit every single prisoner on the planet.  You didn't feed every orphan.  I tricked you into believing the wrong denomination!  Enjoy your stay in hell!!!"

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Of course god isn't dead. He never existed in the first place.

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Made me think of this:


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I don't think I can stomach watching that. I have enough aggravations to deal with as it is. 

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This is so stupid WendyDoh.gif .  What exactly is courageous about defending god's existence in an air-conditioned classroom where the worst that can happen is you get boo'd and told to shut up.  Let us see you defend god during the next 9-11 when the buildings starting to heat up and you have no way out.  I don't agree with Jesus on a lot of stuff but at least he had the balls to get his skin flayed off for his belief in god. 


If you want to see a far more worthwhile movie instead of this hallow emotionalism I recommend the movie "God on Trial".  Thought provoking and hard-hitting. 

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Interesting clip.  I think it helps illustrate how traditional Christianity can reinforce itself by not seriously engaging with skepticism. It also may be illustrative (in some ways) of how aggressive unbelievers who hold their positions too dogmatically can actually feed the argument instead of diffuse it.  Some Christians seem to feed off angry, aggressive anti-theists but have difficulty with calm, kind non-believers who resist but don't insult.


IMHO, we should not doubt fundamentalism because we are absolutely certain that it's false, we should doubt it because it is extremely improbable and doesn't seem like a real possibility based on the evidence.


Q: If a grouchy atheist is actually mad at a God he secretly believes in, is a grouchy theist mad because he secretly doubts God is real?  

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It's like they took everything that makes a Christian a Christian and turned it around and applied it to an atheist.  Nope, i will not waste my time with this crap.

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I rent a lot of DVD's now that I'm retired. What I really resent are DVD movies that are disguised as a

real drama or action film or whatever, but in reality are Xtian propaganda, I read everything on the

front and back to try to identify those that are really sermons or witnessing. But I still get one now

and then against my will. Hmmm! Against my will. On another thread I wrote about free will not truly

being free unless one is given all the pertinent surrounding circumstances beforehand. This is an

example. If it had been disclosed that this was a movie with a Xtian message I would not have rented it. So I could not be properly accused of exercising my free will to rent a Xtian video because I didn't know all the pertinent facts. A lot of "free choices" are like that. bill

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Anyone of you guys heard of this yet?




I love how the atheist professor says "let's just bypass pointless debate and jump to the conclusion". Because that's how debate works.


The whole thing is either hilarious or maddening, but I find it too silly to take seriously. Let's spread this around to the other atheist blogs as well so they can join in on the fun.


Seriously, I want to watch this movie next year. It looks very entertaining.

One of my Christians friends posted this on Facebook, and I literally had to restrain myself saying from calling it stupid about it. I was rolling my eyes throughout the whole trailer, I don't think I could stomach sitting through this crap.

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     This movie looks awesome.  With any luck the professor converts to xianity and then, moved by the spirit, molests that kid who converts him causing him to become an angry atheist.  Bam.  We have a sequel.



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