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Goodbye Jesus

"praisalord!" (A Small, Petty Rant)


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This is such a small, petty thing that I almost hesitate to post it. But it made me grit my teeth. And it's so typical.


I've just been through three months of mini-hell. Not a big deal in the great scheme of things. But financially, I was scraping bottom. A small sum of money was due to me last summer. Not only did it fail to arrive, but one ridiculous, stupid, unnecessary thing after another (after another after another) delayed it, then little delays would turn into big ones, filled with complications and sleepless nights. There were times I didn't think I'd get it at all. Other times I was promised I'd have it "this week," only to have another dumb thing postpone it. Its been three months of doubt, anxiety, and eating rice & beans.


Finally the money came through and I was able to pay bills and even start a long-delayed project. The contractor who's going to be working on the project has known all about this agonizing process from start to finish. He (a friend of a friend) has heard about every stage of every idiocy.


So this morning I tell him I've finally got the funds and what does he say? "Praisalord! God delivered that money to you just when you needed it!"


Just when I needed it? Just when I freaking needed it??? I needed it three months ago, and if Big Daddy in the sky was personally involved in the delivery of that cash, he ought to be fired for malfeasance.


What is it with these starry-eyed morons, who can watch everything go wrong, then issue a loud "Praisalord!" when a situation gets resolved only because there's nothing more that can go wrong?


Okay. Rant off. Thank you.



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Righteous rant. Don't blame you a bit.

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These same kind of people " praisalord!" When they get a convenient parking space, even though the same lord gives millions if people diseases like cancer and let's little babies starve to death every day. Insanity at its finest.

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Thanks, guys. I felt funny posting that because it was so unimportant. But it seems you all know that sometimes those little everyday things really get to you. Florduh, I was afraid I was being "righteous" in all the wrong ways. And pawn, you're right. If god's involved in anything in human life, he sure doesn't appear to have his priorities straight.


HenryCD ... good luck with that. eek.gif But I do understand the impulse.

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I was recently interviewing candidates for a new "after" after-school nanny for my son and I had what on paper was a pretty promising prospect.  So while I was asking her about her current situations, she explained to me that she was working two jobs that required her to wake up at 4am because even though she had reached retirement age, her husband was in poor health with no insurance and the medical bills wouldn't allow her to stop working.  She then intimated, "jesus has been good to me; seen me through my old age."


Seriously? Working two jobs to pay for hubby's death bed is your god's way of being good to you?


I get annoyed by things like that too, MerryG.

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I'm so sorry but your post made me laugh. Not at you, at the guy who said it. 


Kudos for not punching him in the face. Showed a lot of self control, that.

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I'm so sorry but your post made me laugh. Not at you, at the guy who said it. 


Kudos for not punching him in the face. Showed a lot of self control, that.


I would have been tempted to stab a knife in his neck for his "praisalord!" crap.

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Does Pavlov's Dog ring a bell?  These Christians have been trained to salivate over any news and any event.  I know, I was once just like that.  Your cat died?  Prazjebus!!!  You friend died?  Prazjebus!!!  A baby's family was murdered?  Prazjebus!!!!  A baby was murdered?  Prazjebus!!!!!!!!  Something good happened?  Something bad happened?  It doesn't matter.  Their answer is the same.  They think praising Jesus in all situations makes them a better Christian.

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Even when I was a christian I never mouthed that crap. Plain embarrassing.

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That would have wound me up too. Right now I am enjoying the stunned silence of my christian friends as some of my health and circumstances improve dramatically since leaving christianity behind. It would seem god has blessed me with the peace that passes understanding and the knowledge that no interventionist god exists. It really has been great for my mental and physical health. My friends are a little confused as they must thank god for my health improving (relatively, at least) but I also seem to have sprung up like a fresh shoot in spring after no longer believing the christian myth. Praise Jebus indeed!

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How presumptuous of him. I hope things go better for you in the future.

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I found a roach in the ashtray when I thought I had none. Praisalord!

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Typical christian response. So he knew about your trouble, but did nothing to help, but waited for god to handle it. Did he offer to loan you some money in the meantime? Or slip you a $20 bill? Show up at your door with a case of hearty soup? Offer to pull some strings so the money would stop being tied up in red tape (if he was so connected, of course)? Anything? Nope. That's what they do.


His "praisalord" was more for himself -- now he doesn't have to feel guilty anymore about not lifting a finger to ease your burden.


Yeah, god is good.

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MerryG, this was a small incident, but it would have grated on me to no end.


"We learn to live with great pain, but we scratch in itch."  -- Russian proverb   When people say shit like "god is good!" after a hard time, I want to punch them.


I truly empathize.

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Typical christian response. So he knew about your trouble, but did nothing to help, but waited for god to handle it. Did he offer to loan you some money in the meantime? Or slip you a $20 bill? Show up at your door with a case of hearty soup? Offer to pull some strings so the money would stop being tied up in red tape (if he was so connected, of course)? Anything? Nope. That's what they do.


Yep. Nope. In fact, the day he learned I had the money, he asked for an advance payment on the work even though he's only doing hourly labor and not buying any supplies or paying employees. He said he needed it for his kids, but he spends more on cigarettes and sugary soft drinks than I spend in a month on food. Oh well. I gave it to him because he is reliable and does good work. And ... um, I wasn't even tempted to punch him in the nose. zDuivel7.gif


Thanks for the understanding, guys. And some laughs along with it.

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Typical christian response. So he knew about your trouble, but did nothing to help, but waited for god to handle it. Did he offer to loan you some money in the meantime? Or slip you a $20 bill? Show up at your door with a case of hearty soup? Offer to pull some strings so the money would stop being tied up in red tape (if he was so connected, of course)? Anything? Nope. That's what they do.


Yep. Nope. In fact, the day he learned I had the money, he asked for an advance payment on the work even though he's only doing hourly labor and not buying any supplies or paying employees. He said he needed it for his kids, but he spends more on cigarettes and sugary soft drinks than I spend in a month on food. Oh well. I gave it to him because he is reliable and does good work. And ... um, I wasn't even tempted to punch him in the nose. zDuivel7.gif


Thanks for the understanding, guys. And some laughs along with it.



So the reality of it is he sees you as a job.  The "Praise Jesus" was that now he will be paid.  If he had actually followed certain teachings in the Bible he would have done the work months ago and told you to pay him when you could and then never reminded you about it again.  But of course Christians cherry pick what parts of the Bible can be ignored.

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