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Goodbye Jesus

I Want To Laugh

R. S. Martin

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I want to laugh at this proud self-righteous controlling--and oh so naïve--horse and buggy family of mine. They think they're still in control yet look at what's going on behind their backs.


They wouldn't tell me what's up with my nephew but I'm finding out via the internet. He's my Dad's Golden Boy's Only Son so it's a very sensitive issue. I'm piecing things together. They knew he had a cell phone since he was quite young, about sixteen. But I'll bet they didn't know he had access to the internet or what all he could do and learn on it. He went to the horse and buggy church back then and only left about two years ago.


You see it's gotta be the bad influence of others that's ruining him--can't possibly be the Boy. And it seems he's pretty good at letting them keep this view of things.


It just stinks the way they think they are in control and know everything when they so obviously don't.


The things the family tells me he's doing and the things he posts on Facebook are not exactly the same thing. Since they don't have computers, he's safe just like me. I don't see him doing anything really bad but his mother is so relieved that he's with a landscaping company in the neighbouring village now and no longer with the bums of the road crew. (I'm asking bums? Or just people you don't know and who live differently from you? I don't say that out loud. The construction workers I see are hardworking people who labour under conditions I wouldn't want to. I respect them a lot.)


Anyway, I let her think he's working local. What he posted on Facebook is not in the home village. Also I'll bet she doesn't know what uncomplimentary line her boy posted on Facebook along with a photograph of the construction job at her own house--a pet job she's been wanting to do for decades.


They have no idea and probably wouldn't believe it if I told them. I have no intention of telling. I'm getting my revenge in seeing him besting the best of them, if that makes sense. He's showing them up for what they really are--a batch of very naïve people whose single goal it is to control with the tools of two centuries ago. I want to laugh in their faces.

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I hear ya, R.S.! Controlling parents are the worst. At some point, a kid snaps. I don't know why parents have not figured that out. Then there's always that woe-is-me moment: what did we do wrong? (Ummm... duh.)


Just wait til he falls in love with some "secular" girl - a real girl rooted in the real world. Oh the drama that will ensue in the parents' little minds.

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eek.gif You know, you're right, RenaissanceWoman. It took my nephew to help me see what his dad really is--a small-minded controlling manipulating tyrant. On top of controlling his own kids he tries to control all of *our* parents' kids--his own siblings. He tries to control me, too.


This man is my little brother. I remember when he was a new born babe for heaven sakes. I remember his potty training woes, pretty much all his growing up. He was *our* parent's headache. But now he thinks he's the big guy in control of the world--or at least the family. Nothing happens in the family without his say-so--so he thinks. And he thinks he SO SMART, so WISE, so INTELLIGENT. The family revolves around him.


Yet even his god doesn't know about Facebook.eek.gif

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I wonder if he has a mental disorder of some sort. Now he has something (religion) he can obsess over, and be the best and most devout at it. Reminds me of my depressed neighbor lady who cleaned her house obsessively (for example, taking down the blinds every few weeks and hosing them in the shower -- who does that, ever? and bragging about scrubbing the baseboards -- who does that, ever?) because that was one little thing in her world that she could control, focus on, and brag about. Maybe being a perfectionist for christ is your brother's OCD?


I wonder if his birth order has something to do with it. Now he feels like he has the power over older siblings, since he "knows everything." It's his little way of turning the tables, and one-upping you.


I admit I get a certain satisfaction out of having more education and a more successful career than my coddled, favored older sister. (Oh the drama of sibling rivalry!)


I kind of feel sorry for the guy. He is pushing you away, and his own son too. Sad, pathetic little man.

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Are you able to communicate directly with your nephew and give him a good, 'Way to GO!' and,'Auntie wishes you the best! '?

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So this thread is still alive! I'm writing from the public library. My computer conked out several days ago. I guess it got malware on it and I won't get it back till sometime next week.

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Nice to see you, R.S. Malware sucks! I hope you're back up and running soon.

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