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Goodbye Jesus


Sheild Maiden

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Pagan Pride posted this on my Facebook feed today:




I could not believe this! Everyone knows the church moved it’s holidays to match with the pagan holidays in order to convert the pagans and take over Europe! That is exactly why some of these Christians don't celebrate these holidays because they know that they are a holdover from the pagan holidays! GAAH! The hypocrisy!!!

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Goodbye Jesus

"Don’t ever expect truth from Neopagans and Wiccans. They already live in a fantasy world created by their own fakelore." The irony is strong with this one.


Seriously, do these people even listen to themselves when they speak? Easter and xmas are both celebrated on dates taken from pagan traditions. What has evolved into Samhain was around long before any xian celebration was held at the end of October. I really thought that everybody knew this.

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And their buybull isn't "fakelore?" And they don't live in a "fantasy world?" I don't think these people have any idea that everything they're saying about the pagan religions that their own predates by thousands of years could be said about their religion by someone else. Xtianity pretty much ripped off everything from other ancient religions and passed it off as something new. If they could do that, then why wouldn't they lie about other things too?



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Are these people so deluded that they can lie outright without realising it or do they realise they're lying?

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To them there is no truth or lies. To a hardcore morontheist the entire concept is meaningless. The only thing that counts is obedience to the right führer. If the führer says that grass is red and the sun is blue then they damn fucking "know" that it's like that - the führer said so!

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FUCKERS!  My Celtic ancestors are rolling in their graves.. oh wait, no they aren't, they are dead.  lol


aaaargh... umm.. Samhain anyone?



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There is soo much paganism in xianity so irony meters blow up everywhere when they rail against pagans.

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What's hilarious to me is that Halloween is one of the few (only?) holiday that seems to have maintained it's orginal position in the calendar all along. All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day have been celebrated, as near as I can tell, at the same time of year since the earliest centuries. Other cultures have also had a fall or harvest celebration about this time of year as long as anyone can trace. What we currently know as Halloween is an amalgam of a number of cultural traditions, but it can at least be said to have maintained its place on the calendar and even it's christian roots (if you're orthodox or catholic).

Now Easter or Christmas on the other hand..............

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FUCKERS!  My Celtic ancestors are rolling in their graves.. oh wait, no they aren't, they are dead.  lol



You're hilarious. :-)

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