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Goodbye Jesus

Why I Am An Outspoken Ex-Christian Atheist

Brother Jeff

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I’m sure some of my Facebook friends wonder why I am so outspoken when it comes to religion. The answer is simple — I am FREE and I want to see others get free from religion too. I want to see people get their minds and their lives back! I have been FREE from religion for almost fourteen years now, with the exception of a few brief bipolar-induced “reconversion” experiences.


I no longer worry that there might be a Hell since Hell is nothing but a myth. I no longer worry that I might not really be saved since I no longer believe that there is such as thing as salvation. I no longer concern myself with whether I am in the will of God or not since God doesn’t actually exist. I no longer believe that there is some grand and wonderful plan for my life from God.


Sure, sometimes I express anger against the Christian religion. But I have a right to be angry! I was lied to and deceived for fifteen years of my life! I was taught many things that simply are not true about the universe, the world, and myself. I lived with a false view of life and the meaning of it for many years. I have a right to be angry! If you had fifteen years of your life stolen from you, you would be angry too, and rightfully so!


I have spent years studying the Bible and the Christian religion from both sides of the fence. I am no Bible scholar, but I am not at all impressed with Christian apologetics. I have yet to read a Christian apologist who is aware of the many problems with the Bible and is honest about them. But I am impressed with those who write on the skeptical side of the fence. They know what they are talking about and, unlike Christian apologists, they have their facts straight.


I am absolutely free from religious fears. I don’t fear God or worry about upsetting him. I’m not afraid that there might be a Hell. I don’t worry about demons or demonic activity. I see absolutely zero evidence that any of these beings actually exist.


The Bible hardly qualifies as the “word” of a god. The first verse is simply wrong and it goes rapidly downhill from there. The story of the Fall of Man is absurd. Two obviously mythical people and a talking snake? Gimme a break… Noah’s Flood never happened and the story itself is filled with absurdities and impossibilities. The Tower of Babel story is simply wrong, and absurd. The Exodus never happened. The Egyptian records of the time know nothing of this alleged event. The supposed Savior of the World, Jesus Christ, never lived and never died and never rose again. Secular historians of the time who should have noticed Jesus failed to do so. The few mentions of Jesus that do exist in records of the time can easily be dismissed as either forgeries or hearsay. The Bible is filled with horrific atrocities, numerous contradictions, and several hilarious absurdities. It simply does not quality as the “word” of a god, and it is impossible to take it seriously as such.


I can’t put into words how wonderful it is to be FREE! I was trapped in the fundamentalist Christian cult for 15 years of my life and it took a long time for me to get free, but I am FREE and I plan on staying that way!




LINK: http://religionisbullshit.me/why-i-am-an-outspoken-ex-christian-atheist/

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Praise be, Brother Jeff! Your words are an inspiration. I totally know what you are saying.


I would add two more freedoms:


Freedom from the hours and hours I gave to my church every week: rehearsals, practicing at home, attending various services and events, organizing events, events for my kid and events for women and events for the music people and events for my small group and voters meetings and all that. What a time sucker those people were!


And freedom from a god who knows my every thought at all times. Freedom from self-policing my thoughts, or asking forgiveness for thoughts or actions that might have offended this stalker god. Free to be me inside my own head. Ah, the silence is so refreshing.

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I completely and totally understand. However, do keep in mind that this is EXACTLY the same mindset of born-agains who just want to share how WONDERFUL and FREE they are with Jeebus! jesus.gif

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Brother Jeff! It's always good to hear from you! A lot of people are angry with the religion. I think because it puts so many restrictions on your life and prevents you from living life the way you want to and then you realize why weren't you living the way you wanted to since none of that religious stuff is real, anyway. Then you're surrounded by a lot of people that live life with those restrictions and expect you to keep those restrictions; it's a wonder half the world isn't angry, lol 

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Can I get a jalapeno?!

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The money they take.

The guilt they give.

Telling kids and adults that they are "miserable sinners deserving of death."


They are mean-spirited money-grubbers.

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