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Goodbye Jesus

Trust His Heart


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Lyrics to an especially obnoxious Christian song in black, I comment in red


God is too wise to be mistaken- And the LORD said, "I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth for I regret that I have made them." (sounds like a mistake to me)

God is too good to be unkind- hear that Joseph Merrick ("Elephant Man")?  God is too good to be unkind.  Even though he made you like that and didn't help you

So when you don't understand- birth defects

When you don't see his plan- "How the fuck am I going to fulfill the promise of a Jewish state so I can glorify myself.? I know, a holocaust!  That'll work!"-Jehova

When you can't trace his hand- cause he's hiding in Paradise jesus.gif

Trust his heart- Gotta be a shred of goodness in there somewhere right?


He sees the master plan- every knee will bow to ME.  Or burn in hell.  zDuivel2.gif

Holds the future in his hand- Every war, every disease.  Setting eternal souls on fire, how quaint

So don't live as those who have no hope- "During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them."

all our hope is found in him- Hope he doesn't kidnap and rape me (Deut. 21:10)

We see the present clearly- unless we were born blind for his glory (John 9)

He sees the first and the last-  He's a peeping tom

And like a tapestry he's weaving you and me- a tapestry!  we all like a good tapestry

To someday be just like him- oh fuuuuuuuuuck eek.gif 

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LOL. Nice reply to the last line.


This one cracks me up: "God is too good to be unkind" I guess the songwriter hasn't read anything in the Bible.


(I thought it was John Merrick)

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Yeah, YHWH is a schmuck, a petty Demi-god at best. I kick him in the jimmy and laugh at his weakness... I, even I, a mere mortal.


~poem by pawn

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Those hymns always made me feel sick, if anything the writer's twist god to make him more palatable. Even more sickening is how christians use christian music like it's the word of god then say to you,"only the scripture can be trusted"

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LOL this cracks me up. This would make a good series of posts if we all found a song we used to sing that doesn't make sense and do the same. Thanks for the laugh!

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Very nice!


That's the main reason I had to quit attending church at all.  I kept making snarky comments to myself after every point the pastor said or during the songs.  


"When you can't trace his hand" ... ???  Like if a xian met GOD they'd want to draw a hand turkey?

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We used to sing "our god is an awesome god" in kids' class.  When we did the line-


When He rolls up His sleeves
He ain't just putting on the ritz
(Our God is an awesome God)-


my friend would start giggling.  She goes "like a ritz cracker" yelrotflmao.gif

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