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Thinking Through Religious Fears

Brother Jeff

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FEAR is one of the primary driving forces behind fundamentalist religion, the others being ignorance, guilt, and shame. Religious fears, for those who have them, are very real and hard to overcome. But recovery from religious fear is possible! Let’s think through some religious fears so we can discover that in reality they are baseless.


FEAR: There might be an angry, vindictive God who will punish me for sins.


REALITY: Although God is often portrayed as angry and even evil in the Bible, there is no evidence that such a God actually exists, and therefore there is no rational reason to fear such a God. Sin is a religious concept with no demonstrable basis in reality.


FEAR: There might be a real Hell that I will go to if I don’t believe.


REALITY: Most of the major world religions have some version of a Hell that unbelievers supposedly go to. There is, however, no evidence that any of these hells actually exist, and therefore there is no rational reason to fear them.


FEAR: Demons might be real, and I fear demonic activity or being deceived by them.


REALITY: There is no evidence that demons or lying spirits or any kind of spirits at all actually exist. Fearing their activity or deception is, therefore, not rational. Knowledge obtained through reliable means (such as science) is not something to be feared but knowledge obtained through unreliable means (such as ancient error-ridden holy books, prophecy, fortune telling, astrology, etc.) should be avoided.


FEAR: I am afraid of what will happen to me after I die.


REALITY: Nothing can or will happen to you after you die. Death is simply the end of your life and the beginning of your nonexistence, and there is nothing to fear in it. There is no heaven to gain but there also is no hell to fear.


As Carl Sagan famously said,

“It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”


It is indeed far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in religious fears and delusion. You can and will be free once you see religion for what it really is — a pack of ancient myths and lies with no basis in reality.


Carl Sagan also said,

“Personally, I would be delighted if there were a life after death, especially if it permitted me to continue to learn about this world and others, if it gave me a chance to discover how history turns out.”


I feel the same way, but I’m not optimistic that an afterlife of any kind actually exists. It all boils down to the evidence, and for religious beliefs, there simply is none that will pass critical scrutiny. Religious fears can be powerful and very real to those who experience them, but in reality they are baseless, and once you see that you will be free!




LINK: http://religionisbullshit.me/thinking-through-religious-fears/

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"FEAR is one of the primary driving forces behind fundamentalist religion, the others being ignorance, guilt, and shame."


Brother Jeff, your first line said it all.


Thanks for breaking down the fears/reality.  Very sensible.  We really don't need to live with daily fear, ignorance, guilty, and shame.  And shame on those who push those for the profit of their religion.

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Fear is one of the major self-serving parts of religion, and that's what religion plays into. They promise you the moon and instead sell you ocean front property in Nebraska.


In fact, fear was part of what sent me into church hopping. Fear of the unknown, fear of the future, and fear in general.

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Fear was the only thing that kept me religious--- honestly, nothing else did.


I am still working through my fear issues that were created by religion to this day-- and I have been out of church for over 24 years. This is why I hate fucking religion!!

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Fear was the only thing that kept me religious--- honestly, nothing else did.


I am still working through my fear issues that were created by religion to this day-- and I have been out of church for over 24 years. This is why I hate fucking religion!!

Me too, Kris. The same goes for me. I never honestly thought Religion can keep you fearful. I'm also still working with my fears. It's hard but you'll get through it.

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"Fear is one of the major self-serving parts of religion, and that's what religion plays into. They promise you the moon and instead sell you ocean front property in Nebraska." milesaway


Yeah, and when it doesn't work (and it never does)they tell it's your fault for not getting right with

god. bill

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Fear is the fire in which religion lives.

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It is amazing how much my world view changed once my enlightenment began.  The day eventually came when I was able to look at religion through the unfiltered lens of reality. It was suddenly easy to see how all of it was constructed and why it's so effective.


The formula is straightforward and unencumbered. Simply blend fear, intimidation, rewards and punishment together and use indoctrination to plant this mixture deeply into the minds of innocent trusting and naïve people.


It is shocking, amazing, and disturbing what you can make people believe and it is really a little terrifying how easy it is to do it. And I’m not referring just to religion either.

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It took me a long time to work through and let go of religious fears but once I did I was set free! Glory!

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Fear is the fire in which religion lives.


Yes it is!

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Actually fear was never a motivator for me in my religious quest. For me it was "false hope", and for a lot of others too. I didn't become a Christian because of fear of hell, but rather I fell for the false promises of having the Holy Spirit living inside me, having spiritual gifts, having eternal life in some glorious paradise , etc, etc.

I never fell for the hell doctrine, I was a liberal Christian the whole time compared to hardcore fundies.

For me it was the false hope. Now that I no longer hold the false hope, my mind is much healthier and I see reality a lot clearer, no longer clouded by imaginary spirit world and waiting to die so I can "go to a better place."

Now I just live, normal, like an animal, like the natural living creature that I am.

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