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Atheist Megachurch


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I'm not against an atheist community of people who love singing, inspiration and community activities, and miss those things about going to church, because it can be hard to find other outlets where they all come together.


I just don't understand what it's like to want those things.

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Strikes me as just being a club for people to hang out. In a way, churches are no different than clubs with people coming together to share a common interest and socialize.

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Wow, what an amazing idea!


My family would DIE if I ever went to something like this, but it sounds awesome to me for my children! They are the ones who crave the socialization and activities that churches offer.

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Guest MadameX

This sounds great. Apparently former pentecostal Jerry DeWitt has been involved in getting these kinds of gatherings together. Heard a really interesting interview with him on this podcast:




I'm thinking church is 90% social. Most people do not really believe the crap theology, especially the guy standing at the front. (except the truly deluded fringes; true). But church is about a sense of community, a place to get a little inspiration and moral guidance because life is tough, some reassurance and support for the major life milestones and events, and find shelter from the dog-eat-dog.

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Not my thing, but if it makes it easier for some people to be atheists, I'm all for it.

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I just hope that it doesn't catch on a way that turns that brand of atheism into another religion - and there can be religions without gods per se. That is, a branding of atheists as a specific kind of person who believes a specific creed instead of simply someone who doesn't believe in gods. I know that Christians and other religious people already brand atheists... so we definitely don't need to start doing it to ourselves.


It was something hard for me to accept personally in some ways too - there are idiot atheists, misogynist atheists, criminal atheists, self-aggrandizing atheists - just as there are humanist atheists, volunteering atheists, atheists for social justice... and I'm not lumped in with all atheists, good or bad, because it's not a social club or an exclusive creed.

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Oh my gosh. We NEED more of these. I was considering attending a local (liberal) church every now and then because I miss the community, goodwill and music so much. This church would fix the loneliness problem without adding any moral compromising. <3 <3 <3

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Give generously to the Church of Atheism. We have many works to do... and the building won't pay for itself. Will they want tax exempt status? Will there be televangelism?


Whatever the case I still wouldn't get up in the morning to go to it. :-)

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They need to lose the word "church" because of the religious connotation it has.


I looked up the definition of "church" and it says a "building for public worship"

"Religious building"

So wouldn't it be

contradictory to call it an "Atheist church" ?


Atheists aren't worshipping anyone or anything. And it isn't a religion.


Apart from that though, I would be curious to check it out if there was one around here.

It would be helpful to meet like minded people that's for sure.

I've been pretty isolated and no friends since leaving the church. And when I do get talking with someone more often or not they have some kind of belief in god or they are a straight up Christian.

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I've been reading about these for a while now and to be perfectly honest, the idea scares the hell out of me.  I am an atheist, so one would think I would be inclined to support this idea.  However, who can be certain that 300 years from now, the Sunday Assembly isn't at war with the Universalist Unitarians?  Sure, it sounds like a good alternative to those who still want the fellowship without the religion; but didn't christianity also seem like a good alternative to judaism at one point?  I really don't like to think of the directions this idea could be taken into, given time to evolve.

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I've been reading about these for a while now and to be perfectly honest, the idea scares the hell out of me. I am an atheist, so one would think I would be inclined to support this idea. However, who can be certain that 300 years from now, the Sunday Assembly isn't at war with the Universalist Unitarians? Sure, it sounds like a good alternative to those who still want the fellowship without the religion; but didn't christianity also seem like a good alternative to judaism at one point? I really don't like to think of the directions this idea could be taken into, given time to evolve.

I agree with this. I doubt we'll see the public image of "atheism" become indistinguishable from religion in our lifetime, but the long term implications could be very dangerous. I want future generations to look atheism as a natural result of honest independent thought, not just another group that wants to tell them how to think and live.


I'd be interested to know, however, how an "atheist religion" would call people to war or manipulate them into doing terrible things to each other without a mythology. They'd have to make promises without heaven, threats without hell, justify things without a god and pass blame without a devil. Could science be used in such a way? Maybe, but the use would have to be a lot more sophisticated.

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One thing, though--calling it "atheist" seems a bit exclusive. What about non-religious people who aren't atheists? Or does this place preach that there is no god?

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Actually, this group USES the term atheist in interviews and such, but call it the Sunday Assembly otherwise. There are several promoters out there who have been dicked over by the folks running this because they have special rules to run these events. Using the word atheist in it anywhere is not allowed due to the excluding nature of the term. It's more like a Universal styled assembly.


I think it irks me that right out of the gate they are manipulating the media with calling themselves atheist and then screwing over supporters who are strictly atheist.


It's a franchise. Show me a group that will hold these assemblies FOR FREE or out of their own pockets WITHOUT restrictions on personalization. Then I would take them seriously.

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I went digging after all the major media outlet and previous pastor interviews. Like I 've said, the concept is good, but the execution is lacking. I wanted to hear from people organizing the events. The folks putting it together under the establishment rules of this assembly. They also need to make their finances transparent. As of right now, they are still registered as a for-profit business. The founders say they plan to go into a charity scenario...eventually. 


I was not completely impressed, BUT I do not discourage those who want to attend it. There is a lot of therapeutic comfort and closure to be found in this type of program for those who have deconverted and still have issues with needing some type of organized community gathering. This would be an excellent option. Just not for me.



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