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Is This For Real


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According to wikipedia:


The Landover Baptist Church is a fictional[1] Baptist church based in the fictional town of Freehold, Iowa. The Landover Baptist web site and its associatedLandoverbaptist.net Forum are a satire of fundamentalist Christianity and the Religious Right in the United States.

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Satire and Parody

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I thought it was at first, but if you read further you can tell it's a parody.

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I had never heard of it but it made me laugh. Auntie Flo's Prayer Shack. Haha

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Thank fucking the flying spaghetti monster, I freaked out when I read a thread on how atheists are all evil. I wonder if real christians think that way.

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it is a real website. every website is real.

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Actual Christian behavior and parody are sometimes indistinguishable (Poe's Law). I mean, who wouldn't at first glance think the antics of the very real Westboro Baptist church with their signs proclaiming "God hates fags" and "Thank God for dead soldiers" were a parody?

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